❧ BLUEBERRY Prompts ☙

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Ever been unsure about what to write? Had writer's block? No motivation, no drive, no ideas? Needed something to get you started again, to get those words flowing again?

Well, you've come to the right place. Welcome, to BLUEBERRY Prompts.

 Welcome, to BLUEBERRY Prompts

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❦ blueberry prompts are meant to give you a format, a structure to write something

❦ this is not a contest; we will merely provide you with prompts, and you may choose whether or not to write them. if a prompt matches a scene required in a story of yours, you're completely free to use it to structure that scene.

❦if you'd to receive constructive criticism on your writing, tag helloilovecats in the chapter that you post your prompt in. this comes at no cost, and is available to everybody!

❦ prompts will come in series of ten, which have been dubbed "srens" because of our wonderfully creative naming skills. all the entries of a sren could come together to become a single writing project. 

❦ prompts may be similar in different srens, because some things are essential to all stories [ e.g. an introduction to your main character ], but they will not repeat within one sren.

❦ we will not be following an exact schedule; prompts may be posted a few days each other, or take a month to be posted. of course, if readers are eager for another posting to continue their story, we will attempt to cater to their wishes as best as we can.

❦ the first prompt will be posted tomorrow! good luck.

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