Interview: Losty-

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1. What is your name? (optional)

My name is Bri, but I like to go by Losty/Lost on here.

2. How would you describe yourself? (in three sentences or more) 

I am very outgoing and I have a very loud, boisterous attitude. I love to voice my opinions and be the immensely funny one in a group of friends. I can be very creative, and one example is my technique of developing a full plot within five minutes or less. I can be extremely selfless and care to those around me, always loving to be one's shoulder they need to lean on.

3. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other than the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

I have never been out of America, sadly, although I was once offered a trip to Italy from my school. I have been to multiple other states like Tennesee and others though. The Blue Ridge mountains had to be one of my personal favorite locations I traveled through, as Well as part of New York.

4. What inspires you to write? A person, a place? Anything!I usually get inspired my music or others creations to write. Also when I finish a movie, book, or tv series I often get inspired to motivate myself and write as well.

5. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

I was only about six years old when I first began to write. Back then, I wrote small little stories that I still have in journals that I have kept after all these years. I love to look back at them and bring back lovable memories.

6. Why did you choose your current username? Does it represent you? Does it have a story behind it?At the time I created this username and the one before (_Lost_At_Heart_) I was very lost in who I was. I was still struggling to find myself and who I wanted to be. I still struggle somewhat to this very day but I have mostly found who I am.

7. Do you prefer to write fanfictions or spoofs?

Fanfictions, of course! Though I adore humor.

8. Do you prefer to write a story in pencil on paper first? Or do you use a computer? I usually take my writing straight to my phone and Wattpad or my memo documents. I sometimes do though use my journals to scribble down notes for what I am writing or future plans, as well as reminders.

9. How did you find Wattpad, and what about it was the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

I believe I found Wattpad when I was searching for a great app to read books with my friend. Her and I discovered it and created an account. We began to read but soon I found a deeper meaning to Wattpad and plenty of amazing people, as well as a passion for creating my own stories on the app.

10. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, why is it your favorite, and would you suggest this book to others?

My favorite book so far would have to be Crows by PoppyTea. As an LGBT community member, I adored seeing my favorite book series being transformed into something I have longed to see created so greatly for a long time. The characters and plot is amazing, providing many messages to the readers that are very important for them to understand. I would definitely recommend you all to read this book if you haven't already.

11. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad and why?

I adore WarriorzLove's writings on Wattpad! She writes so well and all of her stories have amazing, well-developed characters and plots.

12. How did you find out about Warriors, and what made you stick to the series?

At the time I discovered Warriors, I was only seven years old. I was searching my school library when I discovered Warriors, and since I was a prodigious fan of cats, I just had to read it. The plot and characters hooked me to where I could not let go and I had to keep reading.

13. What is your favorite arc in Warriors? Why?

My favorite arc would have to be Dawn of the Clans. I adored discovering how the Clans came to be and the wide variety of characters with such different personalities and opinions was very interesting to see.

14. What inspired you to write Warriors fanfiction/spoofs?

Of course Erin Hunter did, but so did many other authors on Wattpad. Seeing amazing Fanfictions written by them inspired me to go out and write some myself. I have been doing so for about seven years now and I still plan on it.

15. How many people do you know in person who also read Warriors?

Sadly, I only knew one person who read the series. She was only on the second arc when I met her and we became friends. Unfortunately, she ended up moving a few months later.

16. Who is your favorite character from the series? Why? 

I would have to go with Brackenfur right now. The tom deserves so much recognition for what a bold, charismatic, responsible warrior he is. He is well-developed as well and shows what a true loyal warrior is.

17. What tips would you like to give to any aspiring authors?

Keep on writing! Never give up on doing it because the more you do, the better you will become. Read others works and listen to music to motivate you to spill your emotions out in words on the screen or paper. Keep focused, and have confidence in yourself.

18. What would you say is the most important when writing a story?

The most important element when writing a story would have to be focus. Take your mind off of your distractions and be one with your writing. Never stop writing, or you may lose your focus and fall off from what you were writing.

19. Tell us about any of your Warriors fanfiction(s), what it is about, and why we should read it.

One of my most current and longest warriors fanfiction would have to Echoes. The story is your average clichè rebellion against evil, but dives into major plots circling LGBT characters, romance issues, struggles of running a Clan and even loss. It is very heartfelt and currently standing at Eighteen chapters, nearing the end. I poured my heart out into the book and if you wish to read it, go ahead! I'm sure many of you will enjoy it.

20. Is there anything you'd like to say to your friends, fans, and readers? Any shout-outs to specific Wattpad members?

I would like to say, I love every single one of you. Whether I know you or not, you are all beautiful and unique. Never let others drag you down. Be yourself! Thank you to all of my fans for letting me achieve goals I never thought I would reach before. I love you all so much!

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