₪ | ANIMIS - Cloudwhisker | ₪

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Cloudwhisker sat in front of the Warrior's den and noticed his apprentice, Stagpaw, trying to wiggle her way out of a hunting patrol

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Cloudwhisker sat in front of the Warrior's den and noticed his apprentice, Stagpaw, trying to wiggle her way out of a hunting patrol. If she tried that hard during her training, maybe she wouldn't be so bad at it. Cloudwhisker wasn't surprised when that didn't work, and she was led off into the forest looking less than thrilled. 

With her taken care of, I should get some things done. Cats like him were not ones to be sitting in idle. 

Not if I want to have a chance at being deputy.

Plus, and Cloudwhisker hardly dared to admit it to himself, it kept the fear at bay. Not a regular fear like coming up empty in a hunting patrol, or smelling fox on their territory. The fear Cloudwhisker felt was a constant one. It lingered in the corners of his mind, never completely leaving. And the thing he feared preyed upon him with the suddenness of lightning. 

He shivered as a tremor of it ran through his pelt. For a brief moment, he felt the breath in his chest constrict. 

There was never a good time to have an attack, but there were worse times than others. He was ready to excuse himself should its icy claws return. 


He hated that, how random it occurred. Times like these, when he was sure an attack would follow, rarely followed through. It was when he was most unaware, be that when he was sleeping, hunting, or talking with his Clanmates. 


The white tom snapped out of his mind, which more often than not, felt like a trap. 

Cinderstar was standing by the bramble entrance. She beckoned for Cloudwhisker to join her. 

Cloudwhisker wondered what could be of such importance that Cinderstar needed to speak to him. He made his way over, unable to leave his fear behind. What if one happens when I'm talking with her?

Cinderstar greeted him with a nod. "Cloudwhisker, as of today it has been a moon since Stagpaw started her training. How goes it?"

"It's well. She's a nervous cat, but it's understandable after what happened to her sister." Cloudwhisker recalled a half moon ago when Stagpaw's sister had been brought back, mangled from the thunderpath. He also recalled the massive panic attack he had suffered that day. He shuddered. 

Cinderstar lowered her head. "It is a tragedy." She held the silence for a moment longer before continuing. "I'd like you to lead a border patrol with Duskfur and Treewhisper."

The white tom looked for Treewhisper and Duskfur, who he found sharing a mouse in a patch of shade. They were relatively new warriors, and Cloudwhisker had the feeling Cinderstar had chosen him for his strength, should they meet any unfriendly cats. 

He bid farewell to his leader before collecting the young warriors, who, presently, were sharing a joke. They fell quiet as Cloudwhisker approached. It could be said he had a reputation for being no-nonsense. 

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