Writing Tips | Dialogue pt. 1

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Hola guys(shut up, Chrome, I speak fluent Spanish), Duskie here to address a very very common mistake on Wattpad concerning dialogue tags. I've seen major and minor authors alike doing this, and it's one of those things that you might think is grammatically correct but actually isn't. 

Here's a basic fact to start with:

Dialogue tags are actually part of the same sentence as the dialogue.

Yes! That means you don't capitalize tags, and you don't use a period to end the dialogue when there's a tag after it. 

Let's try an example. 

"Bobcat is such an amazing warrior." Said Furfur.

^ that, my friends, is incorrect. here's the correct version of the same line:

"Bobcat is such an amazing warrior," said Furfur.

Now, what's the difference? What makes one correct and the other not?

Well, if you look closely, you'll see that the end punctuation of the dialogue has changed. Periods are not used in dialogue like they are elsewhere because of dialogue tags. If there's a tag that comes after dialogue that would normally end in a period, then you use a comma instead(INSIDE the quotation mark), because the sentence isn't yet complete, and then you start off the tag with a lowercase letter because it's still part of the same sentence. 

If the tag comes before the dialogue, then the comma is for the tag, not the dialogue, and therefore outside the quotation marks. It'd look like this—

Furfur said, "Bobcat is such an amazing warrior."

Note that I used a period at the end of the sentence — because it is the end of the sentence in this case. 

Sounds pretty simple, right? NOW DO THE DANG THING

lalalalala await part two soon

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