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『 Lisa's POV』

❝Hello again Lisa.❞ He smiled. Dafuq? It's the guy that I called a pervert!

❝Well isn't it Mr. Pervy. So mind telling me how you knew my name and how you knew that I was in the hospital a few days ago?❞ I raised a brow at him. ❝Wait, did you stalk me?!❞ I gasped. Shit is he a stalker?!

❝Whoa whoa whoa! Hold your horses lady! First of all, I'm not a stalker! And second, I just saw you thrashing at the doctors and nurses when I went to the hospital for a check up, I remembered that you were the pretty girl who called me a 'perv' so I decided to ask the nurse what's your name and where your room is. And that is when I placed the note beside you while you're asleep.❞ He shrugged, taking a sip from his caramel macchiato. I just eyed him suspiciously.

❝So you're saying that you went in the hospital room where I'm in and silently put the small note while I was sleeping and when no one was there? Dude that's so creepy. You really are a pervert, aren't you?❞ I glared at him. He just laughed.

❝Well, I am a handsome pervert. You're lucky I'm interested in you.❞ He winked at me teasingly. I just rolled my eyes. Wait. Did I heard him right? Did he really said that he's interested in me?????

❝Wait what? You're interested in me?❞ I asked him wide eye. He instantly froze and chocked on his caramel macchiato.


『 Jungkook's POV』

Dammit! It slipped right out of my mouth without me realizing what I said! Okay Jungkook, just act cool!

❝W-what?! Of course not!I scoffed.

❝Oh really?❞ She asked in a teasing tone of voice while wiggling her brows at me. Dammit! She's so damn cute!

❝Yeah really.❞ I said, taking another sip from my caramel macchiato.

❝Oh well, whatever you say pervert.❞ She laugh. Her laugh was like melody to my ears, I could listen to it forever.

❝So anyways.❞ I coughed, trying to change the subject, ❝We'll be a part of the Spring Festival's Battle of the Bands next week. If you're free, you could watch us perform.❞

❝I'm free next week.❞ She smiled. And oh man holy shit! She's so pretty. Her smile literally made my heart melt. Dammit! I sound like a girl!

❝Great! Then you'll come and watch us right?❞ I smiled, showing her my bunny teeth, my eyes glimmering with hope.

❝I still have to ask Jin oppa.❞ She said. Jin? Is that her boyfriend? A frown crept to my face at the thought of her having a boyfriend. 'Of course she already have a boyfriend, idiot!' I mentally said to myself.

❝I-is he your boyfriend?❞ I took all my courage to ask her. Her eyes widened at my sudden question.

❝No! He's like an older brother! He adopted me when my parents died not too long ago.❞ She explained. I sighed in relief. 'thank god. That means I still have a chance with her!'

❝O-oh.❞ I couldn't help but smile. It's truly a relief that she's not taken.

❝So let's change the topic here. I actually still don't know you quite well yet, so how about we ask each other questions?❞ She said. I smiled and nodded.

❝You ask me first.❞ I said.

❝Sure. Okay so what's your real name?❞ She asked.

I smiled at her and said, ❝Jeon Jungkook.❞

Now it was my turn to ask. ❝Favorite color?❞

Black and White.❞ She answered. ❝You?❞

❝Red.❞ I said. We continued on asking questions to each other, as we started to get to know each other more and more. Both of us were so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't even noticed the time.

❝Oh shit! It's already 6! Jin oppa will totally scold me!!!.❞ Lisa panicked as she look at the time. ❝It was nice getting to know you Jungkook. I need to go now.❞ ,She stood up and was about to leave but I grabbed her hand, stopping her from her tracks.

❝Wait! It's late, let me take you home. It's dangerous for a girl to walk home alone at this hour.❞ I said.  It wasn't actually that late, I was just making up an excuse to spend more time with her.

❝Oh, okay...? But it's not really that late.❞ She chuckled.

❝C'mon, you don't want that Jin scolding you more now, don't you?❞ I jokingly said.

❝Oh shit! I almost forgot about him! Let's go!❞ She then dragged me out of the cafe.


『 Lisa's POV』

The two o us walked in complete silence, but t wasn't awkward, it was more like comfortable and relaxing kind of silence. It was starting to get cold, I shivered. Suddenly, I felt something warm engulfing my hand. I looked down and see that he's holding my hand.

❝W-what are you doing?❞ I asked. I suddenly felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach and my chest was filled with warmness. 'What am I feeling?'. I'm scared, scared of this unknown feeling that I'm feeling now towards him. I tried to pull back my hand, but he only tightened his hold.

❝Don't. You're cold right? This will help you warm up.❞ He said. I could see a small blush on his pale cheeks, but he quickly covered it with his face mask. I finally stopped pulling my hand from his hold and just let him hold my hand.

We again walked in silence, the only thing I can hear was the loud banging of my heart in the cold night. Before I knew it, we're already in front of my- I mean- Jin oppa's house.

❝Thank you Jungkook.❞ I smiled at him. Suddenly, he pulled me into an embrace. I was caught in surprise. I know that it was only a friendly hug, but why does my heart felt like it's gonna jump out of my chest. I felt the butterflies- no- the whole zoo was being wild in my stomach.

❝See you again Lisa.❞ He pulled out of the hug and winked at me, before running away. All I could do was stare at his figure disappearing in the night.

Jeon Jungkook, what exactly are you doing to me?



Waaahhh!!! I'm finally done writing this chapter!!! I'm so sorry for the late update!
I wanted to make it up to you guys, so I made this chapter extra long.

And comment down what you think of this chapter and you can also tell me your
Ideas for the next chapter!

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