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It's been weeks since Jungkook locked himself up on his room. He knew that Lisa told him to keep in moving forward to reach his dreams... But its not that easy. Knowing that she was gone forever keeps on breaking his heart. He needed time and space from everything for a while... That's all he needed for him to move on...

It might be hard but he knows that the time will come when his wounds would heal so he just have to wait and see what the future holds for him...


"What?! You're going to Japan?!" Jimin's jaw almost practically dropped to the ground when he saw Jungkook all dressed up, carrying two luggages.

"Yeah... I just needed to be away from everything for a while... But I promise I'll be back." Jungkook smiled weakly at his hyung.

Jimin was saddened that his dongsaeng was gonna be gone for god knows how long, but he knew that this was what Jungkook needed for him to move on. He needed to heal his heart's wounds first before he could start all over again.

"Kookie!!! We will miss you!!!" Taehyung wailed as he hugged his precious dongsaeng tightly, until Jimin suddenly interrupted him by harshly pulling him off from Jungkook.

"Oi! The kid needed some space! You'll make him not want to come back if you act all clingy like that!" Jimin scolded. Jungkook laughed lightly.

"Kookie, promise us that once you come back, the three of us can start all over again." Taehyung said.

"Of course hyung! Just wait for me.. I'll promise I'll come back."



"Aish! You little- Give that back!!!!!" Jimin yelled angrily when Taehyung suddenly snatched his phone away.

"OOOOHHHHH! Who's Chae Young? Is she your girlfriend hyung?" Taehyung teased as he waved Jimin's phoned around in the air.

"Taehyung, I swear to God if you don't give me back my damn phone, I'll fucking ki-" Jimin couldn't continue what he was saying since the doorbell suddenly rang. That's when Taehyung took his chance to escape. He dashed to the front door and opened it.

"JUNGKOOOK???!!!!" He was so shook to see the machine in front of his eyes after 2 long years. He almost thought that Jungkook was never gonna come back.

Spring Day #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now