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"Jungkook... Lisa... she died 11 months ago..."

Jungkook couldn't move. He froze in his spot. He didn't want to believe what his hyung just said. Why didn't anyone tell him? 

"Hyung stop joking around! It's not funny!" Jungkook yelled. Jimin could only look at Jungkook with sorry eyes. It pained him to see his dongsaeng in pain.

"He's not joking Kook... Lisa had been suffering brain tumor ever since she was 16..." Taehyung looked at Jungkook seriously. "She was fighting brain tumor all these years without any of us knowing... She... She kept all of the pain by herself... Until her body couldn't take it anymore... She died."

Jungkook fell to his knees. His tears came flowing down to his cheeks non-stop. He felt angry at himself. Why couldn't he know about this sooner? He should've had noticed this from the beginning. If only he wasn't so much of  a fool then he could've been there by her side before she passed. He should've stayed by her, yet the only memory he left her was nothing but pain.

"D-did Jin hung know about her illness?" Jungkook asked between his cries.

"Yes... He said he wanted to tell us, but Lisa told him that she would be the one to tell us. But the day she was suppose to reveal her illness to us was the day you left the band.." Taehyung said.

Jungkook felt even more worse about himself. The day he left the band was also the day he broke up with her. Oh how he regretted it. If only he could go back into time and fix all of his foolish mistakes, but that would be impossible.

"When Lisa died. Jin hyung was too heartbroken. He was also furious at you... So he decided to leave to America... Though it's not your fault kook. It's nobody's fault." Jimin patted the younger man's back comfortingly.

"But hyung... I-if- if only I was there for her then maybe.... maybe..."

"Look, it wasn't your fault!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook. "Even if you were there with her, you still couldn't do anything..."

"Hyung, enough!" Taehyung suddenly pushed Jimin aside, "Kook, I don't know if this will make you feel better, but Lisa left a note for you." Taehyung then handed Jungkook a small piece of paper folded in half.

Jungkook opened the piece of paper and started to read it,

'Hi Kookie-ah! By the time you're reading this I might probably be gone... I know that you'll be blaming yourself once you find out so I told everyone to keep it from you so please don't be mad at them. And please, don't blame yourself... It's not your fault... I knew I was fated to die ever since I was 16 so I just embraced reality. So I wanted to make my last moments with you to be like a fairy tale but I guess fate was just wasn't in my favor. I'm not angry at you Jungkook. Even if you had hurt me many times. I already forgave you. Just promise me one thing Kookie. Promise me that you won't make decisions that you'll regret. Keep on moving forward towards your dream. I'll always be here watching you from above... I love you Jeon Jungkook.'

Reading the letter she had left him, he couldn't help but smile a little. She really was such an angel. How can she be so nice despite all of the painful things he had done and said to her? He was a fool of hurting such a divine creature like her. He really was such a fool. And now, he will be moving forward to his dreams, and he won't make the same mistakes he did before.



Guess who's back from the dead!!!!!!!

Anyways, I just wanna know if ya'll want a book 2 for this story. 

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