on a rock farm

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Chapter 1: on a rock farm

"Pinkamena Diane pie!!!" The sharp voice cut through the darkness like a knife on fabric. My eyes pierced through the sky as I felt the pinging of cold rain on my pink matted fur. I felt small pebbles dig into my skin as I sat up. My ice blue eyes darted around and my familiar environment set in. The cold rock farm looked as bland as ever before. I looked over to the metallic voice that woke me up. I saw my mother standing at the doorway of our boring home. "I told you to move the rocks from the east field to the west field. Now just what the hell do you think your doing sleeping on the job!!!" My mothers stern voice weighed me down. I was at loss of explanation. I had been outside moving the rocks for days. I suppose I fainted. "I-I'm sorry!!" I called out through the loud rain, my words seemingly lost in the downpoor. "I'm just so tried... Please" my pathetic words fell to the ground. "GET YOUR UNGRATEFUL FLANK OFF THE GROUND AND WORK YOU LAZY FILLY!!" My mother yelled, her uptight gray bun starting to lose it's composure. I got off the ground and I began to push the rocks west, surely I would get a beating for talking back to my mother, if Im lucky though, I might just get a few hits. My father though, if I talked back to him- I silenced my thoughts out of fear.

'Concentrate on the rocks, not how much your hooves hurt, not how hungry you are, and not the blurriness in your vision. Just the rocks' I cooed quietly to myself. Warm wet tears began to flow out of my eyes. The salty droplets of pure sadness were lost in the fast falling rain as the sounds of the lonely downpour echoed through my flattened ears.
A few hours later, I walked up the stairs of my house, and went toward my bedroom.

a sudden and sharp pain spread across my face as my head was thrown adjacent to the side. Warm crimson blood was dripping down my face as another blow to the face was sent into my direction. "Please!!... Stop.." I cried weakly as my words fell to the floor, just as pathetic as I was. My mother halted the 22nd blow to my face and instead, took me and threw me to the hard, cold, wooden floor. She panted heavily, and straightened her bun, as a few strands of hair set loose. The beating was over. I scrambled to the corner of my bedroom, shaking uncontrollably, as sweat, tears, and blood matted my light pink coat. I desperately tried to hold in my tears, my eyes shut tight. She walked to the doorway of my room, which doubled as a tool shed. "Don't ever talk back to me" her words slithered out of her mouth, dripping with disdain. And with that she harshly slammed the door, sending the tools that adorned the wall into a clatter.

I quietly sobbed to myself, letting the salty tears pour out of my eyes like a raging river. I slowly made my way over to a small box as I opened up the rotting wood. I placed my hooves around a small piece of rust stained gauge. I slowly rapped it around my foreleg where a big gash resided. I placed pressure on it to stop the bleeding. "THE STARS!" I gasped aloud remembering the important thing that had slipped my mind. -I placed my lower left hoof in a small crack in the plain wooden wall. Then I hoisted myself upwards, peering through another crack, like a small window. I saw all the glittering, gleaming, hopeful stars. They twinkled and shined through the black violet sky. Suddenly, a bright star flew across the black sky, lighting the whole world aloft for just that one moment. I gasped and almost lost my balance of the small ledge I was wedged in. I shut my eyes tight "I wish that I will find a friend and that all my suffering will finally end" I whispered silently to myself, "I wish that I will find a friend and that all my suffering will finally end" i repeated about 10 times and hopped down from my small ledge and rested my head on the foamy firm pillow. I then grasped onto the ratty blanket trying my best to keep myself warm, but I still lay shivering. I shut my eyes tight, the last of my salty tears flooding out as sleep overcame me like a black wave, pleading for escape.

My eyes darted open to the same cold tool shed. The bland and rusty tools clattered and banged to the walls they were hung on Every time there was a movement outside. I yawned as I straightened out my dark pink mane. I heard hoof steps running just outside my door, I open the door slightly to see my 3 bland sisters, Inkie, Blinkie, and Maud pie. Their bland gray coat colors camouflaging perfectly with the rest of the home.

We all walked to the kitchen where my mother and father stood. I noticed my bright pink mane and coat standing out from the ordinary blandness of the rest of my family. "Pinkamena. Why have you not moved all the rocks yet?" My father stern voice struck fear into my heart. "I- I'm sorry. It's to many rocks! I can't do-" my word were cut off when I felt a sharp stinging in my Cheek as my father's hoof smacked across me. I weakly fell to the cold floor with a silent shriek. My sister and mother stood in the corner. "I KNEW WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE ADOPTED YOU." He screamed, his words hurt harder than any physical damage his hoof could create. It wasn't long before my mother poured insults on me, like searing hot acid. Usually, I would feel sad, I would feel weak. But today, a strange emotion replaced all the regular ones. The new emotion filled up in my stomach, like a glass filling up with water. I stood up shakily. "Stop it." I said quietly, but firmly.

The two dictators were taken aback. "Excuse me?" My father said leaning closer for dramatic effect. "What did you just say?!" His voice got louder before he punched me in the gut. The reflection of a knife glinted in my eye. A new, developed rage filled me. I was overflowing. I grabbed it in the cleft of my hoof "I SAID FUCK YOU!" I screeched as I thrust the silver death tool into my fathers stomach.

Warm crimson blood sprayed everywhere like rain. I took hold of the knife in him and thrust downwards, the gooey sound of insides spilling out was the only noise in the room. My sisters stood in horror as my mother lay frozen in the sight of her husbands intrails draped across the floor. His limp body fell to the floor with a thud. That's when my mother took action. Next thing I remember was her tackling me to the ground. Dust from the cold floor rose up into the air as I laid with her pressure keeping me down "INKIE PIE, CALL THE POLICE!! MAUD PIE, CHECK YOUR FATHERS PULSE! BLINKIE, GET THE FIRST AID KIT!!" My mother commanded like a drill Sargent. All three sisters stood still in shock and fear of what I had just done. "NOW!" She screamed.

The 2 sisters ran down the hall to compleat there tasks. Maud pie, reluctantly walked to her mangled father. She saw the gooey sliminess of her fathers organs, she saw the fear in his bloodshot eyes. She placed her hoof on his neck "I- it's gonna be okay." She cooed shakily as she felt for his pulse, he was still alive "Pinkie didn't mean it..." She said unconvinced as she turned her head toward me in fear. She mouthed the words: "it's okay" and smiled softly. Next thing I remember is my mother's cold iron hoof hitting the temple of my head. Blood streamed from the side, and before I passed out, a small and hysterical laugh slipped from my mouth. Blackness enveloped me, and I was soon unconscious.

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