Rock candy

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Chapter 10: rock candy

A giddy smile flooded over my face as I waltzed through the hallways. I was love struck after me and Dashie proclaimed our love. We vowed to keep it secret, afraid of prolonging our stay if somepony had found out.

Sadly, it was my time to see Doctor Helfing in his office, face to face. Every time I thought about it, my insides twisted up and bile rose up into my mouth.

Nurse Ratchet led me up the staircase and up to the infamous, emotionless, doctor. She thrusted open the door. I was greeted with his well known sly smile. "Why, come in, Pinkamena." He hissed. I shakily took my seat and gulped when Nurse Ratchet left.

"Hello dear." He spoke. I avoided eye contact. I hated looking into those vapid, lifeless, golden eyes. I stayed silent.

"Not so talkative today, I see." He grunted as he shuffled his papers. "You can always talk to me Pinkamena, if you don't talk, you won't ever get better." He smirked. I almost scoffed. Was he serious?! After all the shit he has put me through, he still has the nerve to want to talk to me?! I gave a forced smile.

"Oh I know that Doctor Helfing, I have nothing to admit. I mean, you already know I killed my father, and you obviously know why, but I'm getting better everyday! I just feel so happy that I have no need to talk, I suppose that I will be out of here in no time." I grinned with a confident smile, sure in my words. I couldn't think of a reason that they would keep me here, I was already so compliant, I was almost never much trouble.

"Oh, Pinkamena," he crinkled his nose and talked down to me, the way his sentence rose out of his mouth, I knew I was in for a beat down.

"If only you could be out in a short time, but I'm afraid that won't happen, you see, my dear Pinkamena, you slaughtered another pony! A crime punishable by death, but, the merciful judge took pity I you and sent you here, to be out In three more years would be highly improbable." He spoke with confidence, he smashed out all the light I had in me. My heart dropped down into my throat.

"W-what? N-no! I'd never hurt another pony! I-" I choked on my words.

"Well, you already have been here for about a year, so don't feel to bad." He mocked. Once again, my heart slid down my throat. My pupils got small and I choked in disbelief. I couldn't believe it, I had already been there for a whole year?! I gasped for air.

A knock on the door pulled me away from my shocked state. Nurse Blueheart entered the room cautiously.

"Excuse me sir, but Pinkamena has a visitor." She chimed.

'A visitor?' I thought in perplexity. I had no friends outside of these hospital walls, and I doubt my family would come and see me after what I had done.

Doctor helfing groaned and signaled me and the blue nurse off and we trotted through the empty halls, my hoofsteps clanged with every movement and echoed through the hospital.

Finally, nurse Blueheart opened the locked door to a small room. The door slowly creaked open as I waited anxiously to see who had visited me. Inside the room sat a calm pony with a straight purple mane and a bland gray coat.

"Maude?" I gasped as I slowly approached her. I stayed silent as I walked up to her. She gave a soft and small smile.

"Hello, Pinkamena." She uttered in a monotone voice. "I like what you did with your mane. It suits you."

The blue nurse seemed to feel awkward. "Well, uh, I'll be back in about and hour. If you need anything, just tell the orderlies outside!" She declared with a false grin, and with that, she shut the door and left me and Maude alone.

The gray earth pony embarked to me and gave me a strong hug.

"I- I don't understand.. W- why would you come to see me after what I did?!" I exclaimed wearily. I broke the hug, and stared at my sister. Sadness filled my blue eyes as Maude's usually, emotionless face, grew a smile.

"Pinkamena, you saved us. Father, was an evil evil man. He beat all of us, and hurt everypony. Because he is dead, me and your sisters have been happy, and free. You saved us." She spoke flatly, but still with much emotion.

I grinned as I gave her a bigger hug. I began to tell her all about my stay here, and all about Dashie and Doctor Helfing And Nurse Blue Heart and Nurse Ratchet. I also told her of how I got my ecstatic mane, and my nick-name.

"Pinkie, I'm going to get you out of here I promise-" she stopped her sentence to reach into her saddle bag. She took out a black box looking thing. "This is a camera, it's some sort of new fancy technology, if you take pictures of Doctor Helfing's mistreatment, you can get out of here."

I stayed silent as I took the camera. I felt it in my forearms, it seemed to naturally fit in the clefts of my hooves. I smiled and nodded at Maude's plan.

"But I could never get this passed the guards." I contradicted sadly as I reluctantly placed the camera on the table.

Maude stared at me a while, she appeared deep In thought. She then grinned and took the black box from the table and hid it in my big poofy mane.

It was practically invisible in the pink, messy, tangled hairs. I gave her a big hug. She reached back down into her bag and took out a necklace with colorful candy rocks on it. I beamed as she placed the necklace around me. I remember we would always make these for each other back on the rock farm.

Nurse Blueheart trotted back in the room. "Okay Pinkamena, times up." She commanded as Maude and I shared a look.

"I love you, Pinkie." The subdued earthpony uttered calmly as I was taken out the door.

"I love you too Maude." I called back as the door severed me and the gray earth pony.

I really did love my sister. Unlike every pony else, she understood me. Or at least, she tried to. She kept an eye on me. I loved her.

I began to lick the rock candies.

Tasting their elicit and vivid flavor. I just wished I could have made the necklaces with her. I beamed in excitement.

I'm gonna get out of here.

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