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Chapter 18: satisfaction

I trotted down the familiar halls of the Helping hoof Hospital.

Everypony bounded out of the place once they heard the sounds of the demolisher starting up. There I was, walking amongst the chaos, in front of my old room, I could smell the distant, rotting stench of broken dreams and vacant shells of the happiness I had once had.

Nurses and doctors screamed and rushed outside. I calmly trotted down the hallway, against the stream of panicked staff. There was a relaxed smile over my face as the excitement of what I was about to do settled in.

Then I saw somepony.

Somepony that I once knew, it was Nurse Blueheat.

Her blue mane, was turning into a hue of gray and there were dark bags and wrinkles on her face. She was much older, but so was I.
She stared at me in disbelief for a while but shook her head and walked right by me, without even looking me in the eye.

My mane was flat and straight, which is probably why it was easier for her to recognize me, but it didn't matter and I didn't care, I was here for one reason.

I walked by room 3A. I stared at it for a while and I could almost imagine it, actually, I saw us; I saw me and Dashie, laughing and playing. I gulped down tears and walked on, and finally I got to my destination.
The doors gold writing glinted in the dying artificial light. I walked into the dimly lit office.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." I spat with spite as I stared deep into the eyes of the pony who I had intruded on.

Doctor helfing stared at me.

His smile was now pure shock.
"W-what are you d-doing here!" He stammered with fear as I gazed at him evilly.

"I just was in the neighborhood, and I decided to stop in and say goodbye." I said with a sinister giggle,"I also wanted to tell you how great my life is, I get to watch Rainbow dash fly everyday and she is as free as a bird and you couldn't stop that, we are finally happy!"

"Y-you mean, she remembers you?"

"W-well no, but-" I paused and looked down sadly.

"Oh good, so it worked." His smile reappeared.

"What do you mean?" I said suspiciously

He took In a deep breath and grinned,"I suppose that I can tell you the truth since this place is going down, well, I made Rainbow forget, I Injected her with a serum that cut of her memories, so she would forget you, and not be a filly fooler, it was the only way that I was able to get her out of here, it was a bonus that it would add to your torture." His smile returned with sly confidence.

The blood in my veins boiled, my heart stopped. Pinkie pie disappeared, Pinkamena took control, and it was time for her to end the torment of her childhood dictator, and I let her. It was time for the torment to end, it was time for him to die, I knew it from the day that I met the infamous doctor, that I would kill him, he needed to die. His cruel words and constant punishment and agony he had put me through over the years had finally come back to haunt him, and I was going to give him all that pain, he was going to feel all the agony that I had felt.

My hoof reached down into my saddle bag and felt around for something cold and sharp. I knew this would have to come to an end. I pulled it out and revealed the gigantic knife, it's silver blade glinted in the dying light. A impossibly wide crazed grin formed on my face.

"Your not really going to kill me, Pinkamena, they would find out, and you would end up right back where you started."

I stared at him silently for a little longer,"I wouldn't be so sure doctor, you have no friends, you have no family, nopony here wouldn't really mind if you just, vanished. Your mangled caracas will rot beneath the rubble of this hospital and your shattered dreams."

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