Plan ponyville

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Chapter 7: plan ponyville

Doctor helfing sat on the other side of the cold, steel, silver desk, his hooves were placed on the side of his head as he moved them in a circling motion, just beside his tightly shut gold eyes. "What am I going to do with you?" He murmured as he continued to massage his temples. Despite the see-through rage in Doctor Helfing's demeanor, Rainbow and and I were happy and excited. My bouncy curly pink mane jumped in the crisp draft of the room. Rainbow stared at her flank and marveled at the mark that had adorned it. "I don't see what the big deal is, it was just a little flight! Nopony even got hurt!" Rainbow retorted as she turned her gaze away from her flank. The dark red scars on the inside of her thighs were tinged purple, they looked infected and were not healing the way I knew scars to heal. Doctor Helfing shot up from his desk and slammed his hoofs on the silver table, creating a clammer throughout the white marble office. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" He screamed as he glared at rainbow from across the desk. He then whipped his death gaze at me and I recoiled in fear. "You have not only brought attention to this estate with your little rainbow explosion, but you have made all the patients of this institution think that they can go flying off the handle! You have created chaos!" He argued as we stayed silent.

"What's so bad about the 'attention being brought to this estate,'" the cyan Pegasus commented suspiciously. She cocked her head upwards as she spat out the words that landed right on Dr. Helfing's clean silver desk. He deepened his gaze. "It's bad because Princess celestia and all of Equestria saw that rainbow explosion, and, because of that, she will question our ethics! Why, she probably thinks that we let our patients here do tricks like that!! She will shut us down!" The doctor lamented as he sank down to his desk.

"So what? What is so bad about that?" I spat, with venom in my words.

Everypony in the room, even Rainbow, gaped at me. I had always been a quiet pony, I had been raised at that rock farm to be quiet and respectful. But I could never respect a place like this, a place that caged ponies and had the nerve to call that 'treatment". Because, that was not treatment, that was being given up on and thrown in this hell-hole. Ponies were sent here because family's couldent handle them, so then the nurses and doctors locked them up to rot.

"What's so bad about that, Pinkameina Diane Pie, is that if this place is shut down, they will send about 1000 mentally ill ponies out into Equestria to wreak havoc on out this peaceful land. We achieve the peace here in Helping Hoof, and we keep killers, like you, off the streets!" He shouted. His words impaled me. I looked at the ground and warm tears poured from my eyes.

'Am I a killer? Am I a dangerous pony? They have to keep me of the streets?' Thoughts of self doubt filled me as the tears cut through the silence and landed on the ground with a quiet crash. My bouncy mane flattened. Rainbow stared at me with sympathetic eyes. The sympathy melted into rage. She cocked her head towards the infamous doctor.
"SHE IS 10 TIMES THE PONY YOU WILL EVER HOPE TO BE!" The rainbow-maned filly stated firmly. I broke from my self-pitying state and looked at her. A smile crossed my lips. My vapid mane bounced back to life. Rainbow was looking out for me. She cared for me.

Dr. Helfing rolled his eyes. Clearing his throat, he pushed himself from his side of the desk, and trotted behind Rainbow's chair.

"I sentence you to a week in solitary confinement." He spoke flatly as I looked to Rainbow in fear.

A certain nurse with a brown bun, who had stayed taciturn in the corner had stepped forward. "Dr. Helfing, you must understand, solitary confinement is for ponies who are unable to calm down, who pose a danger to themselves. Uh, well- these two are calm, I believe a more suitable punishment would be,
Maybe, revoked grounds privileges, or something like that," the nurse nervously contradicted, in a shaky voice. Doctor Helfing's scowl deepened and his evident anger sharpened. He shot from behind Rainbow, and turned around, looking directly at the Nurse. With that, he shot his hoof across her face, quick and hard, a sound of a lighting crack across her cheek. I widened my eyes, it was like how father would slap me when I did something wrong. The timid nurse stared blankly at the ground, and then to the doctor.

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