Apple jean

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Chapter 12: apple jean

My heavy eyelids began to flutter open. I felt a warm soft mass beside me, and when I opened up my eyes, the color of cyan filled my vision.
I remembered the night before, the night of pleasure

I smiled slightly as I yawned. I nuzzled my head into Dashies warm chest lovingly. I strung my arm around her. For once, I felt comfortable, and safe. My smile stretched as the eyelashes surrounding my eyes closed again.

Then I remembered where I was.
And remembered the penalty for being out of your cell.

I heard the voices of nurses and doctors outside and I knew it was too late.

The door slammed open with force as Doctor Helfing stomped in with orderlies following close behind. Both me and Dashie sprung upwards in surprise. I fell from the bed onto the floor, and when I landed, I saw out little yet sacred scrapbook sitting peacefully. I quickly slid it under the bed, making sure nopony noticed it.

The orderlies picked me up off the floor and held me by my stomach. I tried flailing my limbs, trying to thrash free. But after everything I tried; came with no avail.

The orderlies held the already galloping Rainbow Dash and she screeched in reply. Her worried eyes gazed to me as we were slowly being dragged apart. I assumed by now, they've discovered the truth of our forbidden love.

"What's gonna happen to us?!" The worried pegasus screamed over the commotion. I gave a soft reassuring smile.

"I-it's gonna be okay!" I remarked, unconvinced. "I love Rainbow Dash!"

"I-I love you more." The rainbow filly's tears were flowing everywhere and choking over her sobs, then, the door slammed, separating us, as I was carried down the hallway.


The white-maned doctor sat across the desk, with his hooves reclined on the arm rests of his black, leather chair. I glared at him. It felt like that day after we did the sonic rainboom, and were awaiting punishment, only this time, there was no cyan filly beside me.

"So, Pinkamena Diane Pie, how long have you considered yourself a-" he paused and licked his lips, like he had a bad taste in his mouth from the words he was about to say, "-a filly-fooler?" He spat in disgust.
I gasped angrily. "Why the hell does it matter?!" I interjected, much like rainbow dash would.

"Because, it's just not natural for a mare to like another mare, but don't worry, we will undergo harsh treatment, and get you a normal life as soon as possible." He grinned sinisterly.

I continued to glare at him. How was I wrong for loving another pony!? I just didn't understand.

"I'm not wrong! I haven't done anything wrong in 2 years. You have to let me go!" I begged wearily.
He only kept the same sly smile. He must have seen that I was refusing to show too much emotion, he saw that I was trying to hold in my sadness, much to his dismay. He saw that I was getting better at controlling my emotions, and this shook him to the core.

"Well, first things first, we will relocate you and Rainbow Dash to different rooms, we will have guards stand outside your door at night and have a pair escort you everywhere, and of course we will need to change up your schedules so you won't see Rainbow Dash again." He spoke sternly, but couldn't hold in his giddiness. He loved to see me in pain, HE was the sadistic pshycopath, not me.

The last words he said rang in my head, my legs felt weak and wobbly, my vision began to swim and blacken around the edges, I felt like I was going to vomit, bile rose up into my mouth and my heart sank.
I collapsed on the floor weakly, a sense of numbness surrounded me. I didn't cry, I had no tears left. I didn't scream, I was too weak. I just stared down at the floor, my pupils dilated.
I saw two pairs of brown hooves step into my small field of vision, I looked up to see Doctor Helfing. I looked up at him with my pleading eyes, hoping he would take pity on the blubbering, insane, pathetic, filly-fooling pony. His empty eyes stared at me with with a blunt stare, as he hoisted me up into his arms. I was too miserable to thrash, too cold to care.

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