The truth comes out

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Chapter 20: the truth comes out

"Well, a few months after me and Dashie became friends, that's when twilight came to town, I had already been pretty aquatinted with everypony and I noticed pretty quickly when twilight got here.

"I decided that I'd throw a big party to welcome her, the party i'd always wished I had when I got to Ponyville, and then the whole nightmare moon thing and the elements of harmony and well, you know what happens after that, don't you?" I say with a smile on my face.

I play with my bouncy mane and Fluttershy sits across from me. I had just told her everything, from the rock farm, to now. I even told her the gruesome slaughter scenes, I was sure she would reject me and positive she would hate me; but it's Fluttershy, she wouldn't hate anypony.

"Well, I- I came here because I heard that you also went to the wonderbolt academy and well I was just worried that if somepony asked you how to got your cutie mark and then they would ask if you saw Rainbow and you would say no and I just-"

Fluttershy puts a hoof up to my mouth to silence my worrying.

"Don't worry pinkie, w-well we could always coordinate a story, together." She says, her voice is calm and soft, it would be almost impossible to hear if It wasn't already silent in her house.

Fluttershy got her cutie mark when she ran away from flight School. She was cold and alone when a single butterfly came and led her to Ponyville, she met the animals there and the animals took care of her, she says that she had heard the sonic rainboom, and she was pretty sure that everypony in Equestria probably could too.

Once we were done, I altered it so she fell out of the clouds after Dashie was racing her bullies. That's when she did the sonic rainboom and Fluttershy discovered her talent and blah blah blah.

"Thank you so much Fluttershy." I say. Tears start to form in my eyes, I'm just so happy that she understood.

"Pinkie I just-" she pauses and starts to cry. She throws herself over me and sobs,"I'm so sorry you and R.D had to go through all this, if only I had known-"

"Fluttershy it's okay, besides, it's all over now." I say with a grin.

It was nice to be able to talk with somepony for once, i had kept it all locked up inside of me, I had to swallow the tears and hold in the pain and I had to keep a smile, because I was everyponys rock, if Pinkie was sad, so was everypony else.

"I- I will help you protect Dashie, I hear that she's applying for the wonderbolts training camp or something, it's harsh training and it's run by spitfire, I think, only the best get in!" She sniffles and picks herself off, I can tell she is trying to be strong.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she can get in, I have a few connections, they can pull some strings." I smile and start to tap my hooves on the ground.

At least I wasn't the only one protecting rainbow

At least I wasn't so alone anymore.

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