Pinkie promise

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Chapter 9: pinkie promise

"Time to wake up, Pinkamena." My matted pink ears fluttered open. Nurse Bluehearts high voice chimed as she opened my bedroom door. My eyes opened slowly as fatigue washed over me and an unbelievable feeling of tiredness grew within me.

I hadn't been sleeping well. The past few days I Had been so worried about Dashie that I hadn't slept. I hadn't seen her since that day in class when she was pulled out. I often thought about where she was, what happened, and began to wonder if Dr.Helfing had anything to do with her vanishing.

"Anytime now!" The blue-maned nurse called out with a falsified smile. I stretched my hooves (or as much as I could with the restrictors) and wearily got out of bed. She led me into the cafeteria. The line was slow, and I could feel my eyes droop in exhaustion. The low murmur of conversations steadily filled my ears, only to be broken by a defiant patients scream. I watched the screaming patient try to break out of there horn restrictor, but after the orderlies dragged her away, I went back to poking at my artificial food slowly.

The day dragged on as I stumbled through the hallways, to groggy to hop. I sat in class, not listening to the teacher trying her hardest to get some piece of irrelevant information into the patients brains. I looked at the desk that Rainbow usually sits. I hoped that she was okay.

Nurse Ratchet came to pick me up from the classroom, and she escorted me to the Commons Room. The hallway lights were bright, and the quiet halls made me uneasy.

"Where's Rainbow Dash?" I broke the silence as my hooves ached and throbbed in the tight restraints.
Nurse Ratchet tilted her head at the slightest degree, "In her room I suppose" she replied calmly as she continued to walk forward.
I looked down at the ground as thoughts flooded my mind.

"Is she okay?" I asked pleadingly. Worry struck my mine for my rainbow friend.

"I don't know, she's not my patient." The brown maned nurse danced around my question; I knew she was avoiding telling me something, but I didn't dig too much into it. I was afraid of what I could find. I decided I would go to the cyan filly's room, but the only problem was I didn't know how. Rainbow was always the one that visited me, she had the bobby pin that allowed her to pick the lock. Hopelessness filled me and my sad gaze drifted to the floor.


Nurse Ratchet galavanted into my room with a big smile. It wasn't the kind of fake smile that was often worn around here, it was a real kind of 'guess-what' smile. I was too tired and didn't have much interest to think into it and she passed me my pills and water. Her grin grew wider and wider by the second, and when I handed her the empty cup that had but a few drops of water leftover, she said something strange.

"Do you want a hug?" She beamed.
My confusion grew immensely. Until I saw a rainbow pin caressed in her hair glinting in the artificial light of the room. I grinned. She was doing this on purpose, she was letting me go see Dashie. I went in for the hug and slowly unfastened the pin that resided in her mane. A peaceful strand of hair sailed down to her neck.

"Thank you," I said quietly as she stood at the doorway of my cell,"Thank you so much."
She winked and said nothing as she walked out the door. The smile on my face grew wide as I waited anxiously for the nurses to leave and the guards to pass. Then finally, it was time.

I crawled fearfully through the dark, the pin tight on my teeth were I hid it. My eyes darted from side to side as adrenaline pumped through my veins and a strange sense of alertness filled me. I stealthily darted down the Pegasi Corridor hall, as I tried best I could to make my chains silent. I finally got to dashies door and fiddled with the lock.

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