The star filly

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Chapter: 4 The Star Filly

The rest of the day was nurse Blue Heart showing me the rest of the halls. They were dark and ominous and... Fake.

She showed me the different activities available, there was an art room, an athletics room and a music room, she told me that tomorrow I would begin my schedule.

"But today my dear you will be in the commons room," Nurse Blueheart
calmly said, her voice smooth like lacquer, but still rather frazzled. We continued to walk down the ominous clean hallways. The only noises were the repetitive clicks of our hooves against the shiny floor. After multiple twists and turns, we finally reached our destination.

She opened up the large oak doors as I timidly walked into a colorful room. It was full of fillies and guards alike. There was padding everywhere along with babyish board games and safe toys. There was a colorful carpet with alphabet letters as educational music hummed soothingly in the background. There was another section of the room that was cut off by guards, but from what I could see, it had older mares and colts in it along with more mature looking games... Well as mature as games can get.

The quiet roar of the room filled my ears as the low murmur washed over the sounds of the music (thankfully). I awkwardly stood in the room, beginning to tremble. I did not have the best social skills. Other fillies sat down and laughed, screamed or twitched.

That's when I saw Rainbow Dash.

She sat in the corner, deep bags under her eyes. Shiny tears dripped from her eyes as she clutched something green in between her hooves. I noticed that she had a white padded cord around her wings and around the circumference of her body, immobilizing her flight abilities.

I slowly trotted up to her and sat down right next to her. I stayed silent. The Pegasus paid me no attention as she let out a sob. Now that I was closer to her I noted something was off about her; every so often, she would twitch and shake, I also noticed a reddish purple ring around her cyan neck.

My eyes looked down at her forelegs and inner thighs.

That's when I saw red lines, they were deep cuts, they looked almost infected. They were perfect straight lines of pure desperation.

They were self inflicted.

At that moment, a new emotion swelled within the rage and sadness I had been conditioned to. A emotion then blossomed in me as bright as a flower in the middle of spring. It was empathy.

The new found sympathy has taken control of me, just as the rage did before. So I wrapped my forelegs around the cyan Pegasus. Her eyes were like deep magenta pools of emotion. She twitched with more velocity and quickly broke away. "Uh... Hi?" She said shakily. She sat there awkward and stiff. Just then I snapped out of my deep feelings and realized how strange the situation was.

"Oh.. Uh hi," I quivered. A semi silence enveloped us. I say semi silent because the conversations of other patients hung over our heads. The awkwardness of the situation was so apparent that you could almost feel it.

"I'm Rainbow Dash," she said as she wiped away her tears.

I grinned from ear to ear, relieved that she didn't think I was a weirdo. "Oh- I- I'm Pinkamena Diane pie!" I piped up. My beaming face of excitement dawned on her swollen eyes. The Rainbow haired filly giggled. 'Whats so funny?' I thought as I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "That sure is a mouthful, what if I just called you..." She placed her hoof on her mouth and tilted her eyes upwards, as if she was deep in thought, "what if I just called you Pinkie Pie!" She beamed ecstatically. I nodded my head in agreement.

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