The roof top

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Chapter 13: the roof top

My life, that had once seemed so full of life and energy, had faltered, and died.

Everything seemed empty, and only

my conversations with Apple Jean at the end of each empty day kept me somewhat same.

I tongued all the colorful pills the nurses had given me, I had lost the will to take them, and most of all, I had lost the will to fight. I no longer retaliated every possible chance I could.

Doctor Helfing broke me.

No laughter ceased my lips, not even the feeling of a sweet smile had fallen across them, my world was empty and ruined.

I thought that I had it all, that nothing could touch me, and as long as Dashie was by my side, I was invincible. But she was gone, and along with her, the only happiness I had ever known.

It was out dream to be together no matter what.

I suppose not all dreams last forever.


A gentle nudge shocked me out of my state and I whipped my head to the side to see Jean.

"You okay, Hun?" She cooed as I realized I had been staring at nothing for the past hour.

I weakly nodded and turned around as I soaked in my surroundings. We were in the Music Room. Sharp sounds of untuned musical instruments filled my ears. Filly's and colts were slamming on piano keys and throwing jostled tambourines, their insane yet confused pupils displayed within every obscure note that they played.

Clatters and clunks of banging instruments tangled in the air and sharp sounds of a violas made me shutter. My ears,in a failed attempt to silence the sharp nosies, were forced to adapt to the unsavory sounds.

A slight scream had filled the room, causing the nosies of broken instruments to silence slightly. My head cocked to the side where the scream was emitted. I saw a small filly, about my age, she violently thrashed around, her black mane everywhere, her red streaks shaking in the air. Earthpony hoof restrictors bruised her hearty gray coat, that was already embellished with bruises and cuts. She began hitting her head against the piano in the corner, in a frazzled attempts to remove another yet another restrictor-a magical restrictor strapped tightly to her horn. I swear I saw blood run down her horn.

I had never seen a pony with both a unicorn restrictor, and a earth pony one. She was dragged out of the room and sent to 'Time Out'.

My gaze drifted down to my hooves. I had been so deep in my mind, that I had not even noticed that my restrictors were gone, leaving nothing but slight bruises on my pink flesh. I was too sad and tired to care about it though.

"Pinkamena!!" A a slightly annoyed voice called out.

It was Nurse Blueheart, she fastly trotted up to me and when I whipped my head upwards, I saw that the music room had been emptied and the lights had been shut off, leaving me in darkness.

How had I not noticed that everypony was gone?

Time had been playing tricks on me.

"Pinkamena! I've been calling your name for hours!! Why are you in here still!?" Shouted nurse Blueheart in a tizzy, out of breath from the slight jog to the corner of the room in which I resided.

I looked at the ground, confused at how everypony else could just forget me. I wasn't about to tell her that I had zoned out for Celestia knows how long, it wouldn't really help my case that I was still a little bit sane.

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