Stick a cupcake in my eye

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Chapter 5: stick a cupcake in my eye

An intense hunger made my poor stomach growl as I closed me eyes tight, making the bags under my eyes stretch as I closed them. Sleep did not find me yet and I reluctantly stared at the constantly ticking clock. It was 1am. Pristine and demure nurses slowly walked to the end of the hallway and vanished. I guess they were going home, but the guards still remained, patrolling the halls every so often.I wondered if they ever slept.

I grunted and turned around, covering myself with thin, white, bed sheets. The florescent white lights dimmed the hallways and seeped into my eyes, making sleep impossible. At least it wasn't super bright and throughout the night, they would get darker.... Hopefully.

I let out a sigh. I hated it here. It was cold all the time, the facility's were just too clean, it always smelled of chlorine and orchids. You had to be constantly monitored and escorted by fake nurses made of melting plastic, and of course, the infamous, dictator, Dr. Helfing. But there was one thing that made this prison of cleaning supplies tolerable, one thing in all this derangement and insanity, one clarity, one thing that made sense, one thing to help me get up in the morning, and that was the little filly with rainbow hair. She flew through my thoughts, her messy mane, her cyan coat and azure wings, beating like my heart, her perfect magenta eyes shimmering through the darkness of my days. The thought of her makes my eyes flutter as I try to close them. Why was my heart beating as fast as her wings? Why was my face red by just thinking of her?

The door handle shook.

I whipped my head to the direction of the door handle, it shook over and over creating a slight jingling noise through the empty room. 'Why would a nurse be knocking at my door at this time?' My mind raced, sweat dotted my forehead.

Suddenly the door burst open and standing there was none other than the spectacular Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow what are you doing here!? H- how did you get in here?" I stuttered, my nerves still frazzled. The arrogant filly cocked her head into the air, looking proud of her achievement. "Check it, so, I got a new nurse, cause my old one quit cause apparently she 'couldn't handle me'," Rainbow paused and let out a slight chuckle, "so anyways, she wore a hair clip today so I went in for a hug and carefully fastened it out of her hair, she had no clue! So, I thought that you might be hungry so I picked a few locks, and here I am! Wanna go make cupcakes!?" She jumped up excitedly, I laughed. "And how are we gonna do that?" I questioned as we stood in the darkness of the room. I began to wonder how exactly she slipped past the guards. "Uh, duh! Were gonna pick the lock to the kitchen and make them there with flour and stuff, also, how do I make cupcakes?" She said placing a hoof on her chin. I giggled and shrugged "'Guess we will find out!" I chuckled. Rainbow the proceeded to open the door as we snuck out into the dark hallway.

Slowly and quietly, we made our way through the hallways. A guard was just a few meters away. Rainbow told me that the helmets that the guards wear have a blind-spot, so at just the right angle, we can avoid them. Slipping past three guards, Rainbow took the lead. As I carefully trotted behind her, it struck me again the she doesn't have her cutie mark. How does a filly with so much spirit and pride not have a cutie mark? As I watch her from behind, I analyze the beauty of her. Wavy, striking hair, her hind legs were strewn with muscles, but she didn't look hulky. She looked tough. I wish I were tough.

But everyone has weaknesses, no matter how tough they were.

I kept my muzzle down low to the ground, the smell of cleaning supplies filled my nostrils. Rainbow Dash's bright tail was quietly bouncing in front of me as we continued to creep through the darkness. Finally, we got to the kitchen door, which was locked. "Cover my back, I'm gonna pick the lock," the mischievous filly whispered to me, and turned her back to the hallway. She began fiddling with the lock as my eyes scanned the empty dark hallway. Suddenly, my bright blue eyes darted to the end of the hallway where I saw a magically lit flashlight turn the corner. Without thinking I grabbed Rainbow Dash and pulled her into a dark corner. Hoping there would be a little blind spot, we bolt huddled together, praying to Celestia that the guards would not find us. It was nice though, aside from my pounding heart and heavy breathing, but, Rainbow dash was pushed up against me, so close I could feel her heart pounding in her cyan chest. I tried my hardest not to blush, but my cheeks still felt hot. The guard walked by, he seemed sleepy and his eyes were half closed. He lazily walked by, tripping over his hooves. His flashlight of death barely grazing us.

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