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Chapter 14: regression

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The small ringing noise in my ears grew louder and louder. My eye lids were to heavy to open and my sheets felt different then before. It didn't take a genius to know that I was not in my normal hospital cell.

Thoughts of: 'where am I?' And 'what happened?' Flooded my mind. The constant beeping of a machine steadily continued at an even rate.

I gave an attempt at opening my eye lids. They felt like they were made of lead, and that somepony had glued them to my face. Finally I had got them almost all they way open with much effort. The room swam into focus as I noticed that I was in a real hospital bed. The bed was more cushioned, with wires dressed along my arms and chest. The sound of the heart monitor continued to beep on. My vision then focused on a figure looming over my restrained body.

"Oh, you're awake." The figure hissed with disdain. I recognized the voice immediately and placed it as none other than Doctor Helfing's.

Suddenly, I remembered the events that led up to this. I remembered the sensation of falling, and Dashie next to me. I remembered the golden aura that surrounded us as we were lifted from the ground and up back to the roof.

I remembered the filly Pegasus whispering: "3A" into my ear.

I remembered my voice yelling: "I love you Dashie!" As me and my friend were torn apart. And most of all, I remember her response: "I love you more!" That being the last thing I remember before blacking out.

"W-what happened?" I complained in a small and delirious voice.

"Well, you and your mare-friend failed at a double suicide attempt. I managed to save you before you hit the ground using my magic, but unfortunately, the thrust of your tiny little body against the harsh spell I was using couldn't take it, you blacked out and suffered from hypothermia, you have been in a coma for 3 days." He retorted, slightly annoyed by the fact that I had almost succeeded at ending my own life.

"W-What!!? Where is Rainbow?!" My weak voice shouted in surprise. I began to breath heavily. 'What if she actually died?!' As soon as the thought entered my mind, I pushed it back, knowing that I wouldn't be able to cope with that.

The white manned doctor groaned in frustration. "She is fine!" He snapped, "But it doesn't matter anyways because she has amnesia! The impact hit her head and she is beginning to forget things, and soon she will forget you."

My relief was short lived. My heart dropped into my stomach. This time, I was not as numb, I was angry.

"NO! SHE WOULD NEVER FORGET ME! DONT SAY THAT!" My restricted limbs could not thrash, so I simply put all my energy into conveying my voice.

"Soon she will be able to leave, and you will be stuck here forever!" His deep voice yelled back, like he was a foal again, fighting. He began to smile, in pleasure of my agony.

Tears poured down my face.

"You really are making my life miserable on purpose." I cried weakly, my squeaky voice accepting defeat.

Doctor Helfing's sly smile was gone, and all that was left was rage.

"You bet I am! I will continue to make your life as miserable as I possibly can because of what you have done! You should have been put to death row! You should be dead, it's slaughterers like you that make Equestria a dark place! It's Ponies like you that destroy everything! It's ponies like you that killed my parents right before my eyes, so it's my responsibility to give you the hell that you deserve!!" He screeched, his voice echoed through my head.

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