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Chapter 11: anniversary

The darkness cradled me as I darted through the dark hallway. It has been three years since I first woke up here, and about two since the night me and Dashie confessed our feelings.

A warm basket was strapped to my back, as translucent and warm steam arose from it and danced through the perfect hallways. The rainbow pin that nurse ratchet have me all that time ago, was clenched in between my teeth. It was wearing down significantly due to the frequent need for picking locks, but it still worked.

I finally reached the rainbow pegasi's door. I picked the lock like a professional and opened the door. I galavanted through the door way and waltzed into the room.

"Honey, I'm home!" I called out playfully with a giggle. There was a swift multi-colored shadow that flew by me and soon I was tackled to the floor by the playful Pegasus. She was on top of me and we stared deep into each other's eyes, giggling and panting. We shared a long passionate kiss before I broke it to pick up the basket that had fallen of my back during the tackle.

"I thought you would never show, Pinks." Rainbow teased with a grin. I rolled my eyes as I reached for the basket.

"Happy 2-year anniversary Dash," I stated as I rummaged though the brown carrier.

"I have a present for you! Now, close your eyes and open your mouth!" I commanded happily.

"Pinkie, c'mon-" the cyan Pegasus rolled her eyes. "I hate surprises, just tell me." She giggled.

"Do it! Besides, the best kinda prize is a SUR-prize." I repeated with a silly grin. The rainbow maned pony gave one more eye roll before shutting her eyes and opening her mouth wide.

"No peaking!" I poked fun. Suddenly I grabbed a fresh warm cupcake out of my basket and thrust it into dashies mouth.

She choked on it in surprise, then began to giggle madly as she lapped the icing that cascaded across her face. She sneered at me playfully, then proceeded to grab a cupcake and smear the icing on my face. We both giggled wildly until the laughter finally died down enough for me to present to her the next gift.

I reached into the basket and pulled out a little stuffed alligator.

It was Gummy.

He was fixed, his green fabric was brighter and the stitches held him together more firmly.

I placed it in front of dashie. She stared at it in bewilderment. She slowly lifted it up to inspect it more closely.

"Is this G- Gummy?" She stammered. I nodded my head violently and my smile grew wider.

"Sorry it took so long. I-it's hard to find a sowing machine in a mental hospital, Maude helped me out with most of it." I laughed nervously.

"PINKIE I LOVE IT!! I can't believe you fixed Gummy for me! You are the best mare-friend in all of Equestria!" She beamed as she squeezed me into a hug. I laughed and my face turned bright red.

Rainbow grinned as she reached for a large box under her bed and slid it out in front of me.

"Open it." She coaxed with bright eyes staring at me with excitement. I smiled as I slowly opened the package and took out the treasure inside.

It was a book. On the front was a picture of me and Dashie. It was titled 'Pinkie Promise'. I flipped through the pages and saw pictures of me and the pegasus's fun.

"It's a scrap book. I stole some supplies from the art room, and used the camera from Maude. This book documents us from the past 2 years. I've been waiting so long to give it to you, and look-" she stopped her explaining as she began to flip through pages rapidly. "I left the last few pages blank so we can take pictures of us as adults in ponyville. This book represents our promises and wishes and dreams." She stated as she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Dash... It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. You are the most amazing mare I've ever met, you are gorgeous, and magnificent, and athletic and spunky, and ever since that first day I met you, I have been mesmerized by your incredible demeanor." The words flew out of my mouth poetically, as if I hadn't even needed to think about them.

The rainbow maned filly's eyes grew and started to cloud with moist tears.

"Pinkie, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I can give you everything I have, and ever will have, and I still won't be able to deserve you." Her words struck my heart and I almost stopped breathing I was so happy.

That was the kindest thing I've ever


I drew my muzzle closer to hers until we were mere inches apart.

"I love you, dashie." I said softly as I stared deep into her eyes.

"I love you more." She uttered back through gasps of air.

I couldn't take not kissing this filly. I leaned in and shared a passionate kiss. I felt her tongue slowly slip into my mouth as we shared the kiss for a long time.

I felt rainbows warm hoof slip down the notches in my spine and down to my flank and between my thighs. We slowly moved to the bed, neither of us waiting to break the kiss.

She carefully laid me down on the bed and slowly got on top of me. Her hoof between my thighs beginning to rotate

"D-dashie I don't know h-how to do t-this." I shuddered between tinges of pleasure crawling up my spine.

"Nether do i, but we have all night to find out." She smirked as our night of pleasure ensued

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