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Chapter 17: exposed

The train shook and jumped as we scampered over each track. Happy and light conversations filled the cabin as ponies sat and waited for the train to arrive at the station.
Smoke and soot billowed and cascaded out of the engines of the train as It gave a fearful and loud screech and came to a stop.

I looked out the window calmly as the train station came into view.
Canterlot was a fancy, shiny place full of fancy, shiny ponies. Gems and dresses lined the walkways as snooty mares and colts galavanted with their heads held high above the rest.

I trotted along the paved paths and weaved in between selfish, high class ponies, until suddenly, something crashed into me and nocked me onto my flank.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily as I got up from the dirt to see what had bumped into me.

It was a purple unicorn mare with a pink sparkle cutie mark.

It was Twilight Sparkle.


Of course, at the time I had not met her and did not know it was Twi. She didn't even look up at me, she had her muzzle deep in her book.

"Oh- sorry!" She called out as she passed by me without even seeing who I was. I rolled my eyes and continued down the path.

Finally I had reached my destination,

Celestia's castle.

I trotted in and two guards immediately stopped me.
"What's your business here?" One unicorn colt asked sternly.

"To see the Princess." I calmly stated.

"Nopony sees the Princess."

"But-" my plea was stopped as a white alicorn walked into the room. She wore a kind smile and I watched her translucent, flowing, shimmering mane wave through the room. Her coat was white, and beamed as sunlight shimmered over it.

I bowed politely and stated at her in awe.

She was the second most beautiful pony I had ever seen, first was Dashie, of course.

"P-princes Celestia, thank you for seeing me!" I called out, trying to contain my happiness.

She smiled warmly as she led me into her throne room,"Now what is it you would like to talk to me about, my little pony." Her voice was smooth and soft, it floated through the air like silk.

"I am here to inform you about the corruption in 'helping hoof psychiatric hospital'" i stated matter-of-factly as I reached into my saddle bag and grabbed out the manilla folder, I gave it to Celestia and she began to flip through the photos that I had taken,"As a patient there myself, I have witness several of these indignities and unjust instances. The head doctor there, Doctor Helfing, beat many of his patients and his staff, and threatened them, and me, he purposely made my life miserable."
The calm white princess was shocked at this.

"I will have this place demolished to the ground at once, I'm so sorry, Pinkamena, about what happened to you and Rainbow Dash."

I gasped lightly,"You mean, y-you know about us?" I questioned silently.

She nodded with a smile and ran a hoof through my pink bouncy mane,"it's all over Pinkamena, it's all okay."

Tears began to form in the corners of my eyes.

The pain was over.

"S-so you know that you can't tell anypony about this?" I said between sobs of joy.

She nodded and pulled me into a hug.

I broke the hug, and sniffed,"Call me Pinkie

Things were finally starting to look up for me.

Pinkie promise (a my little pony fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now