Gaurdian of the insane

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Chapter 15: guardian of insane.

I stared deep into the rainbow filly's magenta eyes. Her magnificent sparkling eyes melted Into my vision.

"D-dashie?" My raspy voice cooed softly. She continued to stare at me In confusion. My heart dropped to my stomach and a feeling of indescribable sadness filled me.

She had already forgotten me, and I hadn't even said goodbye.
Tears began to drip down my dirty cheeks.

"P-p-pinkie?" Her voice spoke with perplexity. Her voice was icy, cold, and scared.

She darted towards me and flung her forearms around my quivering body.

"Y-you remember me?" I said with a hope filled voice.

"Of course!" She uttered as she continued to dig her head into my shoulder. Out relief was short-lived. "Pinkie, I-I'm so scared! I-I'm forgetting things and I don't know why and I'm starting to forget you- a-and I don't know what to do I'm just so scared and-"

I silenced her with a deep kiss and wrapped myself around her more tightly. "Shhh." I calmly cooed the flustered Pegasus. I broke the kiss and felt her tears cascading down my pelt.

Something in the back of my mind told me a fact that I was not brave enough to investigate. Something That I could not cope with, it continued to eat away at the back of my head and I felt a throbbing pain where it had gnawed on my brain. It was the truth, the truth that I was afraid to finalize in my mind, it was the fact that this would be me and Dashie's last night together forever.
At the rate she was forgetting things, I knew that in the early morning hours, she would have long forgotten me. The Pegasus seemed aware of this and it terrified her. The least I could do, was give her a happy ending.

"Shhh, it's okay, we are here tonight, and that's all that matters, okay?" I softly spoke into the filly's cyan ears.
She nodded apathetically as I wiped the wet tears from her dried cheeks. She still seemed plagued by the fact that we both new this was the end.
"D-do you remember what you said to me, that day we did the sonic rainboom right? Well, I said that they would never let us fly again and then you told me something I won't ever forget, you said: then let's make it one hell of a ride-" I paused to let out a small laugh, "so let's make tonight, one hell of a ride."
Rainbow dash first looked at me with uncertainty, but then a toothy grin spread across her face,

"let's get this party started." She remarked with enthusiasm.

The remainder of the night we spent playing games, and laughing and telling secrets. We just pretended that nothing outside of us existed, it was just me and dashie, and the rest
Of the world didn't matter. It was just us.

"Smile!" Dashie Instructed cheerfully as the flash of the camera momentarily blinded me. Just as the camera snapped the photo, the Pegasus leaned in and pecked me on the cheek. We waited patiently as the picture printed out the bottom and we then glued it in the scrapbook.

It was about 5:00 am and I felt that our time was coming to a end. Suddenly, Dashie scrambled under the bed and emerged back to me all dusty, but in her hooves she held
A soft green alligator, she placed it in my hooves. "I want you to have this.." She said as I felt the green mass in my hooves.

"G-gummy?" My voice shook,"are you sure, y-you love gummy"

The rainbow filly nodded her head vehemently. "I'm positive, besides you need something to remember me by, perhaps we can get a real pet alligator when were older." She suggested with a grin. I saw her smile slowly deteriorate into a frown, her eyebrows creased together in a worried look as I saw wet shiny tears form in the whites of her eyes.

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