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Chapter 16: Gummy

Within a month, Rainbow dash had gotten out if the Institution, and, rumor has it, got a job as a Weather Mare in Ponyville. I avoided her at all costs, I had managed to trick her into thinking she was in Wonderbolts Academy the whole time with the help of Apple Jean, and the others who agreed with me about Helping Hoof's corruption.

My life had seemed empty, and I just wanted to see Dashie, but I knew, deep down in my heart, that the mare that was in there, was now gone.

"Pinkamena?" Nurse Bluehearts calm voice interjected my reading as she slowly walked into my room,"Doctor Helfing wants to see you."

I walked with her down the halls and through the mangling twists and turns until I reached his office door. I trotted in and sat down on a freezing, metal chair.

Something about the doctor seemed strange and different, he was no longer wearing a sinister smile, instead, there were dark bags under her eyes and stress wrinkles around his face.

"Where do you plan to go, when you leave?" Doctor helfing spoke flatly, as if there were weights in his words.
"Manehattan, maybe." I lied, I was truly going to Ponyville of course.

"Oh good, so you won't be in contact with Rainbow Dash?"

I shook my head angrily, trying to hold in every piece of rage deep within me. I lied once more," If I go to Ponyville, if she sees me, she will have no idea who I am. Just the thought of that...... It kills me." After I said that, my heart seemed to drop a little. What I just said, in a way, was true.

His sly smile returned

"Okay then, you're free to go, Nurse Ratchet will escort you to your destination." His heavy words rung through my head, I would have been happier if a certain cyan Pegasus was with me.

I'm leaving the hell-hole. But then something crossed my mind.
I got up and walked to the doorway before turning around,"Why? Am I better? Am I recovered?" I questioned shyly.

Doctor Helfing chuckled a bit before wiping a tear from his eye for dramatic affect,"Don't be silly Pinkamena, you will never be recovered! I'm letting you free because there's nothing I can take away from you, I already gave you the most misery I could manage; truth is, you bore me now, you have given up on trying to break free and fight me, I've already taken away the thing you hold dear, your life is the worst that I could possibly make it." He looked deep into my ice- blue eyes,"So you can leave, I'm done with you."

The blood pumping through my veins boiled and the feeling of rage washed over me, it engulfed me.
"Y-you took Dashie away on purpose?" My voice shook in anger.
His mocking laughter continued,

"No, no, no dear, the whole 'forgetting' was just a stroke luck, but, walking in on you two after having sex was pretty lucky too!"

I grimaced at his words, I wanted to scream, I wanted to kill him, but I was getting out and I couldn't endanger that.

I remembered what Apple Jean had once told me, so, I did the only thing that I could:

"Doctor helfing, I feel bad for you, I'm gonna go out, and have a life and get over this place, but you, you will always remain. Your so sad about your own life you take it on defenseless patients, you are a sad colt, and I am sorry for what you have become." My voice was calm and friendly, much contrast to the cruel things I was saying.
He stopped for a second, and looked at my flank. I suppose he noticed my cutie- mark came.

"Leave." He spat bitterly. His sly smile was gone, his scowl was all that remained. He kept his eyes down, he was silenced.

"With pleasure." I added as I waltzed out of the room. I gallivanted down the hallway only to be greeted by Apple Jean. I ran up to her and she gave me a big hug, she already had my saddlebags packed. "Do you like it? The saddlebag?" I glanced at it, noticing my cutie-mark was on it. She knew I loved it as I gave her a giant hug, and she hugged me back tightly.

"Let me guess, yah wanna go to Ponyville?" She teased happily.
I nodded as tears of joy poured out of my eyes. The only thing that could make it better is if Rainbow Dash were here.


We trotted along the dirt path to Ponyville, Apple Jean told me all of her plans for her life and told me about the Cakes family, she said that they would take me in and teach me how to cook in their bakery.

My grin grew impossibly wide as we continued to trot down the path.

"Ah just gotta do one more thing 'fore I take you off to the bakery" Her country accent proclaimed as we took a sharp turn into the everfree forest. We continued to trot calmly as we entered the dangerous Everfree Forest. We came to a small tree hut,"This place belongs to mah friend Zecora, and, she's gonna help me with something. Now yah stay out here." She instructed as she reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a small stuffed alligator.

"Hey, what are you going to do with Gummy?" I intruded but my words were lost as she darted off towards the hut.

I waited there for what seemed like forever until Jean came out.
"Ah have a present for yah!" She exclaimed happily as she turned around and I saw something on her back.

It was Gummy, but something was different. His button eyes were gone, and his back was shiny. He was alive.

"W-what in Celestias name?" I spoke as I was memorized by the magic that I had witnessed.

"Like it? I asked Zecora and she turned him alive, so now he can be your pet, he ain't much trouble, he don't got any teeth so I reckon he's safe ta be around." The brownish nurse said with a polite blush.

"I LOVE HIM!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I screeched happily as I hugged the nurse and the alligator. Gummy, jumped up and bit my tail and his body hung limply in the air. I giggled wildly as we made our way back to the bakery.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said sadly as I looked down at the dirty ground.
"Don't be to sad 'bout it, besides we can write letters to each other, and it will all be okay" Jean smiled warmly as she gave me a hug.

We finally got to the bakery and said our goodbyes

"Don't forget about your past Pinkie, don't forget about that hospital." She reminded.

"I don't think I could even if I tried-" I paused and giggled sadly,"Jean, you made me the mare I am today, thank you for being my last beacon of hope."

"And thank yah for bein' mine."


I unpacked my stuff and greeted the Cakes, they seemed like a nice couple and I was glad that they were so kind. I walked out into Ponyville, i felt the warm sun beat against my back as a small sliver of cool air passed over me, causing my bouncy mane to shake slightly In the wind.
A cyan blur caught my eye and I shifted my gaze to the sky above.


She flew dynamically through the clouds, each one disintegrating as she ripped through it. Her fit build was much bigger and older than I remembered, it made me think about just how old we are, and just how far we both had come.

I stared up at her amazing moves and she gracefully bounded through the blue sky, cutting and slicing through the white masses of fluff.

She was so beautiful.

Everything seemed clam and peaceful, but my journey was not done yet. I ran back up into my room and grabbed out a manila folder from my saddle bags.

I ran to the the train station, and bought the next ticket to Canterlot.

I had one more task I had to do

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