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Chapter 21: end.

I trot back to my small room and quietly walk up the creaking steps of the bakery.

It's night and the stars shine brightly in the black, thick, velvety sky. Who knew that it would take all day to tell my story. Just look at how far we have come, I just wish that Dashie was here, to see the fact that we won.

I plop down on my bed and lay with my stomach to the ceiling, feeling rather nostalgic.

It had been quiet a while since I've reminisce, it was odd to taste the flavors of my life all over again, some parts tasted bitter, but the times with the Pegasus, those were the sweetest.

I start to think about everything, not just the time in the hospital, but the time with my friends, the time we defeated all those monsters like discord, the changelings, and nightmare moon; and we did that all with friendship.

Having close relationships with other ponies was not only important to defeat the monsters on the outside, it was also good to battle the nightmares inside you.

Without Dash, I'd probably be a whole different mare. I think back to the exact moment my entire life changed, it was all because of the rage I killed my father with, that one action changed my life for the better.

Of course, I'm not saying to act on your rage and kill ponies you hate, I'm saying that even mistakes, can change your life for the better, and, that sometimes the moments that you are the most alone and the most sad, are the ones that are the most important.

And here I was, my dream had come true, I was in ponyville and I had friends, I should be happy, I SHOULD appreciate what I have, but part of me continued to dwell on the past that continued to crawl out of my throat, like a bug that won't go down.

I think the thing that bothers me the most is the fact that we didn't get a long enough goodbye, it was like she just left out of my world and I miss her so much, I dream of her a lot and I just hope that she is happy, because I knew she loved me a lot, I knew her love for me was undying and I knew it was still here, I just didn't know where.

It's hard trying to protect Rainbow. Just trying to be around her, it hurts sometimes. When she flies away, I hop as fast as I can, trailng behind her. She finds it a bit annoying, I can tell. A lot of times, I wish I could tell her, that it was my duty to go after her, but I can't.

Suddenly, I feel cold slick scales prod on my stomach.

I look down and see Gummy, he sits nonchalantly on my puffy belly and I giggle as his eyes blink at an uneven rate.

His presence reminds me of something, I jump up and almost fling him off me, but he seems okay.

I dart to the closet and begin to search frantically for something and then, my eyes rest upon a big brown box.

I grasp it and stumble out of my closet with and unstable stance and I collapse down and fall to the floor.

I scramble for the box and open it up.

Dust and dirt flys everywhere and billows into the cool air, I look into the box and look for the little scrapbook inside of it.

I pull it out, letting the words 'pinkie promise' shimmer in the dark room like a lost treasure.

I spend all night flipping through the pages of our faded fun. I giggle and cry for each page and the dawn breaks through.

The light shines over the peaceful cottages of Ponyville and spreads it's golden rays of hope across the peaceful land.

And finally, I reach the second to last page and start to close the book.

I couldn't bring myself to look at the last page, that was where we promised to get a picture of us in Ponyville, and we never got it. My heart throbbed, tears poured out my eyes.

Gummy walks by me and looks at the book, he sticks his nuzzle into the book and flips to the last page.

I see writing.

Scribbles of black ink that are inscribed on the page. My heart skips a beat and my eyes skim over it.

I begin to read it:

'Dear, Pinkie Pie.

I'm starting to forget things and I haven't seen you since that day on the roof top. I'm afraid I won't get to say goodbye, and I dream constantly that you will come waltzing through that door with some cupcakes and a smile. I know..... I know what Doctor Helfing is doing to me. I know he wants me to forget. I want to write this all before I forget it all.

But that's okay, because I wanted to tell you, how much you mean to me. Even if I forget about you, you will always be in my heart, even if I don't say I love you everyday, I do, even if I don't tell you how beautiful, I still think you are and I always will. You will always be in my heart, you're plastered on there, your not going anywhere!

I also, wanted to tell you, that, I don't care what happens, I don't care if I can't fly forever, I don't care where we end up, as long as we end up together, because, your my dream, you are my only wish.

Love, your Dashie.'

Tears cascade from my eyes. My heart stops beating and a feeling of peace and joy washes over me, it freezes me and I'm paralyzed for a moment.

I lightly place my hoof over the writing.

"You were always my dream." I choke between sobs. Gummy walks over, and I pet him, he's my only comfort.

A knock on the door halts me from my overwhelmed state and I notice that it is late in the afternoon.

"Hey, Pinks? You in there?" I here a raspy voice call out to me.

It's Rainbow Dash.

I get up of the floor and walk to the door, I heave it open, and the pegasus's magenta eyes stare at me.

I see the spark.

"Pinkie- are you okay? You've been crying!" She shouts. She sits next to me, and helps me on my bed.

"I- it's okay, it's all okay now."

I see Dash breathe in like she was about to argue, but then I see her eyes trail down to the scrap book resting on the floor, the page where she wrote her note.

I think I see something. I think I see her remember, or at least I hope I do.

"W-what's that?" She says calmly and she continues to stare at it.

I smile sadly and look down,"It doesn't matter anymore."

Silence fills the gap in between us and she shakes her head and wipes away her dazed state.

"Anyways I came over here to ask if you wanted to uh- hang out?" She blushes slightly and the magenta contrasts her cyan coat.

I grin excitedly,"Of course Dashie!"

I walk beside her and wipe away the last of my tears. I feel her warm wing rap around me lovingly and we both blush as we trot outside, only to be greeted but the sunny Ponyville day.

A sweet smile crosses my lips, a smile I had missed, a genuine smile, the most ligament smile I've ever smiled, all because,

I wasn't alone anymore.

I was finally happy.


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