Welcome to damnation

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Chapter 3: Welcome To Damnation

I woke up feeling surprisingly more comfortable than usual. I was warm and comforted. My ratty hole ridden sheet was replaced by a wooly blanket. I laid comfortably on the mattress and my weary head rested on my pillow. And for once, a slight smile spread across my face. A florescent white light burned the outside of my closed eyelids. Slowly I opened my eyes. 'Oh yeah,' I thought grumpily, 'I'm here.' I let out a mental sigh as I tried to turn around, adjacent to the bright light. But I found myself unable to move. My eyes bugged open as I began to panic. Why couldn't I move? Was I paralyzed?! I took ahold of the blanket with my mouth and ripped it off. The cold air of the room stung my body as I took notice to the restraints holding my limbs.

I began to thrash. I frantically threw my self all around in a sweaty panic "PLEASE!! HELP ME I CAN'T MOVE!!" I screamed. My panic ridden voice echoed throughout the small room. The room was painted an odd off white color and was adorned with painted animals. It looked like a nursery for a new born foal.

Suddenly the white door in the corner slammed open and a old looking mare walked in. She had bags under her eyes and she looked tired and sad, but yet she had a painfully fake smile sewed onto her face. Her coat was a light gray and she had a light blue mane with a red hat on top. Her cutie mark was a smiley face. She seemed strange. Two large and strong stallions dressed in white followed behind her closely.

"Calm down sweetie, it's alright." The nurse softly cooed as the guards fiddled with my restraints, "My name is Nurse Blue Heart," she said with the smile still glued to her face. I stared at her cautiously as the guards freed my hooves. I rubbed them as I saw the deep bruises that formed there. The nurse took fast notice as well. "Oh dearie!" She exclaimed as she flocked to my hooves. "Looks like were gonna need more pads on your restraints!" She said with a smile.

"Why do I need restraints!?" I blurted out.

I had not meant for it to sound that harsh. But the words fell to the floor with a clatter. The nurse just stared at me. Like it was a mess that she didn't want to clean up, like I was a mess. She laughed nervously, "Well someponies don't sleep well and uhh..." She paused looking for the right words, "and well... We don't want them hurting themselves or others," she finished, feeling confident about the question she practically avoided. 'So I hurt other ponies?' I thought with a mental cry. 'How could I hurt other ponies... I just got here?!' The thought caused more questions to flood into my mind. I remembered the trial, but at the trial the judge said that I stayed in prison a few months while awaiting the trial. If I forgot those months...

"how long have I been here?"

I questioned quietly. I Immediately put my hooves to my mouth. 'Did I say that out loud?' Celestidammit. I'm such an idiot!! The nurse's fake smile faded to one genuine one... Of pity. She put her hoof on my shoulder sympathetically

"You have been here for about 2 months dearie"

I gasped. '2 MONTHS!!! How could I have been there for so long and how could I not remember! I thought the trial was just yesterday!' My thoughts raced like a runaway train. The blue haired nurse obviously saw my worry. "Honey, you have been here for a while, but you have been what we like to call catatonic," she said the last word slowly and made sure to emphasize it. Like I didn't know what catatonic meant. I mean, sure I never went to school, but sometimes I would read Inkie's books. Besides, I was 12 years old! I wasn't stupid! "So now that you're fully conscious, we can begin our treatment!" Nurse blue heart cheered happily. "Now you must always have a nurse accompanying you alright, if you see that there is not a nurse or doctor around you yell and scream as loud as you can so we can find you alright?" She explained. I grunted. I knew at that moment I was not going to get any alone time. But I tried to reassure myself; I'd find away to escape somehow. She then handed me some slippers and a gown and helped me into them. She gestured for me to follow her.

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