Hope to fly

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Chapter 6Hope to fly

Instead of going to the Commons Room, Rainbow Dash wanted to spend time outside at the courtyard. "We have to sneak out," she told me. We slipped passed the ominous hallways and the emotionless guards. After a few windy, squeaky staircases, we found the doors to the courtyard. Using the hair clip from her nurse, Rainbow opened the door, revealing tall, grassy hills and a glowing sunset. "Check it," she called confidently. She nudged me over to the courtyard, where black fences were bound together surrounding it. The sunset shimmered through the trees, creating long and abstract shadows along the grass. The orange glow ripped through the small gaps of Rainbow's hair, making the rest of her hair shimmer in a lovely gold and orange.

"Hey...... Hey Pinkie?" My eyes bounced to Rainbow. "Dude, are you okay? You were lookin' at me all weird. Is there... a problem?" Rainbow gave me a worried look; it melted my heart, that she would worry about me. "No," I said,"everything is perfect." She nudged me to her side,"I have a game we can play." A game? I've never played a game before. We never played games at the rock farm. As the pungent Pegasus led me to the edge if the courtyard, she said we'd be playing "leap pony". "All you have to do is jump on top of me, land on your hooves, and let me jump over you!!!" She said. I gave her a worried glance. What was the point of this game? I looked at rainbow and rolled my eyes playfully. "Ready?" said Rainbow. "Yeah....." I reply. Leaping into the air as swift as I could, I breathed in the crisp air. I landed in front of her, and Rainbow winked at me, a sign of approval. Just as graceful as she was, Rainbow jumped over me, stretching her hooves mid-air, enjoying the soothing whistles of air through her ears, and landed on the luscious grass on the ground. "Okay!! Your turn Pinkie!!" I scooted my hind legs back, and conjured enough momentum to jump over Rainbow.
I was in the air, as soon as I heard a strict voice from behind. "Hey? What are you doing here?" said a guard. My lips trembled. "W-we were j-j-just," but thankfully, Rainbow put her hoof before me. With a sly grin, she lied to the guard, " We were just going to the hills and courtyard cause out nurses wanted us to get physical activity,"she scoffed, kicking at a pile of leaves and grass as she cocked her head in the air. The guards eyes narrowed,"Where are your passes?" he questioned harshly. The frazzled Pegasus searched her mind for a spurious comment to buy us some time. It was silent for a while. The guard sighed heavily "ya know what, I don't want to punish a filly today, and you don't want to face doctor Helfing again, you didn't see me, I didn't see you" he spat asperously. And with that he trotted of nervously. Rainbows paranoia melted of as she wore a victorious grin.
"C'mon, last one to the hill is a rotten egg!" Acknowledging what she instructed, I followed the cyan filly to the hill. My hooves hurt quickly, so at a fast rhythm, I began to......hop. I gained speed, but not enough to beat Rainbow. She zoomed past, her mane flapping against the wind. Right behind her, the sunset glowed more than ever before. I felt free.
I felt happy.

Closing in at the top of the hill, Rainbow got there first. I saw the wild flash in her eyes. She was remarkable. Bold. Beautiful.
"PINKIE PIE!! LOOK HERE!" Rainbow squealed. I Galloped over, and saw a bunch of dandelions along the top if the hill. They were the bright yellow color like a griffins beak. Then we sat upon the soft and safe ground as we caught our breaths. I glared at Rainbow and closed my eyes as I breathed in the fresh air. I practically drank it. I hadn't been outside in what felt like ages, That hospital was a living nightmare, But out here, it's remarkable. It was much different than the bland and tiring rock-farm. It was all grey and lonely, But this, this is different. There are different shades if blues and greens. I hadn't seen hills large as those but the rocky piles I had to collect from. The sunset turned bright orange and sparkly, to a gloomy, but just as lovely red orange. My eyes darted to Rainbows mane. It was so amazing. The filly had majestic hair. My eyes began to travel to her flank. She doesn't have her cutie mark, and I hope to see what it becomes. My eyes peeped at the white rope that binded her wings together. Poor Rainbow, Pegasus are supposed to fly, not be caged. It was cruel to cage a pony born with wings. Her natural merrit was to fly, but there those doctors were, defying the laws of nature.

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