The star mare

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Chapter 19: the star mare

Once I made it back to Ponyville I lived peacefully and worked at the bakery.

My once exciting life had gotten redundant and calm, so I decided that I might as well make friends.
After a few months, I had made friends with almost everypony in town, they all knew me as Pinkie Pie the party pony, and I decided that I might as well make friends with Dashie. It was one of my greatest fears, to see her face-to-face. The thought of her looking at me, not knowing who I was, it killed me. I couldn't bear it.

But I Pinkie Promised, I'd watch her, I'd protect her.

It was a dark Wednesday, and it had started to pour rain right after lunch and I had been caught out in the storm. Rain hit my back and drenched me in cold water. I ran home as fast as I could manage but I ended up being cold and wet.

I felt the rain stop and I saw sunlight around me, but it was still pouring. I looked up to see that Rainbow dash had punched a hole in the white fluffy clouds and made a dry spot for me.

"What are you doing out here in a storm like this?" Her raspy voice called out to me.

"Trying to walk home." I say sarcastically and begin to giggle. A few tears of devastation formed in my eyes, but I blinked them away. Hopefully it looked like raindrops, not tears.

Suddenly, the cyan pegasus flew ahead of me, the clouds vanishing at her hooftips, until there was a clear, dry path home.

"T-thanks!" I called out happily

"No problamo, I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way." She stuck out her hoof and I politely shook it.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! It's super-super nice to meet you, D-Rainbow!"

The rainbow maned pegasus stared at me for a while, her curious and bold eyes reflecting magenta. She walked me the rest of the way home. She told me about her life, about her kind and supportive parents, that her father died in a lighting-bolt accident and her mother had died of the flu. She spoke about the rainboom and the Wonderbolts Academy. It's funny how out minds make up things, and it seemed that Rainbows subconscious had done everything it could to hide the truth from itself.

I was just so happy to see her so happy. She flew in the air, she was free, she was happy, and if she was happy so was I.

I decided to make up my own story, so I told her about he rock farm and said that I had seen the rainboom from my rock farm, and that that's when I smiled and realized my talent of cheering others up.

The fake story I made up wasn't entirely a lie though.


I sighed as I trotted up to my room and looked out my window. It was night and the stars were shimmering, like small sparkles that decorated the black night, like glowing pockets of hope.

The cyan mare cut through the black night and swirled around in the night sky with the stars. She really was the star filly, and she still was, she was my shooting star.

They say that shooting stars are incredibly fast and they rocket across the sky in mere seconds, but they light up the whole sky in the process; they grant your wishes and make you smile. The same could be said about my Dashie, although she didn't stay with me for long, she still lit up my whole sky and granted my wishes.

She is my star mare.

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