Cross my heart

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Chapter 8 cross my heart

Me and Dashie sat in the lunchroom groggily. We had played through the whole night and got little sleep. Dark bags hung under or eyes as she yawned loudly, wiping sleep from her eyes as she closed them and drifted off onto my shoulder as she rested her head on me.

My face went instantaneously red as Rainbow snored on my shoulder, her warm face pressed against my body.

I giggled. "uh, Rainbow?" I laughed as I poked my hoof at her and she shot upwards like a rocket. "Oh...sorry" she said in a scratchy voice, her cheeks painted red. I giggled more as I played with the slop that I had been served for breakfast. I noticed the cyan pegasus picking at her food, rarely shoveling a small bite into her mouth. My eyes drifted down her slender figure and I saw her ribcage poking out and her thin stomach. Then I saw a X over her heart. I stared in shock. How could that have happened?!

"DASHIE! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CHEST!?" I blurted out loudly. Causing Rainbow to blush and sink down in her chair. Some nurses looked at us and I Immediately regretted my loudness. "I-I'm

Sorry..." I shook my head and looked down. Rainbow looked up at me kindly. "Don't worry about it." She dismissed,"I can't tell you though, doctor helfing threatened me to secrecy." She cried softly. I looked at her with pain filled eyes.

"If there's somepony in the hell hole you can trust, it's me RD." I stated with a warm amiable smile.

"He did it to me, convinced everypony that it was self inflicted." She spoke softly and looked over her shoulder with paranoia. I was flabbergasted. I knew Dr.Helfing was a bad doctor, but to be harming a patient? It was unbelievable. Suddenly a nurse walked up to Dashie and began wrapping gauze around her chest. The cyan filly blushed out of embarrassment.

"Now Rainbow Dash, eat your food" Nurse Blue Heart ordered sternly. A slight tinge of annoyance appeared on the pungent pegasus's face.

"No" she defiantly declaimed.

The nurse was taken aback by her bluntness, but hid her shock under a

forged smile. "Now Rainbow, if you don't eat, I'm going to have my orderly friends here have to force it down your gullet." She remarked matter-of-factly.

"I....don't.... give... A BUCK!" she screamed slightly as she sent her food tray clamoring to the floor. The tray cracked in half and the food splattered across the reflective clean floor, as if it was tainted. The loud clang was enough to grasp the attention of every insane patient, tired nurse, and unkempt orderly in the room.

The blue nurse gasped at the sound of the seething, rainbow-maned filly's vulgar language. Two orderlies walked toward Dashie and hoisted her up. She thrashed in hopes of getting free, but to no avail.

"YOU CELESTI- DAMMED ASSHOLES!! PUT ME DOWN!" She screeched as she threw all her strength into her violent shakes. They took her out of the cafeteria, and normal daily activities continued, and with all the commotion I was able to sneak out and follow Dash.

She was propped on the orderlies back's facing backwards while the strong stallions faced forwards, so they didn't see me making funny faces at the azure winged pony. Her face of agitation faded into one of laughter. She erupted into hysterically giggles, and the orderlies thought nothing of it, since here at the hospital, plenty of mad ponies laugh without reason.

The orderlies turned the corner into Dashies room and began to strap her down into the bed.

"HEY!! WHATS THE BIG IDEA?!" The pegasi's raspy voice yelled at the sight of the restraints being locked onto her. One black maned orderly held her mouth open, while the other shoveled in spoonfuls of funky food. Rainbow hissed through clenched teeth and she spit out a mix of food and slobber onto the strong black maned stallion. The slimy food concoction landed on his face with a splat as food and saliva dribbled down the magenta eyed pegasus. She stuck her tongue out childishly.

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