2: My Water Hole

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Okay, so now its my lunch period and man am I HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! For some crazy reason, I am like always hungry. I am sort of a little more than chubby, everyone say I'm not but I still think I am, they're just trying to make me feel better.

 As I walk in and grab my lunch, everyone trys to slyly stare at me and once they see me notice them, they whip their head around and they try to play it off as if they weren't jut whispering and staring at me. I find a seat in the coner and I sit by myself. It's not because I'm shy (well not all of it), but I just don't have it in me to talk to a super over preppy person, some crazy "I'm all that" person, or someone thats all like wierd and mysterious (not in the good way). I prefer to keep to myself and just let my music take me to other, better worlds.

As I was listening to my music and quickly ate my lunch, I started to take in all the different groups of people. Like the football players, girl and boy soccer players, cheerleaders, softball team, baseball team, lacross team, swim team, track and field people, goths, nerds, wanna-be's, loners (thats me), drama club, chorus, skaters, and the gangster looking people. All the different groups were huddled around a table and they all were talking agmost themselves (except the loners).

After I finished eating, I nearly ran out of the cafeteria and to the outside part of campus. When I got out there, I could see the midlle school in the background. I immediately heared my sister's voice. Sydney is super loud and out there. She is in the theater program, chorus, and will probably try out to be on a sports team, and maybe (just maybe) she might have enough time/energy to try out for the cheerleading team.

After about 25 min of walking, I come up on my secret spot. It's an abandoned little swimming hole. I love to swim so when we moved her 2 weeks ago, I started lokking for a spot like this, somewhere I can come to to swim and be alone. I pull off all my clothes and put on my bathing suit that I keep stashed here. Once I have on my favorite bathing suit EVER - a one peice (not real comfortable with my body) that's teal with dark bluse swirls around it - I jumped off the small cliff into the water hole. When I was fully submerged, I felt truly alive and I began to explore my little water hole once again.

I am the only one that knows (that i know of) about this water hole. I have only told my sister (Sydney) about it, just in case my parnts are wondering where I am. I didn't tell them because I want it to be my little secret. I let Sydney in on it because I one day I got in trouble because my parents didn't know where I was. 


"Honey, come out of your room, please. You have been in there the entire time we've been here." my mom called through the door. "No!" I said back in a snippy way. "You do not speak to your mother like that Riley!" my dad raored from the hall. Great he's in on it too. "Why, you're the ones that decided we would move to California and you didn't even tell me until an hour before we left!" I screamed. "We thought it would help you if you didn't know." was the only response I got. "Well guess what, it didn't. I barely had enough time to say good bye to my friends. I thought you loved me!" I screamed at them, starting to remeber that that dreadful day. "We do love you Riley, Please, let's talk about this like civil people, face-to-face." "No, go away!" I told them. I heard their footsteps as they walked away.

I can't believe mom and dad think that I will just sit back and love what they did to my life by moving. With that thought, I grabbed my phone and headphones. I slipped on some sneakers and I jumped out of my 2 story window. I had been doing this for about 4 days, just to get out of my room but to make sure I don't have to talk to my parents. I ran as fast as I could to my water hole. I didn't even bother changing into my swimsuit, I just jumped in.

I swam around for about 2 hours and then decided to sunbathe to dry my clothes. I did that for 1 hour. Before I walkd home, I stopped by the store to pick up some Oreoes and 1/2 a gallon of milk to dunk the Oreos in. Then I walked home. When I got home, I saw a cop car and my parents looking so worried. When they saw me, they ran to me and pulled me in giant bear hug. Syd (Sydney) came up to me and pulled me to the side and told me that mom and dad go so worried about me that they picked my lock and when they found out I wasn't in there, they panicked and called the police. That's when I told Sydney about my water hole.


I told her so if my parent do that again, she could tell them that I went to my thinking spot and to not worry til an hour after I had told her I would be home.

Now I was laying on my back listening to music and drying my hair. I have free period right now so I won't be late for class. After I was all dry and toweled off (I brought a towel here to, just to have when I have to dry off quick), I start to walk back to school.

On the way to school, I faintly heard a truck come up behind me and when I turned around......


A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more votes and comments, the faster I will upload the next chapter. Hope you liked it. Please give your opinion, it means a lot to me when you do! Also, can any of you make me a cover? Plus what celebrity for what characters? Tell me as I intoduce more throughout the story.





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