14: That Stupid Video

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The other packs that agreed to help us were now here and we even had to rent out a hotel to fit everyone. Our 5 story mansion couldn't fit everyone! That's a lot of werewolves! 6 packs agreed to help us, the Moonbeam Pack, the Dark Night Pack, the Sunlight Pack, the Spirit Runner Pack, the Howler Pack, and the most respected and strong pack which is called the Warrior Wolf Pack. (A/N: I know that these are suckish names but I couldn't think of any. If you have ideas, please comment them!) In all, we have 500 warrior wolves here (including us). I know what you're thinking, you don't need that many, but you are wrong, Ash was planning this so he probably has backup and/or is very prepared for the fight. Plus, no one wants their mate to be apart from them (like at all) so this is bad, and most of the werewolf community sees it traitorous to take someone else's mate. Your mate is your everything! We have 1 more day to train before we go confront the Desert Pack and Ash!

'Riley feels guilty. Something is wrong. Before she kept going in and out of consciousness and her adrenaline was high! We need to go get her! NOW!!!! I need my mate!' River roared in my head.

Don't you think I want her back as badly as you do, we have to make sure we are prepared so we can WIN and not lose to many lives.

'Fine, but we need to hurry.' With that he cut off the connection as I walked into dad's office.

"How's it all going, are we almost ready to leave?" I asked

"Almost, we will leave tomorrow morning. We are leaving earlier because the warriors miss their mates and I can see the toll it's taken on you being away from her and knowing she is in pain." My dad explained. That's awesome, I can't wait to see Riley, my beautiful, perfect mate.

"Alpha John, I think you need to see this." one of the warrior wolves from the Moonbeam Pack said. Uh-oh. Last time someone said that, we declared war on a pack, I wonder what it is this time. It can't be any worse than last time, right?

All the Alphas watched the video and nearly everyone had their mouths open and were in shock. When the video was over, I stormed out and let River take over.


What?? Was all I could think while I watched that video through Jonathan's eyes. I can't believe it!!!!! MY mate is practically rejecting me for some other low-life man (if I can even call him that). I mean he beat her and broke her leg! Who does that and then goes right around and gets the girl to fall in love with him. That's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a real bad feeling about this.

'How you holdin up River?' Jonathan mind-links me

I just can't believe that she would do that. Right now she feels guilty and just feel asleep.

'How do you know that? Like that she's asleep.'

I don't know. I can just tell because her emotions go calm, unless she's dreaming and when she is dreaming, I get flickers of the dream.

'Oh, do you think we should call off the attack? I mean, I do want her to be happy. Even if it is with that scum-bag.'

I know but I can't be away from her. Call it off for now but keep training. I'll see how long I can go on.

'Ok, Can I have control back so I can tell them?'

Sure, I'll be gone for awhile.

'Well how will I know when you can't take it anymore?' Jonathan questions

Oh, you'll know. I will show myself til I get her back.

I love you Riley.


When I went back to the pack house, everyone was there and they looked at me expectantly and worriedly.

"We will not attack......yet" I say

"May I ask why alpha?" one of the older male wolves asked

"Because River and I want Riley to be happy, even if it is with another." I state simply

"What about your wolf?" Caleb, the Alpha of the Dark Night Pack asked

"He is going to hold out for as long as possible but when he can't anymore, he will take over and we will have no choice but to attack."

"Oh, OK. Well, I you surely have one strong wolf. What should we do til that time comes and about how long do think this waiting time will be?" Caleb asked

"The Alphas can decide but I would give it a week, maybe two tops."

"What if we had all of the warriors' mates come here so when the time comes, we will be ready and they won't have to miss their mates for that long." My dad said

"OK, we can do that." Caleb replied

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONE WEEK LATER--------------------

It has been one week since Riley sent us that horrid video. River hasn't spoken the entire time, but he whimpers occasionally and I think he is getting to the breaking point. The house has never been so packed (A/N: no pun intended)!

"Be prepared to fight within the next couple of hours." I warn everyone.

No one knows what River is going through but they now know that he will soon be surfacing.

A couple hours later.....


I can't take it anymore!!!! I NEED Riley back. She is my world. No one knows this but I since I can sense Riley's feelings, I know that she feels regret and pain everyday. But then there are moments when she feels guilt and loneliness. If she truly wanted to be with that dog they call Ash, then she should be happy and feel loved. I try not to think about it too much but her emothions just flood my mind every single minute of the day. Plus I dream about her so that doesn't help. I need to get her back and show her what true love is. I also need to mark her, usually werewolves mark their mates within a week, otherwise their wolf (me) will get weak. I can't wait much longer, otherwise I will be too weak to fight for her.

I'm taking over!


Hope y'all liked the chapter. Should I do River's POV or Riley's POV?

If you don't know what POV means, it means Point Of View.

Please comment, I feel like this stroy isn't good anymore because I have only got 2 votes and NO comments! Should I just stop writing it?


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