13: In Prison

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Riley's POV:

 Ash left my little cell with his camera and as he left he said, "I'll just send this to Jonathan so he can see it. Just know that your the reason he is going to die, as well as the rest of his pack." With that he left.

After he left, a giant man came in. When I say giant, I mean GIANT!!!!!!!!!!!! Like for real this guy was HUGE! He saw that he caused me fear and just smirked. That's when he started punching me. He said it was for my own good and that this is what the Moon Goddess wanted this pack to do. After about 10 punches, I was out cold.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''THE NEXT DAY'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

"Wake up! Wake up prisoner!" a man yelled in my face. He was holding a whip in his right hand and a cloth in his left.

"What are you going to do with those things?" I asked tentatively. 

"This." he said as he wrapped the cloth around my head with part of it in my mouth. I felt like I was one of those people that have been kidnapped and just woke up, tied up with a cloth in their mouth. But I guess that is what I am right now, but I've been awake before. As I was thinking, the pain from yesterday (I think) was back but this time I had more pain and in more places (probably from my beating). Then out of no where, I hear th crack of the whip and a pain in my stomach. I tried to scream but I couldn't, the cloth was still stuck in my mouth. The man knew I was in pain and he laughed at me with a cruel evil laugh.

He whipped me like 20 more time and refused to let me stay in unconsciousness. Every time I did go into unconsciousness, he would stick a needle in me that would get my adrenaline pumping and I would wake up again. I know this because he said he did it and he did it once or twice with me still awake and alert. All of a sudden he stopped, "Alpha Ash will be here in a few seconds. Better stay awake for him." he said.

Right after he left, Ash came in. He had a dismayed face on, but I saw straight through it. He was happy about something but wanted me to think he was upset about it. He noticed I had figured out his little cover-up so he dropped it and said with a happy face,"Your mate has declared war on us, and it's all because of you. You will be the reason his pack dies out and he will never know that you really wanted to get out of here." I shook my head enough so the cloth fell off my face and I said, "What do you mean, he saw me in the video sacred and chained up. Why would I want to stay here? Any sensible person would know that people don't like to be chained up and injured."

"Exactly, that's why we are going to make another video for him. Now, you are going to pretend that you are in love with me and you want to stay here. You will tell him that you never want to see him, ever." Ash stated

"What if I don't? Then what happens?"

"Well, I'll have to get Bruce back in here and have him punish you some more. Plus we can make your arm bone match your that poor messed up leg of yours. Maybe some other bones will look like your leg as well." He said as if he was talking about the weather.

"What do I get if I do do it?"

"You won't ever see Bruce again. I might also give you some food and water, maybe even a nice shower and let you out of the chains. Plus, if he sees that you don't want him anymore, he won't go on with the war and you will be saving his and several others' packs lives."

"OK, as long as you promise that I will NEVER see Bruce again. You have to promise on your Alpha title and your life."

"I promise on my Alpha title and my life, you will never see Bruce again." he said with his hands up in surrender.

He let me out of the chains and a lady came in to take me to the house and show me to the bathroom. I took a long, hot, steamy shower and found some of my clothes on the counter. Did someone come in whileI was showering? I thought I had locked the door. Wait, are those my clothes from home. Did they rob my house? I put on the clothes and did my hair. They had left a blow dryer in the bathroom but instead of using it, I just braided it into a side fish-tail braid. I walked out of the bathroom but insteaad of walking down the hall, I bumped into a hard chest. That chest turned out to belong to Ash.

"Did you rob my house?!?!?! Did you go into the bathroom while I was showering!?!?!?! I could've sworn I had locked the door." I had yelled in his face. The last part I had said more to myself though.

"First of all, my girlfriend doesn't yell at me. Second, I just had some men go to your room and get some of your clothes so you could change. Third, this is my house so I have a key to all the rooms, and I had an Omega she-wolf put your clothes in there." Ash said

"Oh, OK. Wait, I'm not your girlfriend." I retorted

"Well not really, but as far as the werewolf world knows, we are dating." He said with a smirk

With that he pulled me into a bridle style holding position and started walking down the stairs.

"I can walk." I said with so much venom

"I know, but either you do this without complaint or you can walk yourself back down to those cells and not get any food."

At the mention of food my stomach made an appearance.

"Fine." I said bluntly. I hadn't eaten in like almost 2 days.

After I ate my turkey sandwhich, we had to make Jonathan a video. I tried to fake as much love for Ash as possible but I couldn't, so I just put on a fake smile and pretended I was talking to Ash instead of Jonathan. For some reason I felt really guilty doing this but I didn't know why. I was saving his and several others' lives so I should feel good that I'm doing good and not being selfish. Right?

After the video, Ash sent me back to my cell, but this time I wasn't chained up. I had snuck a water bottle with me just in case I wasn't able to get any.

I fell asleep soon enough and I dreamed of Jonathan and what his face would look when he saw the video I was forced to send him. It would probably have the look of devastation and bitter and hurt.

Jonathan, I'm so sorry!

WAIT!!!! Did I just think to myself that I'm sorry about doing this to Jonathan. I barely know that guy. I don't even know what a mate means, much less how I'm supposed to feel about it. Jonathan was super protective of me and very demanding as well. What did I do to deserve all this crap in my life. It all started with my dad getting a job here and us moving. I wonder if they know about all this. They probably know about me being kidnapped or something.

I hope someone comes............................soon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hope ya'll liked it! here's your ridddle:

What's black and white but red/read all over?

Comment your answer and I will dedicate the next chapter to you. There can be more than one person that I dedicate the chapter to.

BTW- I figured out how to dedicate a chapter to someone WITHOUT you guys' help. Thanks a lot!


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