12: She Was Taken?!?!?!

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Jonathan's POV:

As I ran from Riley, I felt terrible. I felt alone and like an unworthy mate, especially since I just left her like that. She must think I'm bi-polar or something (A/N: no ofense to those who are, my aunt is so I don't want you to tskr offense to it). I run and run and then I morph into my wolf. I run for about 10 more minutes until River starts acting weird.

'What's wrong?' I ask him.

'I think somethings wrong with Riley. I can sense her feelings and she's scared and confused.' He says

'What? What should we do?'

'I don't know about you, but I'm going to go find my mate and make sure she's OK.'

River took over and ran all the way back to Riley's little swimming area, but she was no where to be seen and it looked like she had packed up everything and headed home.

'Why don't you just read her mind to know what's going one?'

'Don't you think that if I could, I would have already. It only works if I'm 5 feet or closer to her.'

With that, I just kept my mouth shut. River followed her scent but it ended about 2 blocks from her house. He sniffed the air again and River detected like 15 other scents, unmated male scents!

'You mean to tell me that there were like 15 unmated male werewolves surrounding her!'

'Yup. I'm not happy about it either.'

'Whose scents are they anyway? Are they from our pack, rogues, or do you think another pack?'

'Defiantly another pack, maybe the Desert Pack or the Moonbeam Pack."

I finally got control back and I raced as fast as possible to the pack house. I mind linked someone for some shorts for when I changed back. When I got there, I felt this terrible pain in my leg. It felt like someone was standing on it and they were trying to break it.

I fell to the ground and immediately everyone came to my aid. Everyone was alert because their soon-to-be Alpha was in pain and they didn't know why. They asked what was going on.

'What's going in River, what's happening?!?!?!?' I asked

'I don't know. We haven't been hurt at all recently. It might be Riley though. It might be her pain that we feel.' River responded

'What do you mean, we haven't marked her and she's human. We shouldn't be able to do this, we shouldn't be able to feel her pain!'

'I don't know what to tell you. It's the same as with her emotions/feelings. I guess we have a stronger bond than most human-werewolf mates. I'm also going to take the pain away so you can figure out where she is. Bye' 

'OK, thanks. Bye.'

 The pain subsided and I was able to stand and walk inside the house.

"What happened Jonathan? Did you get attacked? Why didn't you mind link us so we could come help you? You better explain yourself young man?" My mother said with concern but after she realized I was OK, her voice was firm and demanding.

"Well if you would let me speak I would tell you." I responded playfully/sarcastically. She just gave me "the look" that says, I'm waiting.

"OK, I was with my mate and I left for a couple of minutes because I was losing control and I didn't want to scare her. River felt her emotions and knew she was scared and confused. So River took over so he could follow her scent but it was a dead end about 2 blocks from her house but there were also 15 other males, unmated males." I said the last part with so much venom that everyone bowed their heads in submission, all those but my mother and father. Then I heard growls from the other pack member, as they realized what I had just said. They are very protective of their future Luna and they didn't want her to be in danger.

"River thinks that the group of wolves are from the Desert or Moonbeam Pack. When I was in pain earlier, River knew it was Riley's pain and right now he is taking all the pain so I could find Riley."

"You mean to say that you've already marked the poor girl and you haven't told me about her or brought her home!!!!!!!!" My mom yelled

"No, I haven't marked her and I've only known her for like 2 days. And I don't know how River can feel her emotions or her pain, especially since she's human. He thinks it is because we have a stronger bond with her than most wolves would with their human mates." I explained

"Oh, ok. John (my dad), you need to investigate. Also, does she know about werewolves yet?"

"No, I haven't told her yet. We had just met."

"Well than we really need to get her back." My dad finally said.

"Finally, I thought we would never leave this house!" I said sarcastically

"Alpha, you should probably come see this." One of our warriors said.

When we all got into the family room, the warrior wolf pressed play on the computer that was hooked up onto the TV. What we saw in those next 4 minutes was horrifying. It was Alpha Ash of the Desert Pack and he had Riley chained up. In the end, he stepped on her leg so hard that you could hear the bone break. When she screamed, he slapped her. Nearly everyone was growling but I was the loudest. No one can touch my princess! NO ONE!!!!!

My dad was on the phone in seconds with Alpha Ash. He went into his office but I followed and he put it on speaker. There was so much yelling from our side that I wouldn't be surprised if Ash was cringing in pain from the loudness. We ended up declaring war on his pack and then we called all of our allies. They all agreed to help us, under one condition. They would all get help if something like this were to happen to them or if they lose too many members. We all agreed, they were coming here tomorrow and we would train for 2 days, then attack.

We're coming for you Riley, stay strong. Live on, for me!

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""A/N: Sorry this took longer than normal, I was super busy. I kind of neglected my homework so I could finish it. Plus soccer practice was cancelled so I was able to do it a bit longer. I hope y'all liked it.

In the next author's note, I will put a riddle. If you figure out the riddle, I will try my best to figure out a way to dedicate the chapter to all those who figure it out and comment the answer.


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