17: This Isn't Heaven

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Riley's POV

Four days after she was killed

Is it hot to anyone else but me. I slowly open my eyes but when I open them, all I can see is the sun. After a second of blinking, I look around and notice that I'm in the desert. Wiat, what!!!! Ithought that was all a dream! I thought that I would be in my bed, about to start the first day of school! Man!!!! Why is life so difficult?!?!?!?!

Hold up? If everything that happened was true, why am I alive? Am I a ghost? Crap, I rather be alive or dead, but not a ghost! I slowly get up, stretching and feeling like I've been asleep for awhile. I walk over to a catus and I put my hand on it.

"Ouch!" I say was a needle goes into my skin.

As the blood starts to flow, the little spot where I pricked myself, goes up in flames. I looked like a match flame but still, my hand was on fire. The wierd thing is though, it didn't hurt, I felt refreshing. I felt as if I had just drank some water after running a marathon. Wierd, right?

Speaking of water, my mouth feels so dry. I wonder how long I've been without water. I see an animal running towards the cactus and it quickly splits the cactus open (A/N: not sure if there is a real animal that does that). I see the animal start to drink the water, but right as it is about to finish the rest, I realize that I need that water as well. I run as fast as possible to the animal, and in a blink of an eye, I'm right next to it. How'd I get here so fast. I was easily 35 yards away. I carefully pick up the cactus and start to drink the AMAZING liquid inside. Soon enough, the water is gone.

I start to hear a grumbling in my tummy (Winnie the Pooh :D) and I realize that I'm also very hungry. Before I can think of my hunger though, a medium amount of water is pulled out of the ground and is just in a ball suspended in mid air. I freaked out and the ball of water crashed to the ground! What was that! That was like I was controling it, like in the movies. Is it possible that I can control water? That would be awesome if I could! But then again, that's all fake, but werewolves are real so I don't know, maybe.

I decide to try again. I imagine me having water, then all of a sudden, the ball of water is there again. AWESOME!!!!! I can control water!!!! I play around with the water for a bit longer but I eventually need to drink something. I wish I had a cup to put the water in. All of a sudden, the Earth cracks a little and a cup shaped peice of Earth was floating near the water. AMAZING!!! I can also control the ground!!! I slowly put the water in the makeshift cup .

So I know that I can control water and Earth!!! YAY!!!

After I've had my drink of water, I become very very hungry. I look around and then notice a hare (A/N: a desert rabbit). It is about 50 yards away to my left and if I'm quite, I can probaly sneak over there. But if I'm not quite, it will notice me and take off. Just great (notice the sarcasm). 

 I quitely make my way towards the creature but I step on a little shrub and it hears me. I need to catch up. I ran as fast as possible but in the blink of an eye, I'm past it! What in the world! I jog towards the hare, trying not to over run but it feels like I'm still running, at a pretty fast pace. It is almost as if I have "vampire speed", to bad that doesn't exist. But who knows, it could, I mean all this has happened and I didn't believe in it at all!

I catch the hare and deciding to be the nicest I can be while killing it, I immediately snap its neck. I hear the terrible noise of the neck cracking and I wince at the gross sound. I can't believe I just killed a living thing. I have never done that before (swatting/smushing bugs don't count). 

 I look around for some wood to start a fire but there is only a little tiny twig. I then try to find two rocks so I can start the fire to cook the hare. I am NOT eating it raw, I would rather starve! I find two rocks after about 45 minutes of searching. I try my best to start a fire but I have no clue how.

It is now dark and I can see millions of stars. I have been trying to start a fire for an hour now and I just wish it would start so I can eat! Finally I see sparks, but they aren't coming from the rocks, they are coming from my fingers! What the heck?!?!? This day just keeps getting wierder and wierder. I try again and a flame erupts from my palm and I'm holding it in my hand. I throw it on the stick and the stick burns away within 1 minute. The fire keeps burning though, but it isn't brning anything, wierd.

I cook the hare and I slowly eat, wishing that I didn't have to kill it. It isn't that I don't like eating meat, I just don't like killing or watching things get killed. After I have eaten, I decide I should go look for some shelter. I also want to try out my super speed and see if I can't control it. 

I start running as fast as I can through the desert, but I can see things as if I were only jogging by them. (A/N: Picture Bella's first run from Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part Two) I accidentally step on a rattle snake in my hasate and it quickly bites me. I start to feel the poisen running through my body, but it didn't get very far. Instead, it started coming out of my body and the bite was burning. I think I might have the quality of a Pheonix (I might not have believed in the supernatural but I did love reading about it). After the bite is healed, I ram my leg into a prickly catus and a lot of thorn get stuck in my skin.

After a minutes, my leg goes up in flame and the pain goes away. When the fire dies out, the prick marks are gone, the prickers are gone, and the pain has also disappeared. I do have Pheonix qualities, that's so cool! That would explain why I am alive after I remember seeing the gates to Heaven. Cool, I am immortal!

I lay down to sleep while I think of all I have discovered about myself and I drift off to dream land with a huge grin on my face.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N:    RILEY'S ALIVE!!!!!! I hope you guys liked the chapter!! Do any of you have a specific power you want her to have, I can have her discover more in the next chapter? Please COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE!


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