5: The Bullying Begins

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Riley's POV:


That's the name that belongs to the person that just ruined my sophomore year.


As I was walking towards my 7th period class, I bumped into a girl. I didn't think much of it and started to pick up my books. I quickly mumbled "Sorry" and was about to walk away when someone grabbed my arm. I looked at the girl that I had accidentally run into and saw fury in her eyes. I shrank back in fear.

"OMG! This is a new outfit! Now it's all ruined and wrinkled! What's your problem bitch?" the girl shrieked at me.

"It was an accident." I told her.

She let go of my arm but pulled my hair back so I was looking at the ceiling.

"Stay away from Jonathan! Got it! He's mine. I'm his girlfriend and I don't need your ugliness rubbing off on him. I mean look at you, you're so fucking tall and unattractive. Like for real, how tall are you?" she asked

" I'm six one." I told her as tears were forming in my eyes because of the pain.

"Wow. Isn't that a boys height. You realize that all the tall, good-looking guys are taken, right. Now you will have to find a boyfriend that will not be disgusted by your ugliness and he will be shorter than you. Plus you will never be able to wear heels, because that will just make you guys look even more out of proportion. And you will have to bend down to kiss him. That is, if anyone is willing to date you." She replied

That's what broke my walls. I could handle being bullied because of my tallness but she just took my worst fear (no one loving me) and told me that I won't be loved because of my tallness and my boyfriend will have to deal with my ugliness. To make matters worst she said, "Plus you are fat so no one will ever want you. NO. ONE!!!!!!!!!!" She whispered menacingly in my ear.

With that she let me go but not before slapping me across the face. Then someone finally said, "Sandy, that's enough. We don't want to kill her on her first day. We have all year to do that."

With that I ran out of school, ditching my 7th period.


As I was running out of school, I locked eyes with Jonathan and I felt panicked. He was coming out of the woods with a smirk on his face. For the few seconds we looked into each other's eyes as he was coming over and Jonathan's eyes changed from their capturing bright blue to a deep pitch black. Plus his eyes were glazed over and he was shaking. With that I ran towards my jeep and I put the keys into the ignition. I drove out of the parking lot and to my water hole.

When I got to my water hole, I jumped right in, not caring whether my clothes got wet or not. As I swam around, my head was completely cleared of all the crap and drama that has happened to me for the past few days. I was so relaxed in the water that I felt like I had left this world and I was in my favorite place, Water World. That's at least what Sydney calls it. She said that whenever I swim, I go into my own little world, and since I go there only while I'm in the water, she decided to call it Water World. I guess I liked the name too so that;s what I call it now.

In Water World, there are no problems, drama, or harm. I am the only one there, unless I want someone else to be there with me. There is exotic, brightly colored fish every where and there is beautiful coral there as well. Everything is happy.

When I merge from the surface I realize that mom and dad will want to know where I am and what happened at school so I have to text Syd that I'm at my Water Hole and I won't be home for awhile. With that thought in mind, I pull myself out of the water and I climb back up the small cliff to sunbathe.

'Will be home at like 5. At my water hole.' I texted Syd after I made sure to dry my hands off and that her school was out so she wouldn't get in trouble.

'OK. But why are you there already? Are you OK? Do you need to talk to me? Well either way, I'll tell mom and dad and if you need me, I'll be in my room doing the BUTT LOAD of homework that I have.' classic Syd, so caring and worried. She is the only one who knows about what happened to me last year (the bullying), except for my friends and the people at my school.

'Thanks, but I'm OK. Just had a bit of drama that came up. Thanks for worrying though ;) Love u!' I replied.

After that I sunbathed for about 10 more minutes before I noticed a figure in the woods. I started to get worried. As if the figure saw me look at it, it stepped out to reveal a large black wolf with rid tips. He was beautiful, but I was still worried that the wolf would hurt. Right on que, the wolf lowered his head and came closer towards me, taking hesitant steps. Let him come near me, feeling safe and strangely comfortable around him, as if I had known him for like ever.

He hopped up on the cliff and laid down right next to me. I took a shaking hand and reached out to touch him. As if knowing what I was going to do, he leaned into my touch and started to purr as I rubbed his back. It was the most calming thing I had ever experienced (except swimming). IT. WAS. AMAZING. I loved it!

I randomly started to tell him about my horrid day. I don't know why but I felt like I could tell him anything and he would be able to understand me and he would never judge me. I know, weird right. After awhile of talking, I looked at my phone and realized it was 5:30. Crap, I'm late. I abruptly got up and the wolf fell in surprise (his head ended up on my lap). He whimpered and I said, "Sorry, but I have to go. My parents are waiting for me. I'll meet you here after school, OK?" Like he was going to respond, but he ended up shaking his head so I took that as a yes. That's weird, I didn't think he could understand me. Oh well!

With that, I ran all the way to my house and quickly passed my mom to my room to change into completely dry clothes so they wouldn't be able to get suspicious about my "Thinking Spot".


A/N: Please vote and comment. I need to know what you guys think. I'm begging you. Tell me what you liked, don't like, thought I should change or add. Thanks guys.



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