18: Who Says You Can't Go Home

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It has been a year now and I am finally am going home. I have stayed away for a year trying to control my powers and learn as much as I can about them before I go back to civilization. I did this so I could make sure I don't hurt anyone and to make sure that no one finds about me. I do NOT want to become a governmental science project (YUCK!!!!)!!!!

I think I have control over all of my powers, which include: Water, Earth, Wind, Fire, super speed, super strength, super senses, shapeshifting, I can heal things with my water, and I have the Phoenix abilities. Water was the easiest to master and I have the most fun with it. But it is kinda hard getting water in the desert so for a short amount of time, I went to a deserted shore and practiced. I haven't healed a person but I do heal the animals that I kill. I end up killing them to eat but after I kill them, I kinda cut them up a little and then I heal those wounds for practice.

I haven't had a real shower since before I was kidnapped and I haven't changed clothes. I know that it's gross but I couldn't risk hurting anyone by going into town. I also know that you are probably think why I haven't died being in the desert this long, but apparently my skin can't get burned and I have collected water from different places to keep me hydrated.

Right now I am running through the woods (already got out of the desert) towards my house, some how I know how to get back. I don't know how though. I think I am most excited to see Sydney the most. I love my parents but I have that special bond with Syd and I can tell her everything. I know I can tell my mom anything, but I just feel better talking to Syd. Plus she is the only on that really gets me and is the only one that knows about me being bullied.

I can see my house now, it's so close!!!! I slow down as I get closer and closer towards the edge of the woods, until I am just at a slow jog. I walk up to the front porch and I slowly and hesitantly knock on the door.

What if they aren't living here anymore? What will happen when they see me? Will they believe that it's really me or will they think I'm playing a prank? Will they accept me? Wait, what am I thinking, of course they will accept me. Will I tell them my secret? If so, then when? Once they know, will they be sacred or will they welcome me with loving arms?

All these questions raced through my mind in the half a minute between me knocking and my mom answering the door. My mom had a look in her eyes like she is partly dead. After a second of her looking at me, her eyes grew with shock.

"Is that really you Riley?" she asked hesitantly

"Yes mom, I've come home." I say with tears starting to fill my eyes

She ran at me for a hug, "I thought I had lost you, I thought you were dead. I missed you." she said

"I missed you too mom. Can I say hi to the rest of the family? I'll tell you everything once we are inside." I ask through my tears

She just nods her head as she tries to blink the tears away. She walks to the family room with me in tow and when she gets there, dad looks up and asks why she's crying. I walk into the room and I hear him and Sydney gasp.

"What? I thought you were dead. Is this real?" Sydney says

"It's real, I promise. I missed you so so so so so much." I tell her as I walk towards her to give her a hug.

"You look different? I missed you and I am so glad you are back." My dad says as he starts to tear up

"Now, will you please explain how you are here and where you have been the last year?' My mom says with sadness yet grief

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