chapter 5 • i don't know where

"Archie please don't-" i look at him and I stare into those puffy red swollen eyes.

"Arch-" I put my hand on his cheek and he gently grabs it and puts it down onto my leg. I knew what was gonna happen he was gonna leave. I also knew he was heart broken but he didn't need to do this.

"Mace, i love you but I have to go" he stands there for a few seconds then hugs me. It was a big and tight hug... that I will remember forever.

"Archie please don't leave" i cry into his shoulder and he cries onto mine.

"Your the only thing I have left" he whips his tears and turns around and doesn't turn around and leaves, I jump when I hear the door slam.

"Goodbye Triple M" and that was the last thing he said to me.

Right after that day he didn't come back home. My mom and I were worried to death we didn't know where he was or what he did. We called the police and they tried to find him.

That's when it hit me. My twin brother was  gone.

3 days later. The whole town was looking for him, we looked everywhere and he was still nowhere to be found, I cried day and night, and no one found him.

Until There was a girl who was taking a morning jog in the woods and found Archie, he had killed himself.
And when I heard the news, I was going to kill myself too, but my mom found out, she took me to a therapist and I got the help that I needed. I didn't realize at the time that my mom also needed help.

Archie loved my father and when I mean loved I mean that they were like peanut butter and jelly, they were really close and when he heard that my dad died he started to act different he wasn't himself he began doing drugs and other stuff he wouldn't talk to me like he used to.

He would always talk to me and tell me what was wrong but when my father died it seemed like a part of him died, he couldn't handle it and I guess it was to much that he had to kill himself. I'm still grieving even though it's been 2 months.

In those 2 months my mom found a note and it said why he did what he did.

Dear mom and Mace,

     I couldn't live any longer, and no it was not your fault it was mine, I did something I regret and something that I shouldn't have done I ruined Ali's life. Mom your a grandmother, I couldn't take care of the child and the child wouldn't have loved me I would've been a horrible father I ruined my own life and I didn't want to ruin anyone else's so I took my own life, yes I miss dad and yes if dad was here he would have helped me through this but I want you, Mom and Mace aka triple M to know that I love both of you and I always will...and I know mom would stop reading this after the grandmother part so now I'm talking to you Mace and I don't want you to kill yourself like I did so please if you want me to be happy don't kill yourself and don't be afraid to talk about me or dad I'm not ashamed about killing myself and you shouldn't either because I'm your twin brother and I'll always love you.

           Archie Ace Miller

That was the note that he left. He left me the only thing that would keep me alive.


"So Mace what was it you wanted to tell me" Cole says, he had a big smile on his face but this wasn't a smiling matter. I know that, that beautiful smile would fall.

"I wanted you to know about my brother" he nods "if he were still here you and him would have been best friends or even better" I look at him and I see something that reminds me of Archie.

"What was his name?" Cole asked

"His name is Archie" I look down at the locket Archie and I bought for each other mine had an A and his had an M.

"I like that name" he says

"Archie he, Um.. he killed himself and I-I love him, he was so young and he ended his own life" I touch my locket and look up at Cole.

"I'm so sorry Mace" he hugs me and I suddenly start crying, on his shoulder like I did with Archie. It brought back so many memories.

"Your such a nice guy Cole you really are" I fix myself and look at Cole.

"Cole I know you like Liz" he stands there in shock and I laugh.

"Don't be like that, I have a feeling that she likes you to" I see a smile and I laugh again!.

"You know what's funny, that my middle name is Macey but he used to call me Mace because his middle name was Ace" I smile at the thought of it.

"What was his full name"

"Archie Ace Miller" I say

"And yours is Mia Macey Miller" I nod my head

"Yep" I pop the p.

"I'll see you later Cole" I get out the car and hes left mind blown.

I look back at the car and I laugh and I hop back to I don't know where.


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