Chapter Four-Trying To Tell Me

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I giggled when Zayn found out I knew he was spying. I heard him shriek and fall backwards. Harry was still laying in bed. I turned my head back to Harry and put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. When I put my hand on his head, he placed his hand on mine. "Harry..." I begged. He immediately swiped his hand away. "I'm sorry, Darcy." He mumbled in disappointment. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Harry's face lit up when I did that action. "Don't be sorry, it's just that I'm with Blaine and I have to stay with him." I explained. Harry raised his eyebrow in concern. "Why do you have to stay with him? Don't tell me you're being forced!" He explained. I again sighed, "It's complicated." Harry laid his head back on the pillow and groaned. "I'm really, really sorry Darcy. I didn't mean for this to happen." He muttered. I felt awful for the poor lad, him being ill and confused. I bent over and kissed his forehead. My soft lips went through a wonderful sensation when they met with his skin. Harry held my head when I was doing this action. "Kiss me. Please." He begged. I forcefully shook my head. "I'm the sorry one. I'll come check on you." I whispered getting off the bed. Harry looked at me in amazement as if I just kissed his lips. "Darcy?" he asked bashfully. "Yeah?" I responded, turning my head back to him. "I love you." He said hoping for the same response.  I bit my lip, "Harry please don't say that." I mumbled. This is difficult. "Why? Why can't I love you?" He asked using an angry tone. "Because if I say it back I would be cheating on Blaine." I said running out the room.  I walked into the living room to find Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall watching football. When one of the soccer players kicked the ball in the net they jumped in the air. "Hey guys." I said, sitting next to them. "Hey Darcy, how's Harry?" Liam asked. I sighed, "pretty good, you guys should go say hi." I explained. They nodded in agreement. 

Each boy got up and walked up the stairs. I heard laughter and enjoyment, but none from Harry. I only heard Liam singing "Milkshake" and Niall humming like a lady to the song. As I sat back in the tan couch I got a text message. I took my phone out of my back pocket and clicked the unlock button. The message was from Blaine, telling me to pick him up from the bar he got drunk at last night. I laid my phone on the coffee table and rested my head in my hands. A tear slid down my cheek and onto my lower lip. "You can do better, Darcy." I heard someone say behind me. I turned my neck to be facing Zayn. "Oh, hey, sorry about making you fall down the stairs. "It was worth it, Louis paid me twelve pounds." He explained, sitting next to me. "Ugh, I have to go pick Blaine up from the bar." I said wiping my eyes with my arm. "I'll come with you." Zayn said comforting. I smiled and nodded. We got off the couch and walked to the door.

After grabbing my keys and jacket Zayn looked in the mirror. "Oh come on!" I playfully said, dragging him out the door to my car. I unlocked the car and Zayn hopped in. I sat in the drivers seat and turned on the car. It seemed like Zayn knew how to work this car, he turned on the radio, and what do you know? "What Makes You Beautiful" is playing, Zayn and I looked at each other in a humorous way. We started laughing like banshee's. "Do you think Blaine might still be drunk?" Zayn asked. I gave a thoughtful look at the road. "He might just have a hangover." I explained. Zayn nodded. I pulled up to "June Byes Pub" there laid Blaine on the side bench. He noticed me and got up. "You're late, bitch!" He shouted, getting in the back of my car. Zayn gave me a nervous look. "Sorry honey," I said handing him an Asprin for his head pains. 

"Where were you two!" Louis shouted, running from the living room. He moved Zayn away from me. "I had to drop Blaine off." I mumbled. Louis crossed his arms. "And where did you drop him off, may I ask." I rolled my eyes and huffed. "That has nothing to concern you and stay out of my love life!" I shouted loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Everyone went in shock and I walked away. "Don't you turn your back on me missy!" Louis yelled. I groaned and ran up the stairs to the room Louis and I were sharing and slammed the door. After ten minutes of Louis banging on the door, I finally let him in. "When did you and Blaine go?" He asked sternly while walking into the room. I looked out the door and across the hallway to the room Harry was in. He gave me a concerned look. "I dropped him off at his flat." I explained. Louis sat on the bed and was concentrating. "Where was he before?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. "The bar," I explained. "Did you two do anything while you were there?" He asked lowering his voice. My eyes went wide open. "Louis! Never, Zayn was there and I'm waiting until marriage." I explained folding my arms. Why would he even think of that?

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