Chapter Fifty-Plans

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Anytime now, the babies were due. My stomach looked massive! I have a hard time sleeping and getting around from carrying two babies. Today, we were setting up the babies rooms. Harry and I thought it would be easier to have them in the main big room for now. The boys, Danielle and Eleanor were also there to help. We painted the room a bit of a light yellow with the mix of a light green, it looked humble. Once we quick dried it, Harry and Louis put the dark wood cribs parts together. Eleanor, Danielle and I set the baby toys and accessories around the room while Niall, Liam and Zayn put all the furniture and ceiling gliders up. "This is looking great!" Danielle beamed. I smiled and set a pink giraffe on the rocking chair. "They're going to love it." I explained. Once we were done, it was time for lunch.

"Save the pickles!" Niall whined at me. "Sorry, they look so good!" I explained, slipping a bite into my mouth. Once my turkey, pickle, Nutella, and crisp sandwich was done, we all sat down in the dining room. "Darcy," Eleanor began, taking a bite of her sandwich. "We need to get you a pushup bra." She explained. The boys began to snicker. "Eleanor, my boobs aren't that small." I confessed, covering them. "You look hot." She quickly joked, trying to get to the point. "Anyway, if you don't wear one after the babies are born, they'll get all saggy and no one would want to look at them." I set my glass down. "Eleanor!" I exclaimed. "You need a pushup bra!" She whined. "My boobs are fine!" I protested. Harry set down his water. "Eleanor, her chest is gorgeous. Trust me." I rolled my eyes and slowly got up from the table. "Well, I'm going to go pee." I mumbled.

Later that night, I laid yet again, restless. "Harry?" I asked, nudging him. He grumbled and turned over to me. "What is it love?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry to wake you, but I can't sleep." He frowned at my restlessness. "Do you want me to sing to you?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He sighed and pulled me into his chest. Harry began to sing 'Count On Me,' our song. I smiled and began to rub my stomach. There was a nudge. "Harry, they kicked!" He stopped singing and placed his hand on my stomach. "Wait, keep on singing." He immediately began to sing the chorus. "They like it." I giggled, rubbing where the small bumps were. They were kicking like crazy. Harry laughed and kissed my stomach, making them kick more. "Ow, babies, you're hurting mummy." I cooed. Harry smiled and kissed my stomach one last time. "No hurting....Mummy," he blushed, saying mummy. I sighed and closed my eyes, they were finally going to let me sleep.

The next morning, Harry and I were getting the house cleaned for when the babies are born. "Hey babe?" He asked, cleaning the floor. I looked at him, away from the wires near the flat screen television. "Yes?" He fidgeted with the Swifer. "Tomorrow, I need to record a few things is it okay if Eleanor and Danielle come over?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah, thats fine." He set the broom down and walked over to me, standing behind me, rubbing my shoulder and nuzzling his head into my hair. "I'm sorry, it's a requirement. I tried to have them do it earlier, but the management said no." I sighed and nodded. "It's not your fault." "I'll make it up to you with popcorn, a film and a foot massage." He seductively suggested. "You know I can't resist a foot massage." I chuckled. "I'll go make the popcorn." He kissed my cheek. 

After we watched Marley and Me, it was time to go for a doctors appointment. Harry helped me with my sweater and we were off. When we got to the medical center, Doctor Banks lead us into our usual room. She got me situated. "So, how were those awful nine months?" She asked, pressing on my stomach. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Painful, restless and hungry," I explained. Harry frowned at my response and kissed my hand. "Well, they are due in two days." She smiled. I looked over at Harry who was smiling like a fool. "Did you hear that?" I grinned. "Now, the next few days after the birth may be painful and you get a little stressed." She explained. I nodded and looked over at Harry who looked sad at that. "But other than that you will do great!" She beamed. 

We went home later that night and I took the medicine Doctor Banks gave me and soon went to sleep. Everything was going to go great. I knew it. 

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