Chapter ThirtySeven-Funeral

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Two days after dress shopping and I was in the kitchen making pancakes with the boys when the phone call came. I stirred the pancake batter perfectly. "The phones ringing!" Zayn cried. "I'll get it." I explained, reaching for the home phone over the sink. "Hello?" I asked. "Miss Tomlinson, I don't know how to tell you...But your father passed away late last night." A woman whimpered into the phone. "Who is this?" I asked, shaking. "Roy and Glen Funeral home. He died in a car crash." She explained. The phone slipped out of my hand like it was buttered and so did the pancake mix. "Oh my god," I whispered. The boys stopped what they were doing. "Darcy! Are you all right?" Louis asked. I shook my head. "Daddy's dead," I whimpered. Shock spread Louis and the boys faces. Both Louis and I began to cry. "Come here." He welled, pulling me into his arms. "We're going to be all right." He cooed. "Don't be sad, he won't bother you anymore." Louis explained. "I don't care about that, I forgave him the moment he kicked me out." I cried into his shoulder. "I need a moment alone." Louis confessed, leaving the kitchen. I looked over at Harry with my glossy eyes and red cheeks. "Hey, come here." He whispered, pulling my into his chest. "I'm so sorry." He cooed, stroking my head. I began to calm down now that I was in his arms. His warmth was relaxing. I nodded and kissed his lips. "We need hugs too." The boys whined. "I would never forget you lovely boys." I explained, wrapping my arms around Niall and Liam's necks. It was a large group hug.

One days later, we arrived at the funeral home. Outside, there were two line of maple trees with a sidewalk between the gap. I took a hold of Harry's arm. Everyone was there, even Eleanor and Danielle. They all wanted to support my brother and I. Gina bumped my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic smile. We walked into the room. There it was, fathers coffin wide open. I gasped and ran out of the room. Tears began to well in my eyes, making my vision blurry. "Darcy, wait!" Harry shouted, catching up with me. I stopped in my tracks and buried my face in my hands. "Come here." Harry whispered, hugging me. I then buried my face into his shirt instead. "I can't go back in there, not when his body in there." I explained. "You don't have to." He announced, rubbing his cheek on my head. "Do you want to go?" He asked. I thought for a moment, this would be the last time I saw him and I need to be there for my family. "No, I need to be there for Louis and my mum." I confessed, raising my shoulder higher. "Let my get you a tissue first." He explained. He walked over to a marble table and grabbed a green box. "Thank." I said, dabbing my eyes. 

After the funeral, we all went to Nandos. Niall's choice of course. I was feeling a little better, knowing that my father was in good hands. Maybe it was something not to be sad about, he was someone who just didn't care about me. I had my friends and family with me, I paid my respects to him, there is no need to grieve over the past. When we were done eating, we went our own ways for the night. But Eleanor was coming with us. Louis started the car, and we were off into the night. "Louis, I think I'm ready to let go of dad." I explained. "The reason I was so quiet at dinner was because I was debating over that with myself." I added. "I guess you're right, and you could do enough thinking to cover both of us." He explained, playfully pinching my cheek. "He is right, you do think a lot." Liam confessed. "Enough to cover your entire life." I joked. He gasped. "Well, I have the cutest birthmark." He proclaimed. "Actually, I do, it's a little mark on my bum." I bragged, smacking my butt. "And, she has a Tomlinson arse, so its bound to be cute!" Louis confessed. "I think that was a compliment?" I questioned. "Just speaking the truth?" "You should play Volleyball, the shorts make our bums look even better." Eleanor explained. I chuckled. "I played that in Year 10 and I distracted all the lads in my class, sadly." I explained. This conversation just got weird.

Once we dropped Eleanor off, we drove back home. Niall was yet again hungry and Zayn was craving hair spray. When we pulled up our driveway, Niall did the tuck and roll and ran inside for food. We got inside and could already smell the oven pizza. "Meanwhile in Haiti!" I shouted over the beeping. "Hey, it's been a long day, I'm going to go to bed." I explained over to Harry. He nodded and kissed my forehead. When I got up the stairs and into my room, I took my black dress off and changed into a large t-shirt. 

Today, Eleanor, Danielle, Gemma, Keira, Gina, and an old friend from Year 12 named Ella, and I are going to the club tonight for my bachlorette party. Eleanor asked if she could plan it all by herself, so I would be surprised. I agreed, but I'm a little nervous that there will be strippers there. She also made sure that there will be no paparazzi's. I was in my room, putting on a short, but not too short black tube skirt that had a gold zipper in the front. After that, I zipped the front of a white thick strapped 'bra' top that was up to the bottom of my ribs it also had gold square studs around the sleeves. It was truly Keira's idea. I then put my hair in thick curls and applied my makeup. I actually didn't look trashy, but it also wasn't my style. Once I put on a pair of glossy red flats, I went down stairs. The boys stared. "It was Keira's idea!" I whined. All the girls that were going were standing near the sofa. "Lady boner," Eleanor confessed. I glared at her in weirdness. "No homo?" She added. Harry creased his eyebrows. "No, no, no, you are not going out in that outfit." He protested. Keira stood in front of him and held her arms out. "Yes, yes, yes she is going out in that outfit, I worked hard on it." She explained. Keira actually designed this herself. "Can't she were a maxi dress or something with a nice sweater and coat over it?" He questioned. "If it's a turn on for me, it's probably going to be a turn on for other men." He confessed. "I will take care of her, I promise." Gina added. "I am the designated driver." She added. Harry thought for a moment. "Fine, but no men ten feet near you." He demanded. I smiled. "Yes, of course." I moved closer and kissed him. "But you do look rather sexy." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and Eleanor and Danielle dragged me outside. "I'm surprised he's more protective of you than me." Gemma chuckled. "Sorry about that," I apologized. "Don't be, it was a relief." 

When we got there, I saw the sign. I knew exactly what it was and I was not pleased...

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