Chapter FortySeven-Uncle Louis

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It's been a few weeks since Harry and I have received our news and we couldn't be any happier, truly. No one but me can notice the little bloating in my stomach. I'm actually a little self-conscious, but hey, it's the pregnancy. Also no one knows...

Harry and I opened the boy's front door and walked into the kitchen like it was a free household. "Thanks for knocking." Louis joked. I nervously chuckled. "Can we talk to you guys?" I asked. Louis gave Harry and I a strange yet concerned look. "Yeah, what is it?" I sighed and lead the boys into the living room. Once they all sat down, except Harry and I, I began to tremble.  "It's okay." Harry whispered into my hair, holding me protectively. I didn't know how to say it and tension was building in the room quickly. "Harry and I..." I began, clutching my stomach. "We're um. We're having a baby." I announced, standing up straight. The boy's face's, pale as snow. Their eyes widened. Louis snapped back to reality and was beat red. "How long have you been pregnant?" He managed to hiss through his teeth. I bit my lip and began rubbing my stomach with the tips of my fingers. "About two or three weeks," I confessed. I looked over at Zayn who was fainted on the ground. Niall was just chewing his nail. Liam, motionless as if he were a statue. Louis barged over to Harry and firmly wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Didn't I tell you to use protection!" He bellowed in his ear. Harry winced and nodded. "We were caught in the moment, I swear I didn't know what was happening." He whined, rubbing his ear. "Louis, please, calm down. You're upsetting me." I calmly explained. "I don't care if I'm upsetting you! You can't be pregnant!" He protested. "It won't be good for the baby either, we're a little sick." I croaked.

Later that day, Louis wanted time alone, to think. To keep the boys occupied, we all went to the store. Their food supplies looked like it was running low. "I want Cheetos!" Niall whined as we walked past the crisps. "Niall, you've already gotten three bags of junk." I chuckled. He groaned and began to shake the cart. "I want junk!" He protested. "Niall, get off the cart." Liam demanded. He quickly jumped off the end. "Just showing you an example of how your kid might act." He smiled. I looked over at Harry. "I'll yell at them if they do." He assured, sticking his thumb up. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Not too mean." "Of course not, never something related to someone so beautiful." He blushed, pulling a bag of Carrots into the cart. "For Louis, they might make him happy." He explained. I sighed and nodded. "He'll get over it, right?" I asked. Zayn came running back with five bottles of hairspray. "That's on you," I point out. "Anything to make me beautiful." He smiled. Once all the boys came back with all the things the 'needed', we left.

Louis was still upset when we came back. "Lou?" I asked, rubbing his back. "What?" He mumbled into his knees, trying to hide his red face. "We got you Carrots." I smiled. He slightly turned his head and grabbed the bag. "It's getting late." Louis murmured into his knees. I sighed and began to walk out of his room. "Well, I hope you don't stay mad at us." No response. I closed the door and walked down the stairs. "Any luck?" Harry asked as we left. "No, he barely sat three sentences." We began to walk back to the house and I was getting cold. "Here," he said, taking off his jacket. I was already wearing a coat, and it was summer. Maybe it was the baby? "Thanks." I smiled wrapping the large coat over my shoulders. It smelled like Harry, his wonderful relaxing scent. Once we got inside, I slowly climbed up the stairs. Today was a long, stressful and exhausting day. 

I woke up the next morning running to the bathroom. Once I held my head over the loo, Harry came running in. "You okay?" He nervously asked, pulling my hair back. I coughed and wheezed, gasping for air. "Morning sickness," I panted, holding my stomach. The feeling rose in my throat again, causing me to vomit. "I'm so sorry." Harry cooed, rubbing my back as I threw up. "Can I get you anything?" He calmly asked. I laid my head on his bent thighs and nodded. "Some tea and my medicine?" Harry kissed my temple and picked me up. "Of course." Once he laid me in bed, he ran down the stairs. Why must I be so sick? Why? Moments later, he came back up the stairs with the things I needed. "Thanks." I smiled gratefully as I popped a pill in my mouth and swigged it down with my tea. "I don't like seeing you like this." He confessed, drawling circles in my stomach. "Well, in the next nine months, it will get worst." I explained. He pouted and lifted to stomach of my shirt up. "Theres our future," he smiled, kissing my stomach. I giggled when he did a raspberry. "Harry! That tickles!" I gasped for air. He kept on doing that until I gave up and did it back to him. 

Later that day, everyone stopped by, except Louis. Eleanor dragged me and Keira into the baby's room with a binder. "With child," I explained, holding my stomach. "Sorry, I'm just so excited!" She beamed, sitting me on the floor with Keira. "This is the baby project." She announced, holding the binder up. I looked at her confused and crossed my legs. "Should I know what that is?" "It's for picking out wall colors and other things." Keira added. I nodded. "But the thing is, we don't know the sex yet." I explained, holding my hands up. "No need to find colors yet, we can do furniture." Eleanor smiled. I sighed and took the book from her. "The red tab." She added. I rolled my eyes and flipped to the right page. Once we picked out the things not related to the gender, we went downstairs to get Harry's approval.

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