Chapter FortyEight-Telling Everyone

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Mine and Harry's family were all sitting in the great room, talking and eating their snacks while watching television. "You ready?" Harry whispered into my ear. I exhaled and nodded. Today, we were going to tell everyone. It's been a few days since Louis's little 'scene' and we better tell everyone before I show. "Everyone, take a seat, you'll need it." I explained. The room went silent, my mum and sister and Harry's family all took seats on the chairs and sofas. "So, we've got something very exciting to tell you all." Harry beamed, fidgeting with his ring. "Are you getting a puppy?" Daisy shouted. "No, we have Elouise." I explained. "Is Harry getting a haircut?" Gemma joked. He scowled at her. I ruffled his curls. "Nope, we're just going to say it." I confessed. Harry lightly squeezed my arm.

"We're having a baby." We announced. Everyone started talking. "What?" "Can I name it?" "Aw congratulations!" Was all I can hear. We motioned our hands to silence everyone. "Darcy, you're too young!" My mum protested. I looked down at my stomach. "I know, it wasn't planned." I mumbled. Harry's mum got up and hugged him and I. "Congratulation, I have to go to the loo." She said blankly. How bad was everyone taking it? My sisters and Gemma came up and hugged us. "Well, we're excited!" Phoebe beamed. I gave a fake chuckle. "Darcy, please don't do this!" My mum begged. I scowled at her, she was acting like it again. "Do what? Carry Harry and my own child in my womb for nine months, raise it and love it? Is that such a crime? I'm sorry if I disappointed you, but I am not abandoning my child, not for anything in the world." I announced. She began to cry. "If any of you won't support us, feel free to leave." Harry explained. No one left. "Good," he muttered. 

After everyone congratulated us and left, I ran up the stairs with tears in my eyes and laid on my bed. Harry came running in too. "Babe, whats wrong?" He asked, climbing on the large bed with me. I buried my face into my pillow and sobbed. "They hate it." I whined. Harry began to rub my back and make comforting noises. "They don't hate it, they're just in shock." He explained, holding me tight. "But what if they don't love the baby when it comes?" I asked. "Darcy, I already adore that child inside of you and so will they. Just give them sometime." I rolled over onto my back and nodded. Maybe he was right? "You know what?" Harry beamed. I smiled and wiped my eyes. "What?" I asked. "We get to know the baby's sex tomorrow!" He announced. I grinned and pulled him into a kiss.

Today, we were going back to the doctors for a checkup, Harry was already up at six in the morning, clearly excited. I was sitting at the kitchen counter eating two bowls of oatmeal, it's been almost five weeks and I've already got an appetite. "Why can't I stop eating?" I whined. Harry chuckled and gave me more oatmeal. "No, I'll explode!" I protested. My stomach rumbled again. "Never mind." I sighed. Harry chuckled and put the pan in the dishwasher. "It's okay, Love. Eat as much as you want." He explained, opening his laptop. "Do you think we should tell everyone?" He asked, biting his fingernail. I set my fork down. "If you think so?" I agreed. He bit his lip and logged onto Youtube. "Let's make it a video." He smiled. "So we can also make it a memory." I blushed and nodded. "Anything for my Harry!" He pressed the record button. Once we were done recording and published the video, about ten minutes later, it had seven hundred views already. "Twitter time." He beamed. 

Our feeds blew up with hate and congratulations messages, it was everywhere. "Ready to go?" Harry asked, pulling his jacket on. I nodded and hopped off the stool. Once I buttoned up my jacket which you could now see a little barely noticeable bump, we left. A short nurse opened the door to our room and had me lay on an inspection table. "Doctor Jones will be in with you any moment." She smiled, leaving the room. Harry took a seat next to me and held my hand tight. He was extremely nervous. "Do you think the baby is okay?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "You two have been doing fantastic." He added. "Not without your help, I don't know how I can thank you, I mean you skipped a few things just to make sure I was doing okay." I explained. 

Our Doctor quickly walked in. "Hey guys!" She beamed. "Hello." I smiled. "So," she began, taking a seat. "How's it going?" I looked over at Harry. "We've been doing pretty good, actually." I announced. "Anymore pains?" She asked. I bit my lip and shook my head. "None that I remember." She walked over to the ultrasound machine and grabbed the gel and wand. "You know the procedure, missy." She smirked. I pulled the stomach of my shirt halfway up, revealing the small bump. Once the cold gel sinked into my skin, she began to look around my inside. "Well, I don't know how to say this, but..."

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