Chapter Seventeen-Day With My Brother

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Louis parked the car on a sandy lot. I hopped out of my seat and smiled at the warm sunny day. As my feet touched the warm sand, a vibration went down my spine. "I haven't been to the beach in forever!" I explained, stretching in the sun light. Louis gave me a shocked look. "Really? With all your free time?" I nodded. "Didn't feel like it." Louis gave me the look. "Lazy bones!" He joked, picking me up by my thighs and putting me on his shoulders. I squealed and playfully smacked his back with my fists. "Louis! Put me down!" He laughed and laid me on the sand. "I must get revenge." I growled. He laughed and sat down next to me. "So theres a carnival in about an hour, wanna go?" He asked. I bit my lip and smiled. We use to go to that fair every year together. I looked around the beach. It was deserted, except for some kids smoking pot. "Hey, want to go get some ice cream?" Louis asked. I squinted and nodded. "Yeah, it's getting pretty warm." Louis help me up off the ground. "I think the ice cream stand is near the fair." He explained, putting his hands on his hips. "Come on!" He explained, dragging me in the direction of the fair. When we got there, I placed my hands on my thighs and panted. "I think my heart skipped a beat." I panted. Louis rolled his eyes and took his wallet out. "One strawberry and one banana gum." He explained. The young teenage girl took the money and gave us our ice cream cones. "How do you still remember?" I asked, taking my banana bubble gum ice cream. We sat down my the shore. Louis squinted and smiled. "I never forget what brings back good memories." He explained. I gave him an awe look and slid my Ray-Bans on.  

"Can I ask you something?" Louis questioned, finishing off his ice cream. I nodded. "Do you really love Harry that much?" I sighed and looked over at the ocean. "Yes, Louis, I actually do." I stated, looking at him. He grimaced. "Are you positive?" He asked. I groaned. "Yes, Louis, I'd even die for him!" I repeated. His eyes widened. "Seriously?" I held my sun hat tighter to my head as the wind blew. "C'mon, the fairs probably going to start soon." Louis mumbled, nudging my shoulder. We got up off of the sand and ran over to the fair gates. This reminded me of when my mum and dad gave us money to go play games by ourselves. We walked up to a 'big boned' woman who had red frizzy hair and a Christmas vest on. She looked like the clown from "It". "How many tickets?" She asked in a husky voice. "Two please." Louis handed her the money and we entered the fair grounds. Small children were dragging their parents over to small rides or games while other mums pulled their children off of toys they wanted. "Remember when we did that?" I asked, nudging Louis in the ribs. "I still have the urge to do it again." He whispered in a low voice. I laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. "I hope I won't have to pry you off of any human sized carrots!" 

We were in line for the largest roller coaster when a girl around fourteen came up to Louis with a picture of him. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Can I have your autograph?" Louis smiled at the girl. "Sorry, I'm on break but I'll send you a tweet?" He explained. The girl huffed and walked away. We watched her crinkle up the photo and throw it in the trash. "Rude!" I slurred. Louis casually rested his arm on my shoulder. "It's okay." He clarified. I huffed. "No, it's not. You work too hard, she should've at least respected that." I protested. "She's blinded then." Louis added. I grimaced and got onto the roller coaster. Louis hopped in next to me and pulled his harness over his body as I did the same. "Ready to melt?" Louis joked. My eyes went wide. "Is it that fast?" I asked. Louis nodded. "No, no, no I have to get out of he-" I began. Before I could finish my sentence, we were off. I began screaming like I've never screamed before. Holding my hat as hard as I could, Louis began to laugh and point. "I-hate you!" I managed to stutter over the gust of wind. Once the ride was over, Louis lead me to a table. "At least I didn't order you a chilly dog before that." Louis sympathized. "That would just be cruel." I joked. After a few hours of having fun and running around like maniacs, we decided to go home.

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