Chapter Five-Learning

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I left the bedroom and walked over to Harry's room. Knocking three times I entered. Inside was Harry who was sound asleep. Man, that medicine must've knocked him out! Slowly walking over to his side, I stroked his curls. His eyes heavily fluttered open. He smiled and looked at the clock. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" I asked. Harry nodded, "Can I have some apple juice and tacos?" I giggle, "Okay." I began to get up until Harry grabbed my hand. "Love, how are you so forgiving?" He asked giving me puppy eyes. I smiled at the ground. "Forgive and forget, right?" Harry nodded. "It's just that I thought you would give me the silent treatment like other girls do and that you aren't into me, you're...different." He explained. Different? What did he mean by that. "Different as in weird?" I asked, biting my lip. Harry chuckled, "Never, you don't squeal or talk about the music business. I like that." He added. I smiled, "Well, I'm very quiet and I don't really have any interest the famous world." I explained, walking out of the room. I turned to look at him again. He had his hands behind his head and was resting his head in them. I sighed and walked down the stairs. This couldn't be happening. Louis jumped at the ending of the stairs and surprise attacked me. "Surprise!" I fell backwards, and hit my head. Everything went black.

"What did you do!" Zayn shouted, nudging Louis. "I went to surprise hug her, but she fell backwards and hit her head on the stairs!" Louis shouted back. "That was a stupid idea!" Zayn yelled. Footsteps clunked up and down near the stairs. "Whats going on guys?" It sounded like Harry. His foot steps stopped. "What did you do!" He shouted at Louis. Louis groaned. "Shut up, Harry!" That moment later  a fight broke in. My eyes fluttered open. Louis was on top of Harry. I slowly sat up and shook my head. Looking around the room, I looked at the floor. Realizing what was going on I ran over to Louis. "Stop it!" I shouted, trying to pull him off. All the boys started saying, "Gaw!" And jumped on Louis. "For Nandos!" Niall shouted, riding Louis's back. "For Narnia!" Liam shouted, pulling my brothers hair. The thought of Louis beating up Harry was horrifying, but the thought of teenage boys riding on his back and shrieking like little girls in Barbie World was very amusing. Ah, what the heck? "I slept with Obama!" I shouted. All the yelling and fighting stopped and they all gave me a surprised look. "I aint' even mad?" I said shrugging my shoulders. Niall ran over to me. "Why! He's mine!" He shouted in my face, tackling me onto the couch. I giggled when he laid on me like a dead body. All the boys stood up but Harry who was sitting on the floor coughing. "Vas happenin' with you and Obama?" Zayn asked. I smiled, "That was just to get your attention." I explained. Zayn stuck his bottom lip out and nodded. Louis ran over to me and hugged me. "I am so sorry Darcy!" He whispered into my shoulder. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Harry." I said sternly. Louis rolled his eye and walked over to Harry. "Hazza?" Louis asked, touching Harry's shoulder.

Harry crossed his arms and turned his head left. "Hazza! Please don't be mad at me!" Louis begged, wrapping his arms around Harry's. I walked over to Harry and patted the side of his head. "Please?" I asked him, looking in his eyes. His face went soft when we made eye contact as if he didn't have a bloody nose or wasn't sick. He seemed happy. I looked into his left eye and then into his right. "All right, I forgive you Boo Bear!" Harry shouted, jumping into Louis's chest. I smiled and sat down on the couch. "To make this less awkward, I'm bringing us ice skating!" Liam bounced in, posing in a skater pose. I giggled and got up. "My head doesn't hurt too bad and if Harry is up for-" "I'm in!" Harry interrupted. I exhaled and smiled.

"We go!" Zayn shouted in an Italian accent. Louis grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the front door. "Wait mood swinger!" I said, grabbing my jacket and keys. Louis stuck his tongue out at me and pulled me outside. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry were already in the back of my BMW jumping up and down in their seats. I smiled and got in the drivers seat. Maybe it was going to be a good day? I started the car and drove off. "I'm hungry!" Niall shouted. Liam began to pull at Harry's curls and was shouting, "Susan Boyles!" Harry made a pouty face, "Darcy, make him stop!" He whined. "Darcy, make him stop!" Zayn mimicked Harry using a drawl accent. Louis began to laughing in an evil tone and was opening and closing the back seat's window. "It's too cold!" Harry again whined. Then Zayn mimicked him another time. "I will turn this car around!" I shouted over the chaos. "Wait until your fathers hear about this!" I nagged. The car went dead silent. "Don't tell daddy. He'll send me to the orphanage." Zayn whimpered. I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled into the ice arena. "We're here!" Niall screeched practically doing the tuck and roll out of the car. I parked the car and the boys ran out into the parking lot. I laughed and joined them. It was a tuesday evening so there were barely any people. We all ran up to the shoe desk. Behind the table was a fat motor cycle riding-looking man. He had a motor head mustache and a black bandana around his head. "Can I help you?" He asked in a husky voice. Louis began to snicker. "Something funny, boy?" He asked, scowling at my brother. Louis immediately stopped laughing and stood straight. "N-no, sir!" He yelped. The man looked back at me. "Shoe size?" He asked. "Um, seven?" I said unsurely, looking at the bottom of my shoe. "And for you," he asked, looking at Niall. "Uh, uh, uh," he began. I nudged Niall out of his trance. "Size eleven." He shrieked. I smiled at him and walked away with my skates. After pulling my boots off, I put my skates on. "Darce!" Louis shouted three people away from me. I turned my head his way. "What?" I asked. He looked down at his skates. I nodded and walked over. After tying them for him, he patted my head. "Good sissy!" He praised. I giggled and gave him a big hug. "Ah, I love you." I said into his chest. "As the same goes to you." Louis replied. 

We got on the ice. All of us except for Harry who was skating like a pro. "We seem to be stranded in the middle of ice!" Niall shouted, hanging on Liam. Zayn gave him an are you stupid look, "You don't say?" He laughed. I giggled and held onto Louis, who began to fall. Both of us landed on the cold ice floor. "Harry!" Louis shouted to the other side of the ice. Harry cocked his head in our direction and began to skate over to us. "We need help." Louis explained. "No problem, I'm a pro." Harry explained. He stretched his bare hand out for me. "Thanks." I said, accepting it. Harry picked me up and began to skate. "Woah, woah, woah!" I said, trying to balance my weight. "Don't worry, Darcy. I won't let you fall." Harry whispered into my hair. It seemed like he wasn't taking about skating. I blushed and held a tighter grip to his hand. "You trust me?" He asked. I bit my lip. "With all my heart," I replied. Harry looked into my eyes and smiled. "Take my arm." He explained. I hesitated for a moment then took it. His strong warm arm sent a vibration down my body. We were off. Harry kicked his left foot and began gliding. "This is amazing!" I smiled, looking at him. He smiled and held me tighter. There was a deep chip in the ice that caused me to fall into Harry's arms. I gasped as I fell into his warm chest. Our faces were inches apart and our breath was foggy. "Like I said, I won't let you fall." He whispered, looking deeply into my eyes. I bit my lip, holding back the urge to kiss him. I blinked three times and we began skating. "Favorite color?" Harry randomly asked. I thought for a moment. "Purple." I answered. Harry smiled, "Okay another question. Favorite food?" He asked. I immediately answered. "Definitely tacos," I said, smiling. "My turn." I claimed. Harry nodded. "Favorite movie?" I asked. "Don't laugh, okay?" I nodded. Harry looked left to right. "Oh god I can't believe I'm saying this but Titanic." He admitted. I giggled and nuzzled my head into his shoulder. "A softy," I assumed. "My turn." I heard Louis mutter behind us. Harry turned his body with mine and we were facing Louis, his face was inches apart from Harry's. My brother looked stern. "O-okay." Harry stuttered. "Let me just bring Darcy back to the boys." Harry added. I knew what Louis was going to do. He was going to probably yell at him again. But no the raising his voice kind of yell. But the low scary threatening tone. He gave Harry one slow nod and Harry skated past him. "I'm so sorry." I whispered into Harry's shoulder. "Don't be. It was worth it." Harry claimed. I nodded. Zayn was holding Liam's hand, who was holding Niall's hand who was holding the glass handle bar. It looked like a chain of dorks. "Thanks for the skating." I proclaimed. Harry nodded and winked.

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