Chapter ThirtyNine-Night Before Day

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Tonight was the last night I was ever going to be just Darcy Jane Tomlinson. I was pacing in the suite we booked in Paris for me and the girls to share. My sisters were already asleep but my bridesmaids weren't they were all sitting by the fire, watching The Vow, eating popcorn. I wanted time to think, alone. When I left, Danielle and Eleanor were crying over some heart warming moment while Keira, Gemma, and Gina were dead asleep on the sofa. I inhaled and paced to the kitchen. I needed water. When I got my crystal glass filled to the top, I downed it like I would never see anything like it again. I wasn't having any second thoughts, it was just that after the wedding, Harry and were going to sleep together. I know I want it with him, but not straight when we get there. Where were we going? What will we be doing? What will happen after? When will we have kids? That all fled through my mind. Maybe I just need to sleep it off.

I laid my body down on the king bed and pulled the silk sheets over myself. This isn't working, I can't sleep. I groan and burry my face into my pillow. I needed to relax. Tomorrow was the big day and I can't walk down the aisle looking like a scare crow! I again, pulled the sheets off and left my bedroom. When I walked into the living room, the credits rolled down the screen. "Do you guys want to go down to the spa and get massages with me? I can't sleep." I explained. Eleanor and Danielle turned their heads in my direction. "Definitely, my hamstrings are killing." Eleanor agreed, rubbing her thigh. They both got up off the ground and grabbed their purses. "On to it!" Danielle beamed. I chuckled and opened the door.

When we got down to the spa, we waited by a front desk. It seemed so quiet with the lights lambent and tropical rainforest sounds slowly rushing through the speakers. I examined the spa, it looked heavenly. A small waterfall in the back, circular mud bath in the center, comfortable massage beds circled the wall. A small woman walked up to us. "Hello, can I help you with anything?" She asked in her heavy French accent. "Uh, yes, we'd like massages." I explained. "Don't forget mud baths and mani-pedi's." Eleanor added. I chuckled and nodded. "Ah, yes, please add mud baths and manicures." I mentioned. The lady nodded and walked us over to the changing room. "Please change into these towels and when you're done, I will escort you to the beds." She explained. We nodded and closed our changing doors. I stripped my clothing and wrapped the long while towel around my freshly tanned and waxed body. 

After the massages and mud baths, we changed into robes and walked over to the nail salon seats. Three woman about four years older than us all, walked over and began to clean our feet and then paint them. "You nervous?" Eleanor asked. I exhaled and nodded. "Extremely nervous!" I confessed. "Just relax, you'll do great." She explained. "But you do have to tell us everything about the Honeymoon if you know what I'm saying." She added. "Eleanor!" I whisper shouted. "Thats disgusting, I will only tell you small details about that." I explained. "Well, tell me how everything except that went." Danielle asked. "Of course, normal child." I joked. Eleanor gasped and playfully glared at me. "Is it normal to have cold feet?" I asked nervously. Danielle and Eleanor giggled. "If you're getting married, yes." I sighed. "Thank god." 

When we were done, Danielle wanted to go to a sweets restaurant, sort of like The Cheesecake Factory. We were sitting in a booth, digging into a large chocolate cheesecake. "We should order another one." Eleanor begged. "No, no, no, we must fit in our dresses. Cheesecake has like one thousand calories." I explained. We all dropped our forks. "I do not want fat rolls." She explained. "Even if you did, you'd still look beautiful." I explained. "Thank you, that is the nicest thing a girl who is prettier than me has ever said!" I smiled and dropped the money on the table. "Ready to go?" I asked. We all got up from the booth and headed to the lift. Once we were back in our suite, we separated to our own room. When I opened the two large doors, I walked over to my bed and pulled the sheets over my now relaxed body.

That night, I had the strangest dream...

The two men wearing purple tuxes opened the large French doors. "Hey, why are they wearing purple?" I stressed. Louis ignored me and walked me down the aisle. "No, those are the wrong flowers!" I again stressed. Again, everyone ignored me. What was happening? Everything we designed was the complete opposite. Instead of a priest, it was a peacock, it feathers changed different colors. "What is this?" I cried. When the groom turned around, it was...Blaine...

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