Chapter TwentyTwo-Kissing Under the Mistletoe

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I looked at the necklace dumbfounded. "Told you, you would like i-" Harry began. I lightly pulled him in by the side of his neck and kissed him passionately on the lips. It took Harry a moment to realize I was kissing him, he finally figured it out and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me deeper. "How can I ever thank you?" I gasped. Harry bit his lip and smiled. "Don't say anything, Darling." I blushed at the ground. "How did you know?" Harry sighed. "When we were in the shopping mall, I saw Eleanor drag you and Danielle into that overly priced shop and watched from then on." Harry smiled. I sighed. "You really are the kindest man I've ever known." I explained. Harry smiled and reached for my hand, he softly kissed the top of it. "I love you, Darcy." Harry explained. I kissed the top of his head. "And I love you, Harry Edward Styles." I Echoed back.

"Harry, I don't want you to think I didn't get you anything but your gift will arrive here in the early morning." I explained. "Don't worry, Babe." Harry said cooly. I smiled and buried my head into his chest. This moment was perfect, 'Silver Bells' was playing in the dead silence of our peace. Harry and I were cuddling by the small fireplace, drinking more hot chocolate. Everything was perfect. I looked into the open fire wondering why my life was so complete. Time to time Harry glanced over at me, smiling like an idiot. "What?" I asked. Harry bit his moist lip. "You've got some cream on your lip." He explained. I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth. Harry carefully took my hand off my face and pressed his soft strong lips onto mine. "Got it." Harry whispered, tugging a strand of hair behind my ear. I pulled him into another kiss. My hand was on the back of his head, softly playing with his lower curls. "Happy Christmas, my princess," Harry slowly whispered into my ears, goose bumps erected on the back of my neck. "Happy Christmas, Sweet Heart," I whispered back.

'Baby Its Cold Outside' began to play. "Dance with me." Harry demanded, standing from his seat. I bit my lip and took his hand. Harry gave me a toothless smile and put his hand on my lower waist and started swaying. "Baby its cold out side!" We chorused. Harry gave a low chuckle and spun me around. I giggled and rested my head on his upper chest. Harry grumbled in victory. "This is the best Christmas I've ever had." Harry confessed. "I agree with you there." I smiled. Harry nuzzled his cheek on the top of my head. "I'm sorry about your horrible past." Harry stated. I sighed, no one's ever really said that to me before, he caught me off guard. "Its fine, the past is the past." I explained. "And the future is a mystery." Harry added. "But you know what I don't get?" I asked. "What?" He asked, spinning me around. "I never found out why my parents were never there for me?" I confessed. "Some people just don't like drama." Harry explained. The truth was so disgusting.

I looked up at the ceiling and noticed a mistletoe. "Harry, look." I explained. Harry bit his lip and pulled me in closer. His warm lips brushed against mine. The moment was perfect. I bit at the bottom of Harry's lip, making him groan in pleasure. "I can't never have enough of your kisses." Harry whispered into my neck. I giggled. "Tonight was the best night of my life."  I smiled and yawned like a little kitty. "Oo someones tired?" Harry asked, looking down at me. I scrunched my eyes and nodded. "Don't worry, Hazza is here to say the day!" Harry joked. I giggled. He swept me of my feet and held me in his arms. "I'm too heavy." I whined. "Nonsense!" Harry protested. I rolled my eyes as he carried me out of the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me up the stairs. My eyes began to droop.

Harry quietly grunted and carefully laid me on my soft warm bed. I inhaled and woke up. "Sorry," I apologized. "Don't be, Kitten." Harry smiled, laying down next to me. I slowly got up off the bed and walked over to my dresser. I took out a red tank top and green short. I turned my back to Harry and took my sweater off. "Your back is so pretty, I wish I could see your front." Harry complemented me. "Hazza! When the time comes, you can see my front." I explained. Harry cheered in victory. "Now close your eyes unless you want to see my bum." I explained. Harry made an oo sound. "My hands are asleep." Harry lied. "I'm serious." I explained. Harry playfully groaned and put his hands over his eyes. "And no peeking!" I added. Harry flipped his hair as an agreement. After I quickly changed, I got in bed and pulled the large fluffy covers over Harry's bare body which was only draped in black briefs from Calvin Klein. His abs looked deeper and more attractive tonight, as if he worked out. "You  know you can't resist, Love." Harry flirtatiously stated. I bit my lip. "Good night, Harry," I concluded. Harry propped himself on one shoulder. "Good night and I love you." Harry winked. I blushed and he pulled me into his bare chest.

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