Chapter TwentySix-Suspicion

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About three hours of watching them shoot and Niall laughing the whole entire time, they had a break. It was a huge relief, after all, I had to watch Harry fake flirt with Miranda who seemed to be having a good time. "Hey, babe," Harry said, hugging me. "Hey," I responded. Harry ducked to my height and looked me in the eyes. "Darcy, are you okay?" He asked. I bit my lip and looked at the ground. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired." I lied. He smiled and hugged me. "I'm sorry that you're tired then." He murmured into my hair. I looked up at him and softly kissed him on the lips. "I'll go get us some tea." I explained. Harry kissed my forehead and let go. "Cherry, please?" He asked with a smile. I giggled and nodded. 

When I got to the tea shop, there was a small line. I sighed and took my place. I hope this doesn't take forever. In front of me, there was a girl with light blonde hair. "Haley?" I asked, tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around. "Oh, hi, sorry I'm not Haley." She said with a smile. "Sorry, I thought you were one of my old friends." I explained. She smiled. "I'm Keira by the way." She explained, extending her hand. "Darcy," I said, accepting it. "Not to be rude or anything, but are you from here?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, I visiting from London," I explained. "Oh nice! Whats it like?" She asked. "At the moment, cold," I joked. We chuckled. "Look, the lines moving up!" She joyed. I looked over a tall mans shoulder and saw that we were only three people away. "Finally, I've been craving tea all day." I explained. "Oh gosh! Me too, I've been 'sober' for three hours, can't live without it." Keira explained. "Exactly, it's a drug I tell you!" I said, holding my fist up to the air. It was finally Keira's turn. She ordered the same thing I was ordering. Once I ordered my two teas, we walked out of the building together. "It was nice meeting you." I said with a smile as we were going our separate ways. "Wait, can I have your number?" She asked. I nodded. Once we traded numbers, I left. Hey, I just made a new friend. 

I arrived at the studio again. It must've still been a break because the crew was swarming the streets with more props. Zayn was outside doing a smoke. I sighed and walked over to him. "Zayn, please?" I begged. He looked at me then looked at his cigarette. "I'm sorry, Darcy, I've been trying really. I've cut back to two a day." He explained. I patted his shoulder. "And you're doing a good job." I encouraged him. Zayn smiled and sucked in the smoke. I sighed and opened the metal door. Inside the director was bossing the crew around on how he would like the lighting. Louis was sitting on a loft chair talking to Eleanor on his mobile phone. He waved to me as I walked down the hall to Harry's dressing room. When I got to the door, there was murmuring. "Just kiss me already." A girl voice moaned. There was then giggling. I quickly opened the door to find Miranda sitting on Harry's lap, sucking his face. "H-Harry," I whimpered. He quickly pulled Miranda off his body. "Darcy, it's not what you think." He explained. Anger and fear began to build in my body. "I know exactly what this is." I whispered, holding back the tears. "She was over-" He began. "Yeah, over me! I've heard that before!" I shouted. I pried off the necklace Harry gave me for Christmas and threw it at his feet and began to walk away. "Hey, don't you walk away from me!" Harry shouted, grabbing my wrist. I dropped the tea and slapped him right across the face. "I never want to see you again, you cheating bastard!" I shouted, running out the door. He chased after me. "Leave me alone, Harry!" I shouted. We were standing in front of everyone. "Let me explain?" He begged. I shook my head. "No, leave me alone." I cried, licking my salty tears off my lower lip. Just then, Louis tightly grabbed ahold of Harry's shoulder. "What did you do? I swear to god I'm going to kill you!" He shouted. "I'm going." I whispered, wiping away the tears with my hand. 

I ran out the studio's door holding onto my purse for gods life. All the memories of Harry flooded my head. All the times his soft lips touched mine, a waste. "Take me to the hotel, please." I ordered one of the body guards. He nodded and walked me to the car. When he opened the car door for me, Harry came running out with Louis on his heels. "Please!" He cried, tears were running down his face. "Please!" He shouted, banging on the cars glass door. I curled up like a ball in the seat and began crying. The car started rolling away. I looked out the back window and saw Harry curled up on the ground crying. "Have you ever got your heart broken." I murmured to the man. He sighed. "Carmella," he sighed. I nodded. "Does it go away? The emotions?" I asked. "Sometimes, I still think about her." He confessed. I patted him on the shoulder as he began to cry. "We'll get ice cream some time." I said, getting out of the car. He nodded and grabbed a tissue. The hotel looked empty, everyone was probably touring the city, enjoying the memories. When I walked inside, the host welcomed me. I gave her a fake smile and ran over to the lift. I wanted to leave. Now. I pressed the button and began to get carried to my level. When I got to my room, I grabbed the key and swiped it. Inside it looked the same as when Harry and I were together. Happy and had nothing to worry about.

I walked up the stairs to mine and Harry's room. Inside, it was dark and the curtains were drawn. I slowly walked over to my luggage and pulled out two bottles of Tylenol 3. I've been broken so many times before, I wanted it all to end. I walked into the bathroom and stood near the sink. A tear streamed down my face, causing my vision to go blurry. After inhaling a shaky final breath, I popped the bottle open and pulled out a white pill. It's almost the end, Darcy, don't worry. I whispered to myself. Sliding the pill into my mouth, I grabbed another. Pill after pill I began to have stomach pains. One more bottle, Darcy and I promise it will be over. I loosely dropped the empty bottle. Random visions submerged in my mind. Louis teaching me how to drive. Laughing while running a stop light. Meeting Harry and his scent. This was going to be gone. Blaine beating me, that awful night. I began to twist the second bottles top when the door opened. Harry looked at me. "Put that down!" He cried. "No!" I weakly protested. He ran over to the bottle and pried it from my hands, causing the pills to fly everywhere. "Look what you've done!" I wailed. Louis came running in. "Darcy!" He cried. I felt dizzy, like I couldn't stand anymore. My brother knew I was going to fall backwards and caught me in time. "I want to die!" I cried as he held me in his lap, on the ground. "I want to die!" I again cried. The other boys walked into the bathroom with a look on their faces as if they saw a ghost. Niall began to cry. "Please don't die, Darcy." He whimpered. I looked one last time at Harry who was balancing his weight on the wall, holding his heart and balling. "Louis," I weakly announced, looking up at him. His tears hit my face. "Yes, Darcy?" He asked. "I love you." 

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