Chapter FiftyThree-Competition

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It's been a few months and the babies can already sit up. I swear they are growing too fast. Harry and I were snuggling on the sofa with Ivy and Louis. Louis's little head was resting on my chest, his mouth was in a perfect 'O'. "Do you think they can crawl?" I asked, rubbing his back. "Want to try?" Harry asked, kissing Ivy on the head. "Will they get hurt?" Harry shook his head. "Not on our watch, they won't." I smiled and carefully laid Louis on a yellow blanket on the floor. Harry did the same with Ivy, who was wide awake. "Can you two crawl for mummy and daddy?" I cooed. Ivy sat up and squealed, clapping her hands. Harry and I chuckled. "I'm taking that as a yes?" I grinned. Ivy looked over at her brother, who was squirming around like a worm. "How 'bout you too?" I asked, rubbing his belly. Ivy scrunched her nose at Louis and began to get on her rolled knees. Harry ran to the opposite side of the room as I did to the other. "Are you going to crawl?" He asked. She made struggling noises and managed to crawl to me. "Thats a girl, come to mummy!" I beamed. Harry did a pouty lip and hunched over. "Good Ivy!" I grinned, holding her up in the air. "Now go crawl to daddy." I smiled. She giggled and got back on her knees. Looking over at Louis, I knew he was envious and got on his knees.

After he crawled for a moment, he began to get on his feet. "Harry, look." I gasped as he came trotting towards me. Harry gasped and held Ivy tight. "G-good job sweetie!" It took me a moment to capture this moment. Louis was walking. When he was close, he collapsed into my arms. "I'm so proud!" I chuckled, holding him to my chest. Ivy looked jealous. She huffed and nuzzled up in her daddy's arms. Louis just smirked. "Hey, be nice to sissy." I kissed his soft cheek.

Later that night, we took the babies on a walk. Of course, Louis was holding my hand while Ivy scowled in her stroller. When we were done, Harry and I tucked the babies in bed and went straight to bed as well.

The next morning, Harry and I had an interview. We strapped the babies in the car and drove off. "I wonder if we can show the world our little angels?" I asked. Harry bit his lip and smiled. "I hope so too." When we got there, security guards were holding back the cameras and fans. "Can I hold your babies?" People asked. We shook our heads and held our babies close. Ivy began to whimper into my shoulder. "Shh, we're almost at the door." I cooed, kissing her bald head. She wiped her nose on my breast and hid behind my waves. A lady opened the door for us and lead us to a changing room to wait. When we got inside, Louis and Ivy began to wail, clearly scared from the screaming and cameras. "Its time." A lady said through the door. I glared at the ground and tried to quiet the babies. "Go without me, I'll be in soon." I explained, lightly bouncing the babies.

About ten minutes later, I walked onto the stage, holding the babies to my chest. The crowd began to cheer and Harry walked over and carefully grabbed Ivy, kissing me on the lips. "Ah, well this is baby Ivy and Louis!" The show host announced. I never got his name. I took a seat and held Louis to my lap. "So tell me, Darcy." He said. "How did you know Harry was the one?" I bit my lip and looked into the large crowd. "I think it was when I was helping him that night in the alley." I confessed, as Louis wrapped his hand around my finger and began to gurgle. "Aw, very sweet, very sweet," he stated. "Now Harry, when did you fall in love with Darcy?" He asked. "The first time I laid eyes on her." I blushed and twisted my foot around the floor. "You're blushing, Darcy." The man teased. The audience began to awe. "When you both found out Darcy was pregnant, how did the others react?" Harry and I looked at each other for a moment. "Scared for us, I guess." Harry confessed. "But are you happy to have the babies?" He added. "Yes," we both responded.

After the show, Harry and I took the babies out with us to lunch. We entered a cafe and ordered our food. "That was fun." I explained as Harry pushed in my chair. Ivy began to giggle in her high chair as well, she loved the attention. "It was, truly." Harry blushed. A group of girls walked over to us. "Can we have a photo?" One of them asked. Harry and I smiled and got the babies out of their high chairs. "On the count of three!" One of them grinned, holding her camera to her eye. "One...Two...Three!" She took the picture, but then...

This wasn't good, it was awful, it took me a moment to realize what was happening. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't!....

Oh no! I hope everything is okay!-Maddie

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