Chapter TwentyEight-Mind Making

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We finally got home around five in the morning. I looked out the car window and saw my bedroom light on. "Hey, I'll be right back." I explained, running out of the car. Maybe it was Harry? I walked up the two steps and quietly opened up the front door. Elouise was waiting by the couch. She meowed and crawled over to me. I bent down and began petting her. "I'll be right back, Love." I whispered. She purred and laid on the ground. I walked over to the stairs and began to climb each one with effort. When I got to the top, I tip toed over to my bedroom and quietly opened the door. Inside was Harry. Laying on the bed with a swollen red face. He was facing the opposite wall when I walked in. I carefully walked over to the other side and laid next to him. "I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear. He quickly turned to face me. Harry's eyes widened. "Darcy!" He cried, holding me tight. A tear slid down my face. "Harry." I whispered into his shoulder. His shoulders began to jolt up and down. "I am so sorry, Darcy." Harry wept. I sighed. "It was the past, I'm fine." I cried. He looked at me. "No, you're not. You were hospitalized because of me. Don't ever do that again!" Harry explained. I nodded and began to cry on his shoulder. "Take me back?" I asked. Harry smiled and wiped the tears away with his thumb. I smiled back and pulled him into a kiss. "You're not moving out." I whispered into his ear.

Harry looked down at my hand and took it. "Together, we will go downstairs." He explained. I took a deep breath and nodded. Harry squeezed my hand and opened the door. When we walked down the stairs, Louis was in the kitchen eating a sandwich. When Harry walked in behind me, our hands still linked, he dropped his sandwich and gave us wide eyes and walked up in Harry's face. "I'm very much appreciate it if you would unlink your hand with my sisters." Louis growled. Harry squeezed it one more time and let go. "Darcy, can I have a minute with you." Louis muttered, dragging me into the study.

He slammed the door, causing Elouise to hiss. "Why are you back with that arse!" He shouted. I bit my lip. "He explained to me what happened and I believe him." I explained. Louis huffed in frustration. "And did it come to mind that you should've asked me first?" He infuriated. I rolled my eyes. "Like I had to get your permission!" I shouted back. "You know what, I'm tired of all this crap you've been giving me! Haven't you've ever heard of privacy!" I protested. Louis slammed on the desk. "God dammit, Darcy! I am your brother!" He shouted back. I chuckled. "Ha, like it's your responsibility to keep me away from all the things I love! Did I protest when you started dating Eleanor?" Louis grumbled and walked up close to me. "Fine! But if he ever breaks your heart again, I'm not going to help." I frowned. "Thanks mum and dad." I mimicked. Louis's jaw dropped. "Oh my god, I didn't mean it like that." He explained, pulling me into a hug. "I know you didn't." I confessed.

Louis and I walked out of the study and into the kitchen. Harry was sitting at the table, picking at a piece of bread. I walked over to him and kissed his head. "You guy's okay?" He asked. Louis put his hands in his pockets and nodded. Harry smiled and grabbed my waist and kissed me. "But I would still like a word with you, Mr. Styles." Louis explained, pointing to the study. Harry nodded and followed Louis. I sighed and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a Greek Strawberry yogurt. After pouring granola and blueberries in the cup, Harry and Louis walked back in. Harry nodded at Louis and sat at the counter with me. "Hey, Love," Harry smiled, putting his warm hand on my thigh. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Hey," I said, kissing his cheek. Harry gazed at me for a moment. "What?" I asked. Harry moved a strand of hair out of my face. "I'm just so lucky to have you back." He explained. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. "I'm going to do something special for you. You wait and see." Harry explained. I looked at him, confused. "Nah, you don't have to." I protested. Harry stroked my thigh. "I want to." He explained.

It was around eleven, Harry and I decided to go to bed. He was sitting on my bed, reading a teen magazine while I picked my pj's out. "These people need to get lives." He said, ripping out a page and crinkling it. I set my flannel shorts and silk tank top on the bed and reached for the page. "What is it?" I asked, unfolding it. Inside there was a picture of me running out of the LA studio wish tears running down my face and Harry chasing after me. "Wonder what happened? Turn to page twenty-six for the scoop." I read aloud. I also took the magazine out of Harry's hand and began to read. "Sources from secret supplier, Harry Styles was found locking lips with another young woman last Thursday. Reporters say young Darcy Tomlinson was hospitalized for drug abuse and was released the next day, clearly a suicide attempt. Will this now not-so-perfect cutie couple hook back up?" I gasped.

"H-How'd they know this?" I whispered, sitting down on the bed. "Miranda, I'm pretty sure. She was the only one in the room." Harry explained, putting his arm around me. I sighed and got up and began to pace the room. "I swear to god that I will get my hands on the bitch one day!" I announced. Harry grimaced. "Lets not worry about this until the morning." Harry suggested. I sighed and nodded. "You're right." I agreed. Harry smiled and walked over to me. He pulled me in by my waist and kissed me, softly on the jaw. "I love you, Darcy." He whispered into my neck, causing me to get goosebumps. I chuckled and hugged him tight. "I love you too, nothing and I mean nothing will ever get between us again, I swear." I said. Harry nodded in agreement. "Deal." He whispered. I playfully pushed him off. "I have to get dressed." I explained. He chuckled and sat on the bed facing me. "Fine, I'll turn the other way." I smiled. He sighed. I turned my back to him and slid my t-shirt off. After doing that, I let my light brown hair down from its bun. Causing the bottom to have ringlets. Harry sighed in pleasure when I did that action. I giggled and pulled on a sports bra and my silk tank top. I quickly took my shorts off, revealing my bum which was cover in black Victoria's Secret underwear. Harry whistled as I put on my shorts. "Thats as much action you will ever see!" I explained. Harry stood up and wrapped his arms around me. "Not if I marry you." He whispered into my neck. I blushed and turned his jaw with my palm and kissed him firmly. He grumbled in pleasure and kissed me tighter. "Marry me." He groaned under the kiss. "No," I played hard to get. "Darcy Tomlinson, you stubborn little angel!" Harry joked, kissing me again.

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