Chapter Six-Band-Aids

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We were sitting on the couch watching 'Across The Universe'. I was snuggled up with my brother. "Close your eyes, Darcy." Louis warned. "Louis, I'm eighteen and I think I've seen a breast before." I explained. All the boys turned their heads in my direction. "I'm a girl!" I whined. They nodded in agreement and went back to the movie. The credits began to play and I got up to turn the DVD player off. "I liked that movie." Niall said. I laughed and nodded my head, "Me too." Walking over to the couch, "My favorite part was the beginning." I explained, dancing with an invisible dance partner, "Hold me tight, let me go on loving you. Tonight, tonight, making love to only you!" I sang. All the boys started laughing, "You better not be making love with your invisible dance partner!" Louis joked. I giggled and sat down.

My pocket began to play, 'Viva La Viva' by Coldplay. Looking at the screen the caller ID was Blaine. I put the warm phone to my ear. "Hey babe," I answered. "Hey, I'm going to treat you to a nice dinner at Kings Yomay." He announced. I smiled, "You're going to do that?" I asked in surprise. "Yeah, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes." He grimaced into the phone. "Great, see you soon." I said. After hanging up the phone I looked at Louis. "I have to go on a date with Blaine." I explained, running up the stairs. I ran into my bedroom and pulled a knee lengthened light blue sun dress. After applying a light blue eye shadow and clear strawberry lip gloss, I curled my hair and put it up in a half do. Running down the stairs, Louis was waiting at the bottom. "Where are you going?" He asked. I bit my lip. "Kings Yomay." I explained, walking into the living room. "And when will you be back?" He asked. I sighed, "I'm not sure, but I'll call you when I get and leave there." I promised. Louis hesitated, then nodded. 

The door bell rang and all the boys answered it. Standing on the door mat was Blaine, wearing a light purple button up shirt and nice trousers. He was holding a red rose and was smirking. "Hey pretty boys." Blaine barked, inviting himself in. Louis and the boys scowled. "Wheres my girl?" He asked walking through the hallway. I walked out of the living room and saw Blaine. He bit his lip and looked up and down. "You look sexy." He explained. I smiled and gave him a hug and kiss. "Ready to go?" I asked. He smiled down at me. "More than ready." We walked past Louis and went through the door. Blaine gave a quick smack on my arse causing me to leap in the air. I heard Louis and the boys growl in fury,  but Harry huffed the most. Blaine opened the passenger door for me and closed it when I sat down. He ran to the drivers seat and began to drive. "I'm so excited." I whispered. He nodded and turned the stereo to full blast and was singing along to a heavy rock band. I clenched my ears together the whole entire ride there. 

Blaine sat down in his chair and winked at me. I smiled and began to look at the menu. Moments after searching, Blaine began to rub my thigh. I giggled, "Blaine, stop it." I said smiling. He licked his lips, telling me what he was thinking. I sighed and took a sip of my red wine. "After this do you want to go back to my place?" He whispered over to my ear. I smiled and looked at him, "I'm not falling for that trick, Honey." I whispered. Blaine bent his head backwards and groaned. I gave him a sympathetic look and gave him a kiss on the lips. A low male voice cleared his voice. Blaine and I separated. "Hey guys, I'm Abbott and I'll be your waiter tonight." The tall teenager announced. He was tall and very skinny with short blonde hair. Blaine gave a loud sigh and looked at his menu. "I'll have crab cakes." He said, not making any eye contact with Abbott. He began to write the order down. "And for you, miss?" He asked. I handed him my menu and looked him in the eyes. "I'll have the same." The waiter nodded and walked away. Blaine began to play with my hand. "Since we can't go back to my place, do you want to go for a stroll in the park." Blaine begged. I smiled and nodded, "I'd love to." Blaine grinned and looked around the restaurant. The lights were dim and the walls were a dark red. People were talking and plates were being clacked with forks and knives. Our food came and we began to eat. After Blaine paid for the dinner we left.

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