Chapter Thirty-Two Years Later

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It's been two years since Harry and I've been together. I  know right, two years? Harry and I are now twenty years old. I've taken my photographing, filming, and drawling skills to the next level by taking professional classes. Unfortunately, the classes are over. Luckily, One Directions management says I can do the photo shoots and get paid. I refused the money part. It's just weird taking pictures of my boyfriend, brother and very close friends and get paid for it. The fans love the pictures so far. I think it's because I've added more of their personalities into it, rather than professional celebrity personalities. We've done chilling at home with Elouise and I, going iceskating. Like the first time we did something together. I think the boys are really pleased with my work. 

"So, we've got a concert coming up next week." Louis explained at the dinner table. Tonight, we were having Chicken Piccata. The boys were gone for the day at a signing, when they came home, they were tired and hungry. "Darcy, we need to tell you something. " Harry explained. I creased my eyebrows in concern. "What is it, dear?" I asked. Harry sighed. "Well, um, our last concert of the season is on our anniversary." He began. "But also, we wanted you to go to it and walk the red for our tour DVD." He added. I set my fork down and smiled. "I would love to go." I explained. "And you're not mad?" Niall asked. I shook my head. "Of course not." I said, relaxing. Harry got up and kissed me on the lips. "Thank you so much, darling." About fifteen minutes later, everyone was done. The boys all put their plates in the dishwasher to clean overnight. "So, how about me and you go to bed?" Harry whispered, pulling me closer by the waist. I giggled and nodded. 

About three days later, the boys were getting anxious, like something was going on. "You guys okay?" I asked, taking a photo of them on the lawn. "Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Louis laughed. "I don't know-" I began. I bent over and took a shot. "You just seem fidgety, lately?" I explained, running my fingers through long natural hair, causing it to go to the side. Harry blushed when I did that action, gripping Liam and Zayn's shoulders tighter. "Ow, you're hurting me!" Liam whined. Harry patted Liam shoulder. "You can hurt me now." He explained. Liam gripped Harry's shoulder, causing him to squeal like a little girl. "That hurt!" He whimpered. Liam laughed in justice."No hurty, hurty boys." I playfully scowled them. They pouted. "But he started it!" Liam whined. "Well, boys, I'm going to end it." I chuckled. "I need to go grab my jacket." I explained, rubbing my shoulders. It was getting colder and colder. But it was spring! When I came back outside, I wrapped my navy green jacket over my black button up shirt, which looked as short as something Bella Swan would wear. But not that short. I didn't want to reveal anything. It was just that it shrunk in the dryer when Niall did the laundry. "I like it short." Niall explained. I rolled my eyes while Louis and Harry smack him across the head. "Stop...You're ruining his hair." I explained. "Love you to, Darce." Niall joked. I hung my black camera around my shoulder and swiped my finger quickly through his hair. "Much better." I explained, smiling.

That night, I quietly walked out of Harry and I's room to go get a midnight snack. It was raining cats and dogs. Elouise was silently sleeping at the end of Harry and I's bed. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I was biting the inside of my cheek, praying that it wouldn't thunder. Thunder was my biggest fears. I know I sound like my little sisters, but it's true. When I was little, I saw a dog get struck by lighting. When I got to the fridge, I pulled out goat cheese, strawberries and crackers out of the pantry. Walking over to the counter, I took a seat and began eating my snack. About three minutes later, Niall walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Darcy," he grumbled in his sleep. I waved in exhaustion. "Whats that?" Niall asked, pointing to my snack. "Something healthy," I explained. He scrunched his nose in displeasure. "I'll pass." Niall began to make a sandwich. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked, when he sat down. "Nah, I eat every night. How about you?" He explained. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm afraid of thunder." I explained. Niall smiled while taking a bite of his sandwich. "It's not funny." I whined. "I know, it's just that it hasn't thundered yet." He explained. "I know that, but it will." I mumbled.

About ten minutes later, I walked back up the stairs. There was a rumbling noise. Oh god, I know that noise. The sky then screeched. My heart rate increased as I began to run up the stairs. "Harry!" I cried, hiding under the blankets. He immediately woke up. "What's wrong!" He questioned in concern. "It's the thunder!" I cried into the pillow. He pulled me into his bare chest and held me tight. "Elouise, come lay next to Mummy." Harry explained. Elouise stretched and laid on my pillow. "Here, hold this." Harry explained handing me a raggedy blue cloth. "What is this?" I whimpered. Harry kissed my head. "It's um, my baby blanket." He confessed in embarrassment. I smiled and held it tight. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course, you can snuggle with it anytime you want." Harry explained, holding me tighter. I smiled. "Thank you." I pulled my self closer into his warm chest. I felt so safe. If someone tried to hurt me in his arms, it would be impossible. Harry was like my protection field. "I love you." I whispered, closing my eyes. "I love you more." He whispered. "Thats impossible," I mumbled, falling asleep.

In two days, it will be the concert and premiere. Eleanor and Danielle were waiting in the living room for me. Today, we were going dress shopping. Uh, today is going to be a long day. I walked down the stair. "Hey," I smiled. Eleanor got up and ran to me. She gave me a huge hug. "I missed you girlfriend!" She laughed. I smiled and hugged her back. "Danielle, how are you?" I asked, giving her a casual hug. "Pretty good, how about yourself?" She asked. I smiled. What a sweet girl? We were somehow alike with the calm and easy going personalities. "I'm doing well too." Eleanor dragged us out of the house and into her car. When I closed the door, Eleanor started driving as fast as a woman could go. "Woah, woah, woah, Eleanor slow down!" I laughed. "Can't I saw a dress you would love at a boutique yesterday and we need to get it before someone else does." She explained. 

We got to the small boutique and Eleanor dragged Danielle and I into the store. "There it is." She said, snatching it off the hanger. "This is the one I saw. You need to try it on." She said. I bit my lip and thought. "For me at least?" Eleanor begged. I sighed. "All right, I'll try it on for you." I confessed. She smiled and handed it to me. "It's the right size, a two." She explained. "Perfect." I said, walking into the dressing room. I slipped out of my current dress and pulled this one over my shoulders. Looking in the mirror, I gasped. I looked perfect. The dress was a rose color. Simply baby pink. The top had a cut of cloth roses hanging off of it, leaving the bottom flowing. This dress melted into my shape, showing my figure. I was actually fully confident. "Can we see?" Eleanor asked. I opened the door and walked in front of the full body mirror. Danielle and Eleanor gasped. "You look gorgeous." They chorused. I smiled and twirled. "I feel gorgeous." I giggled. "I also thought these heels would go great with that dress." Eleanor added, handing my matching heels. "I don't know, I'm not that good at walking in heels." I explained. "I'm sure you'll do fine." Eleanor reassured. I sat down and strapped the heels on. "Now walk." She politely ordered. I stood from the chair and began to wobble. "Okay, maybe not." Danielle confessed. "Here, these flats would look even better." Eleanor explained. I took them from her hands and easily slipped them on. "Much better." I announced. 

Once we all bought our dresses. Even the one I tried on, we went out for dinner. "Welcome to Le Cafe, I'm Katy and I will be your waitress tonight. Can I start you out with any drinks?" She asked. Danielle went first. "Can I please have a hard tea?" Katy took her order. "I'll have the same." I explained. "Just tea, I'm driving." Eleanor explained. "Oo, we got a mature girl on girls night out!" I joked. Eleanor laughed. "Well, I do love having a non-wrecked car." She joked. We all laughed and our drinks came. "So, when do you think Louis is going to propose?" Danielle asked, taking a sip of her drink. Eleanor sighed. "Uh, soon I hope. I mean, we've been together for three years." I nodded my head. "Exactly, they just want to take their time while we're getting old." I explained. "Amen to that, sister!" Eleanor raised her glass. "When do you think Liam's going to ask?" I asked Danielle. She began to stir her straw. "I don't know, he's so slow." She explained. "Well, Liam is pretty shy. Maybe he just wants the right time, hopefully in a few months?" I suggested. "Hopefully, our little human eggs are dying!" Eleanor protested. I laughed. "Big Bird won't be too pleased!" I joked. 

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