Chapter Nineteen-At Last

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I woke up to Louis's excessive snoring. He was pretty much knocked out from the day before. I got out of bed and pulled my slippers on. As I tip toed out of the bedroom, I ran into shirtless Zayn. "God, you scared me!" I whispered. Zayn held his hands in front of him. "Sorry, didn't mean to." He whispered back. I smiled. "I'll let you off with a warning." I joked. He smiled and walked into my room and I followed. "Just have to grab my clothes." I explained. He nodded and went back to sleep. Lazy bones. I pulled out a large white sweater and jeggings. The weird things was that yesterday it was warm and there was no snow, and today we had at least two feet of snow this morning. I walked into my bathroom and pulled my clothes on. After I loosely curled my light brown hair, I applied a small amount of makeup. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Harry fast asleep with a huge grin on his face. Must be dreaming good? 

I began making blueberry pancakes. As I began flipping the tenth pancake, the boys came down stairs yawning and stretching. "Had a good nights sleep?" I asked. They all nodded. I looked over at Harry who was standing on the other side of the counter smiling like a creep. "Good morning to you Mr Happy Pants!" Louis walked in and smiled at Harry. "Hey, I want to try something." Harry whispered into my ear, pulling my into his body. We melted into each other perfectly. He softly grabbed my jaw and kissed me with his soft moist lips."Harry, what are you doing?" I asked concerned that Louis would strangle him.  "I'll hide the knives." Zayn suggested. "Its cool, man." Louis gestured. I looked away from Harry and raised and eyebrow. "Are you serious?" I blurted. Louis bit his lip and nodded. "You see, we worked it out together last night." Harry added. I pulled his closer with my arms wrapped around my neck. "You're the best!" Louis cleared his throat. "Aren't you forgetting someone?" Louis asked, opening his arms. I smiled and ran into my brothers arms. "Thank you so much, Louis." I whispered into his shoulder. "Anything for my sister!" He smiled. I kissed him on cheek. "Oh, I almost forgot the pancakes!" I announced, running over to a plate of pancakes and syrup. Niall squealed of joy. I laughed as I set the plate down. Harry pulled my chair out for me. "Thank you, sweet heart." I acclaimed. Harry kissed my cheek. "You're welcome, Love." It felt so right to be able to kiss and show love to Harry in front of Louis. 

As I began to eat my pancakes, Harry gave me a footsie. I blushed and did it back. "Um, Harry? Why'd you just footsie me?" Liam asked. Harry made a face and looked over at the window. "I did no such thing!" Harry protested. Liam rolled his eyes and went back to his food. "So what are we going to do today?" Louis asked. "Go Christmas shopping and decorating?" I asked. All the boys agreed. (Sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas. I won't make it religious!) After we finished our breakfast, I put the plates in the dish washers and waited for the boys to get ready. About ten minutes later, they all walked down the stairs. "Hey, is it okay if I invite Eleanor?" Louis asked. "Not problem to me?" The boys agreed. "And can I invite Danielle? I need to find out what she wants for Christmas." Liam asked. I nodded. "You guys don't need permission you know." I explained they all smiled. "We need girlfriends!" Niall and Zayn whined. "Or we can have each other." Niall joked, giving Zayn a pedo look. I laughed and got off the couch.

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